Cal Tec HVAC Services. is an electrician, located at 31-01 Vernon Blvd 3rd Floor, Queens, NY 11106, USA. They can be contacted via phone at (516) 820-5008 or email at, visit their website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest profile for more detailed information.
Cal Tec HVAC Services. is a premier Air Conditioning services company in New York City. We provide expert AC repair, installation, and maintenance service at your doorstep for both residential and commercial Air conditioning needs. We make sure that you have access to the highest-quality summer cooling with our expert Air Conditioning services. We offer a complete range of AC services like AC installation, AC cleaning, ac maintenance, air duct cleaning, steam cleaning, AC winterization, etc.
Location :
31-01 Vernon Blvd 3rd Floor, Queens, NY 11106, USA
Added by
Milo Ward, at 24 April 2024