Brooklyn Studio Tours is an art gallery, located at 160 Union St, New York 11231, United States. Visit their website or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Brooklyn Studio Tours has a clear mission. Promote local Brooklyn artists by organizing events in the artist's home environments and market out to the interested public. Brooklyn has an abundance of talented, famous and amazing artists that should be shared with the world.The local studio tour events allow for a weekend of entertainment and a chance for many new relationships to form. Our growing community of visitors have he unique experience of meeting many of their artists in their workspaces; providing a one on one understanding of how the end product is made and prresented. Brooklyn Studio Tours will further publicize our talented creatives and allow for global awareness through our website; virtually allowing the whoel world access into phenomenal works of art with the Made In Brooklyn stamp. Many of the works listed in our gallery section are for sale. If you cannot physically make our tour dates, you still have the option of walking away with something new and wonderful!Welcome to our open studio tour! We look forward to our interactions with you!
Tags : #Retail, #Photography, #Sculpture, #FineArt, #MixedMedia
Location :
160 Union St, New York 11231
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020