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Bonnie Christine is located at United States. Visit their website www.bonniechristine.com, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

By creating artwork for products all over the world, Bonnie's built a life and business doing what she loves—and she's taught thousands of others how to do the same. There's room for you!Bonnie Christine is an Internationally renowned Surface Pattern Designer, Entrepreneur and Award Winning Online Educator. Bonnie has been creating artwork for brands and products around the world since 2009. Her journey of being a completely self-taught designer and learning 'the hard way' is exactly what drives her passion for teaching. Over the past 9 years, she's taught over 60,000 students the art of surface pattern design and the business side of being a successful creative entrepreneur. Her passion is in giving creatives the tools and knowledge they need to find success and follow their own biggest dreams.Are YOU ready to create an income from your artwork? Surface design is a thriving, creative, and diverse industry that is extremely in demand by brands and agencies all over the world. Get a decade's worth of experience and knowledge for FREE. And the best part? Getting Started is Simple! Sign up below:https://www.surfacepatterndesigners.com/guide

Tags : #Design

Location :
United States
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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