Over the years, Blue Gill has studied and adapted wisdom from the work of many gifted scholars. At Blue Gill we have used the wisdom of Ichak Adizes’ Theory of Corporate Lifecycles, Michael Gerber’s The E Myth and Jim Collins’ Good to Great and Built to Last. What consultant has not marveled at the simplicity and depth of Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and Kozes and Posner’s The Leadership Challenge.
We have developed a strong cadre of stories around such almost mythical giants as Genghis Khan, Marco Polo, Mohandas Ghandi, Eleanor Roosevelt and Mother Teresa, to name a few. We have developed stories to enhance our teaching to create added retention of new thinking.
As years go by and we observed leaders who are seeking to move their organizations to higher ground, we began to see a hybrid of what we have learned. Our focus changed to how to turn a good organization into a wise organization. That is, how does an organization capture what is good about its organization and turn that thinking into a deep organizational wisdom where business thinking and know how are passed down and through the inner workings of the organization. Lessons learned from past mistakes, observable best practices are often lost when new generations or new management takes over.
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