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Braquet Design Group | Architects + Consultants, LLC.

43 Rosedown Dr, Destrehan, Louisiana 70047


Braquet Design Group | Architects + Consultants, LLC. is a company, located at 43 Rosedown Dr, Destrehan, Louisiana 70047, United States. Visit their website www.braquetarchitects.com or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

The Braquet Design Group (BDG) promotes a unique and collaborative design analysis for creative solutions. BDG is a full service commercial architectural firm with experience in multiple building types and occupancies. BDG is a recognized consultant specializing in roofing, waterproofing and building envelope design.

Tags : #ArchitecturePlanning, #Architecture, #BuildingEnvelopeConsultation, #Planning, #RoofingConsultation

Location :
43 Rosedown Dr, Destrehan, Louisiana 70047
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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