
Tags : #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
2469 Stelzer Rd, Columbus, OH 43219, USA

7 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    13 October 2017

    I'm interested in the PTA program here, any pros or cons? help please! I am a graduating senior

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  • Anynomous
    14 June 2017

    This was my absolute dream school. Everyone seemed so nice, a little pricey but it's okay. The dorms were nice, the other students were so kind along with the Culinary Teacher's. However, this school is only for people with a positive attitude on everything. I just want to say .My home life is awful. I am unwanted completely. I love cooking, it's one of the only things that makes me happy anymore. The person helping, Molly, wasn't to happy with the fact my tone of voice was always defensive. So instead of talking to me calmly about it. She told me she didn't like the way I spoke to her or that I was so disrespectful and that I can't talk to people however I wanted and that of I wanted her help I couldn't talk to her like that. I tried to explain to her that I had called three times and they never sent me to her voicemail until yesterday. Hence why she wasn't getting my messages. She wouldn't let me explain and kept trying to talk over me to tell me how disrespectful I am.I come from a pretty crappy background. I hate a lot of stuff about me and my life. Bradford seemed like the perfect escape from everything. Instead the one person who I thought maybe understood and wasn't out to get me did the exact opposite and just made me cry and unenroll. I have been through so much in my life and then to be treated like that is awful. There was no sense of understanding and she really didn't care on what I had to say. So if you're defensive because you come from a terrible background this is not the school for you. To be treated that way is so unacceptable. She didn't offer an apology or anything. Somehow I was the one being disrespectful. I'm not sorry for being quiet, I'm not sorry for not shaking anyone's hands, and I'm not going to be sorry for being depressed and on the edge all the time. If she had my life she probably would be the exact same way. I am sorry that I tried to change my life around only to get that type of response. Molly if you read this because of you I'm giving up. On culinary and on ever having a better life for myself. I'm sorry I looked up to you and had respect for you when neither was returned. Hope you're feeling better after your doctors appointment.

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  • Anynomous
    02 October 2014

    I attended the Vet Tech Institute at Bradford School. It was the best experience of my life and also the most challenging. The staff and teachers are amazing. Everyone there cares about helping you succeed and reach your goal. I love that there were no long breaks from learning. Once you started, you just sprinted through so that you could graduate that much sooner. Dont get me wrong. Due to the fact that this particular program is accelerated, it is EXTREMELY challenging! I have always been able to do bare minimum and get good grades, but that does not work here! You have to study every day and do every homework assignment. Not only to pass the classes but to ensure that you are truly retaining the knowledge to later pass the VTNE. If you are not 100% committed to this as a career choice, then you will not make it through this particular program. You should be absolutely sure that this is what you want or you're just going to waste your money. I knew that working with animals is what i wanted to do more than anything so no matter how challenging i found that material, i gritted my teeth and plowed through. As i said before, the teachers there are amazing and will help you with anything you need, if you ask. They have so many experiences to share with you and do their best to help you understand. They will even come in early and stay later if that is what you need. The on-site kennel of animals is another excellent resource that allows you to practice and hone the skills you learn and you can always enlist the help of your fellow class mates and teachers. I loved the class i graduated with. We were all different but everyone came together to help one another, whether it was with homework, studying for tests, or with skills practice. That may not be the case with every class but i was blessed enough to be with such a wonderful group of girls. Bradford school is not for everyone but if you are committed to working hard for the education you desire, want to learn from experienced and dedicated teachers, and working with other staff members who will do everything they can to help you with your financial aid or future career employment, then i highly recommend Bradford School. I am so glad that i made the choice to attend and cannot thank them enough for everything they have done for me!

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  • Anynomous
    15 September 2014

    I had a great educational experience at Bradford Schools. Compared to students I know from Columbus State, I feel like I came out of school knowing much more about my field. It's also great that my program lasted 18 months. For someone who waited so long to decide what career path to take, I had no time to lose. I made lots of great friends and memories as well as being prepared for my career.

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  • Anynomous
    05 September 2014

    Being in my mid thirties, and a single Mom, I was hesitant about going back to school, it was the best decision I ever made. Hard work and dedication is needed for an accelerated program like Bradford offers, but the end result is worth it. The class sizes are small, and you and your class move together through the program as one unit. The faculty and staff are amazing. They truly care about you, not just to get you through the program. They start caring the moment that you walk in and apply for school.
    The library, although small, is an star asset on campus, and that's saying something because I hate libraries, or I did until now.
    Career services is amazing, helping you with getting a resume together, and assisting with job placement as well. Even though my college career is over, the career services department will always be there to help me with any future job placement that I may need.
    Basically, it's like the old TV show Cheers, everyone knows your name, they get to know you as an individual, and they are always happy to see you and assist.
    Bradford was the best choice for me, hope that this review helps you decide if it's right for you too!

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  • Anynomous
    29 June 2014

    The school itself is fine. However if you are serious about your program and are looking to stay in the dorms, I don't recommend it. Security is a joke, and by proxy Bradford should be classified as a party school.

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  • Anynomous
    28 June 2013

    This is a school that you need to take seriously if you want to get the education you pay for. Yes, it is a tech program, it is fast paced, and it is not excessively personalized to fit each and every student. That being said, it will teach you the technical skills for the profession you choose, present you with an intense curriculum designed to make you a faster/better learner, and make you feel as though you are learning in a workplace, (not a community college supplemented with hand-holding from your instructors). I feel that the way the material is presented is logical and complete IF YOU ARE WILLING TO PUT FORTH THE OUTSIDE EFFORT TO LEARN. Which, in my opinion, if you are committed to your education and career, should be something you as a student WANT to do. This school is extremely hands on, and relies strongly on the individual's drive to learn. I feel, even as a student who has attended two different Bradford Schools locations, that Bradford Schools at Columbus is an institution that has, and will continue to, prepare me for realistic situations in practice. I recommend this school (specifically, the VTI program), strongly to students that are independent, passionate learners. If you don't fit that criteria, don't be surprised if you feel you've been "cheated" out of an education. You made that choice.

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