Wholesale distributor of premium cycling and sporting good brands. Committed to excellence in product offerings, service, and happy customers 😄. [read more]
Introducing CBD vape BUDDY, a simple and convenient way to address your concerns. Created with pure CBD, with no THC, to help promote well-being. . [read more]
Classical, jazz, pop piano and keyboard lessons. - Piano, vocal entertainment. [read more]
We are a seafood truck, serving the best of the sea and offering you the best service. WE ARE LA 57. [read more]
We here at TheiLashPlace desire to spice up every woman's life. Whether you're heading into the office, or out on a date we've got you covered. . [read more]
Color Street Nail Sets for purchase! This lasts on my nails for 2 to 3 weeks at a time!. [read more]
We clean and maintain carpeting with our top-of-the-line equipment and cleaning products that keep the environment in mind. We’ve served thousands of customers and offer a friendly and.. [read more]
NMLS 284418 CA Real Estate 02049570. [read more]
Welcome to my Motivational Facebook Page. The way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens to you. [read more]
ペトコ・パーク(PETCO Park)は、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州サンディエゴにある野球場。メジャーリーグベースボール(MLB)のサンディエゴ・パドレスが本拠地球場としている。概要パドレスは1969年の球団創設以来クアルコム・スタジアムを本拠地にしていた。クアルコム・スタジアムはアメリカンフットボールのNFLサンディエゴ・チャージャーズとの兼用だった。しかし、1990年代に入ってからの野球専用球場ブームに加え、スタジアムの老朽化が進んでいたことから、新球場建設を求める声が高まった。1998年、パドレスが出場したワールドシリーズ終了後に住民投票が行われ、新球場建設のためにサンディエゴ市が公金を投入することが認められた。しかし、当初2002年に開場する予定だったが、2000年10月に建設資金が底を突いてしまい、工事が1年以上にわたって中断した。2001年11月、サンディエゴ市は1億6,600万ドルの公債を発行。工事は再開され、2004年4月開場にこぎつけた。新古典主義の流れを汲むデザインであるが、使用する建材の色を他の球場とは違うものにすることで差別化を図っている。一般的な新古典主義球場では赤レンガに黒い鉄骨の梁、深緑の観客席が用いられているが、ペトコ・パークの場合はインド産の砂岩に化粧漆喰を施し、白い鋼鉄の梁、ダークブルー(ネイビーブルー)の観客席と組み合わせた。「サンディエゴの砂浜と青い空、海に浮かぶボートの白い帆」をイメージしたものである。また、ネイビーブルーは、サンディエゴが米海軍の港町であることからパドレスのチームカラーにもなっている。球場名は地元に本拠を置くペット用品販売チェーンのペトコ・アニマル・サプライ社が命名権を買い取り、名付けられた。フィールドの特徴外野が広く形状も複雑で、狭い左中間への打球も左翼方向からの風の影響を受ける。そのため打者にとっては本塁打が出にくい。特に右中間は非常に深く左の強打者泣かせの球場である。守備側にも、守備範囲が広くて強肩の外野手が必須である。フライで打たせて取るタイプの投手には有利な球場である。パークファクターを見ても、ほとんどの年でホームランの出る確率は最下位を争っている。このような状況が続いたため、2012年オフに右中間を狭くして打者不利を是正する改修工事を開始した。またブルペンの位置にも特徴があり、使用するベンチと反対側のファウルグラウンド内にあるブルペンを使用する。(例:3塁側ベンチを使用するチームはライト側のブルペンを使用). [read more]
We specialize in restoration, dyeing, reconditioning and leather repair for both residential and commercial clients. . [read more]
Hello everyone! Welcome to my channel ❤️ Apna Creative Idea is a channel that show life hacks, DIY , How to ,and Creative Ideas Thank You very much for support , like , and share! Hope you like it. [read more]
All about work truck tailgate handle, with 1 year warranty. [read more]
Rai TV is a store, located at 8425 W 3rd St, Los Angeles, California 90048. They can be contacted via phone at (323) 866-1861 for more detailed information. [read more]
Fda approved and ready to go from Los Angeles, CA, Korean First Aid simplifies bringing you the top Korean brands in First Aid & sanitary supplies. You deserve to be safe so we just made being.. [read more]
This site was designed to help the students from John C. Fremont High School recognize and become aware of the various resources and valuable college information. [read more]
Known for her roles as "High Schooler" "Handmaid #12 in that Emmy's thing" and "Who?", Chelsea Langenderfer is out to be your next star but also just to be your best friend and help you change.. [read more]
We are a wholesale manufacturer specializing in nails care system products. Day in and day out, we work hard to make it easier for you with our trusted quality products. [read more]
Established since 2008, US International Chemist, Inc. (USIC, Inc. ) is an US-based manufacturer specializing in nails system products comprising Nails Liquid, Dip Color Powder, Acrylic Powder.. [read more]
Located in Old Town Pasadena, within walking distance of many prime entertainment and dining options. With a private parking lot, 39 office spaces, an onsite photo studio, and 4 double phone booths. [read more]
We repair dental handpieces of ALL types, specializing in Electrics. We repair all type of dental scalers, specializing in Cavitrons. Most of our business is other dental technicians. [read more]
The Altamirano Restaurant Group is committed to sharing authentic Latin American culture by creating unforgettable dishes using the freshest ingredients and innovative techniques, and.. [read more]
As states and municipalities put preventative safety measures in place to slow the spread of COVID-19, the team at P. E. Y Sanitation & Cleaning Solutions is on the front-lines. [read more]
We provide the best quality of frameless shower glass and enclosures. 3/8” and 1/2” thickness glass with low Iren (Chrystal Glass) and seal diamond protection. [read more]
Residential & Commercial- Shower Doors, Custom Sized Mirrors, Glass Shelves, Custom Glass Wine Room Doors, Glass Railing Systems and Glass Table Tops. [read more]
We are urban online store. It’s important to us that you don’t only feel good while working out but you also look good!. [read more]
Great design for family and friends. Products created to give to family and friends. . [read more]
Soon Russell DDS, Dentistry. [read more]
Temecula Pool & Spa is a family business with over 30 years experience in pool building, repairs/ re-modelling, servicing and supplies. . [read more]
Shabu World is a restaurant, located at 3904 Convoy St Ste 117, San Diego, California 92111. They can be contacted via phone at (858) 715-1188 for more detailed information. [read more]
J&B Materials, located at 808 Gable Way, El Cajon, California 92020. They can be contacted via phone at (619) 447-2413 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Join Sparkki Markki and George “G” Herrera for a couple of hours of music and virtual celebration of our 2020 graduating Class from Tulare Shout outs and requests are welcomed and encouraged!!. [read more]
Meaning “picnic” in Japanese, Ensoku Ramen and Rolls delivers a casual, yet authentic dining experience. Our chef with over 24 years of experience in traditional Japanese Ramen and Sushi,.. [read more]
Mobile veterinary service providing care to the San Francisco Bay area. Veterinary medicine requires decoding your pet’s behavior to try to understand clinical symptoms. [read more]
Refreshing pieces made personally for you. . . . [read more]
We reupholster and paint furniture and also sell quality supplies used by professionals. We are your one stop shop. DM or call us!. [read more]