It is with a mix of happy memories and regret that we must announce the demise of the Blue Ridge Bookfest. A post-event assessment made it clear that the event cannot continue. The reasons are many and varied. Below are just three. - Attendance has not lived up to expectations. The public seems less interested in meeting authors than in the early years. Internet, e-books and audio books have grown strong. - Donor and sponsor funding have declined while the expense of bringing in authors has increased. The financial gap grew each year. The event did not charge admission. - Volunteers have not come forward in sufficient numbers.
Over the eight years we hosted more than three hundred talented authors and workshop leaders. We will never forget their presentations and their books. Their comments regarding the event were always positive and helpful. We send our thanks to each of them.
We have enjoyed some strong partnerships. Blue Ridge Community College and its Education Foundation have always provided space and support staff. The Henderson County Public Library has provided staff support and has made copies of the participating author’s books readily available. The Times-News and other local print publications and radio outlets got the word out. Malaprops served as our dedicated event bookseller. Local B&Bs donated many nights of lodging for visiting authors. Shipman Catering was always ready to serve good food. Blue Ridge Literacy Council, the Carl Sandburg Home and the Henderson County Education Foundation shared our interest in literacy and lent their support along the way. The event required a team effort and we had that team. Without them there would never have been a Bookfest in Henderson County.
Our remaining fund balance of $1,515.29 will be donated to the BRCC Student Creative Writing Program for use in publishing their annual book of prose and poetry.
It was a great run of eight years. We made many friends and had many mountain-top literary experiences along the way. As we move on, we would like to urge all in the community to support literacy.
Speaking for the leadership team, thanks for the memories.
Bill Ramsey June, 2016
Mary Berger - 2016 Blue Ridge Bookfest Exhibitor
The 8th Annual Blue Ridge Bookfest will feature many authors presenting in individual sessions. The individual author sessions are scheduled to run Friday, April 22, 2016 and Saturday, April 23, 2016.
The schedule and links to author pages can be found on our website.
On Saturday, April 23, 2016 over 30 Authors will offer craft workshops and be available to meet and greet, discuss their work, and sign books. Published authors love meeting their readers, and can’t wait to meet you and talk with you about their work.
2016 Featured Speaker - Sara Gruen
Friday, April 22, 2016 Workshops Announced!
♦ 1:00 – 1:45 'Grammar Questions that Grieve You', with Ernie Mazzatenta. His monthly column 'Speaking of Words' is seen in the 'Hendersonville Times-News'.
♦ 2:00 – 3: 30 'Making money with Ghost Writing' with Beth Brand & 'Copy Writing' with Bob Martel
♦ 3:45 – 5:15 'Genealogy' with Jennie Jones Giles and 'Writing Your Family History' with Diane Rhoades.
The Bookfest, including workshops and presentations, is free to the public, except for Friday night's Featured Author ticketed reception ($25). Those who do not attend the reception portion of the event may enter the conference hall at no charge at 6:30pm for the interview of Ms. Gruen by local author Bill Ramsey..
Sign up for our newsletter to be notified when tickets are available to purchase on-line. Tickets for the Featured Author reception sold out in 2014 & 2015.
The volunteers supporting the 2016 Blue Ridge Bookfest are pleased and excited to announce that Ms. Sara Gruen has accepted our invitation to attend the Bookfest and to participate as our “Featured Author.” The 2016 Blue Ridge Bookfest, which is sponsored by Blue Ridge Community College (BRCC) and their Educational Foundation, will take place on the BRCC campus on Friday and Saturday, April 22 & 23, 2016.
Sara Gruen is the #1 New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of At the Water’s Edge, Water for Elephants, Ape House, Riding Lessons, and Flying Changes. Her works have been translated into forty-three languages, and have sold more than ten million copies worldwide. Sara lives in Western North Carolina with her husband and three sons, along with their dogs, cats, horses, birds, and “the world’s fussiest goat.”
Hurry! Author online submissions to exhibit or present a workshop for this year's Blue Ridge Bookfest closes at midnight October 31, 2015. All submissions after midnight will be held to be reviewed for the 2017 event. Online submission guidelines and form can be accessed directly on the Blue Ridge Bookfest web page.
Watch Blue Ridge Bookfest author interviews on BRCC-TV Tommy Hays - Week of May 5th Mary Ann Claud - Week of May 11th Jeremy B. Jones - Week of May 18th Steve Kirkland - Week of May 25th Joe Galloway - Week of June 1st Tuesdays @ 8:00 am/pm Thursdays @ 8:00 am/pm Saturdays @ 8:00 am/pm Sundays @ 2:00 am/pm Morris Broadband - Channel 112 (converter box) - Channel 81-1 (quam tuner) Or on Blue Ridge Community College Education Channel -
Kimberly Maxwell and her book, "Ragdoll Cat"
These authors will be available to meet and sign their books. Bring your books and they will be happy to sign them. Malaprop's bookstore will be on site if you wish to purchase any of these books.