For nearly a century, Boy Scouts have served others at all times. In fact, the Boy Scouts of America was founded on the premise that to be a good citizen you must do for others.
Digital Community Contract:
The views expressed by users/fans on this Facebook page are the sole responsibility of the user(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Boy Scouts of America. The BSA is not responsible for the content of user posts or the content of any linked website, or any link contained in a linked website, or any changes or updates to such websites. The posting of a link does not imply endorsement by the BSA of the linked site or its contents. The BSA does not govern and is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites. The BSA encourages you to read and familiarize yourself with the privacy statements of any website that requests your personal information.
This digital Scouting community is governed by the Scout Oath and Scout Law. We will delete any comment that we believe does not reflect the Scout Oath and Scout Law. This includes comments that use inappropriate language or are potentially libelous or injurious to the privacy of an individual or group. Users posting these comments will be banned from commenting on this site. Off-topic comments as well as those promoting unapproved products and services will also be removed. Users posting any comments, photos, videos, links or other items that fall into one or more of the congressionally mandated CyberTipline reporting categories of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (found here: will be reported to the proper law enforcement agencies.
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