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BoredBox is a company, located at 416 Lafayette Street, New York 10003, United States. Visit their website www.myboredbox.com for more detailed information.

BoredBox is a personal link sharing tool suite designed to help manage and facilitate one to one link sharing.

Through BoredBox, members can easily send and receive personal links that are stored in a single location designed specifically for this purpose. Each link can be categorized, tagged, commented on, labeled or given a custom message. All relevant link information such as - when you sent, received, viewed, and when your link was viewed - is tracked and sortable, which allows users to find, organize and consuming the links most relevant to them in a more fun and efficient manor.

Even for non-members receiving BoredBox links - the metadata enriched style makes them instantly more enticing, easier to find and in general more useful. All of these factors lead to a happier and less bored best-friend, Mom, cubicle mate and self.

Tags : #Establishment

Location :
416 Lafayette Street, New York 10003
Contacts :

Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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