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Bloomington Transit Center is a bus station, located at Bloomington, IN 47401, USA

Tags : #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
Bloomington, IN 47401, USA

Added by Jopie, at 15 July 2016

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5 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    13 April 2017

    Easiest bus system in the country definitely takes you where you need to go

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  • Anynomous
    19 March 2017

    It's absolutely wonderful option for anyone living in Bloomington to get around the city & see site's.Though there have been multiple times where the driver's of the buses are rude & complain about ppl they have to pick up or certain stops. Also the biggest downfall is that if your wanting or needing to be somewhere at a specific time than GOOD LUCK!!! If you're bus runs more than minutes behind then ALL the others one's leave & unless your walking you have to wait another 30min-1hr depending on time of day your riding.

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  • Anynomous
    15 February 2017

    The only place to catch a bus!

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  • Anynomous
    18 December 2016

    Very convenient to get around town

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  • Anynomous
    22 July 2016

    Major improvement over old center, clean and safe.

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