
Tags : #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
9417 Princess Palm Ave, Tampa, FL 33619, USA

Opening Hours

  • Monday 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Tuesday 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Wednesday 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Thursday 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Friday 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

12 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    18 November 2017

    Best provider of college degrees and graduate certificate in the United States

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  • Anynomous
    21 October 2017

    If I could give them a -5, I would. DO NOT USE THIS INSTITUTION AT ALL! When I was engaged, my fiance died on the phone with me. I contacted my professor and let him know what was going on. I ended up arguing with tech support because the CD that they sent me was faulty and it took them over half of the semester to get me a CD that worked. I ended up withdrawing from the university and they still sent me books for the next semester. I sent the package back in its original packaging with everything that they sent me. Not only did I send it back, they claimed that I was missing a CD in the package that I didn't even open. They charged me $80 for something that I never received. I have been arguing with them over 5 years about charging me for something that I never received. I have even filed a fraud report against them, which I'm pretty such that they will be getting soon. Not only that. I got D in the course that I took due to me not being able to get my assignment in because the CD did not work that the school created for me. I withdrew from them and went to Capella where I finished my master's and graduated with a 3.88 GPA and was inducted into the honor society. This is by far the WORST online institution that I ever encountered. They are insensitive and their customer service is the worst! It took them over 6 months to process my supplemental withdrawal and I have made it my business to let EVERYONE know to RUN away from them! I'm still battling with them. They are extremely unethical and even refuse to pull my calls where I let them know that I returned their materials in the original package so I have no idea if anything was missing because I just put return to sender on the package and they still charged me. I really wish that they would go out of business and stop screwing people over. They also claimed that I had a balance after my withdrawal and refused to tell me what for until they reported my account to the credit bureaus once again for something that I never received. I have proof of all of this and it's sad that they want to attract people by promising them things that they will NEVER deliver. Do yourself a favor and DO NOT sign up for these people. I hate writing reviews for people in general but someone needs to be saved from disasters like this and especially from reps who make statements such as "well we're sorry to hear that not only did your fiance did and your mom get hospitalized the day of his funeral and we were late processing everything, but since we cannot prove that you never received your material, we have to charge you anyways although we did receive the rest of your material". Like I asked them, why would I send some of the materials knowing that I was withdrawing from your school and keep something that must be used with the other material? You'll thank me later for telling you about this disaster of an institution!

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  • Anynomous
    31 August 2017

    Horrible culture and place to work. Most unprofessional company I have ever worked for. They make you sign a non compete and then you realize they are in the bottom of the pay grade in the industry. Don't waste your time their policies are archiac and they are out of touch.

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  • Anynomous
    04 August 2017

    The financial services are the worse, was promise to follow up with but never did. Ended up having to get up with them several times and issues still not resolve. Had to cancel class and returned the book that never used but ended up having to pay anyways ?!? Will never attend any online class with bisk ever again.

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  • Anynomous
    20 May 2017

    Do not utilize this company for your education needs. Career Army Officer with 2 Master Degrees. Decided to take a Masters Certificate Program. They are great and very responsive, but when they receive your signed enrollment papers, that all changes. You can never get any issues resolved. Total joke of an education experience when half of the classes are just slides for you to review. Then they state they sent me a book, which I never received. Then I am harassed everyday with calls and emails and threats from their collections department. Worst experience of my life.

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  • Anynomous
    31 March 2017

    Great company to work for, they have funded my MBA program 100% since the day I have worked for them. You have to work hard for the company but they will work hard for you as well. I really enjoy working for the company and sad to hear so many complaints because that is not the environment I experience.

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  • Anynomous
    21 February 2017

    Ruthless. I broke my shoulder lost my mother and my daughter was murdered in a domestic violence situation and THE day I qualified for long term disability they called to tell me I was terminated. I might mention I was one of the top sales people.!i started work there on commission and that was changed. I am sure this is also why they do not offer short term disability. Not a good company

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  • Anynomous
    15 October 2016

    Was told by management from upper management that I was blacklisted from any promotions or advancements as a leader of men and forward thinker. But hey if your not that then you will fit in nicely within the company I literally saw a snake get promoted and a butt kisser. This place is horrible and archiac at best.

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  • Anynomous
    03 August 2016

    This school is a big rip off. They let me start school without letting me know that my financial aid wasn't released to them. So now I'm in debt 3,000 something that my financial aid could've covered. Do not go to this school

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  • Anynomous
    21 April 2016

    President of company is indecisive and shows a lack of direction and strategy. He has put the future of the company in self proclaimed experts that believe strategy is going on slideshare and finding what other companies are doing and trying to copy it. Unfortunately, these presentations they find do not talk about the great people behind them. Something that is key to changing culture.

    Spend more time on listening to your employees and fixing the issues that cause the problems instead of creating a new logo and website to hide them.

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  • Anynomous
    21 July 2015

    Every department complains that they are compensated well below the industry average and that their technology is TERRIBLE. The computers at the tiny cubicles are a day away from going blue screen of death on their user as their processors whine. I've seen whole days of productivity wasted as computers lock up or completely crash and no one is able to fix or replace it.

    Almost as bad as the technology is the quality of managers - notice I said manager not leaders. These people are so selfish and childish caring more about the size of their office and parking spots than their teams. They'd rather spend funds renovating offices to make them bigger and putting in additional reserved spots than giving raises to hard working employees.

    Its almost a 50/50 split between reserved spots and free spots. Its a bigger violation to park in one of those spots than to miss a deadline. Priorities are so crazy here.

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  • Anynomous
    04 June 2015

    I currently work at Bisk in the Marketing Department and have really enjoyed my journey here. I have been able to collaborate with some really talented professionals across multiple disciplines. The company has afforded me various opportunities to improve my business skills over the past 2 years and have rewarded me with a solid career progression that I can be proud of. In the past 2 years, the atmosphere is only getting better and our President is truly dedicated to making Bisk a top place to work in Tampa Bay.

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