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BayRu, LLC is a company, located at 8230 Austin Ave, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053, United States. Visit their website www.rusify.com or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

BayRu, LLC is the US-Russia ecommerce shopping and shipping specialist and is eBay.com's exclusive drop shipping partner for Russia/CIS consumers. In addition, our "Top 100" concierge web store Dostami.ru offers Russian consumers the broadest selection of in-stock products, competitive prices and most consistent home delivery. Our parcel shipping and marketing services business Rusify.com utilizes company operations in Chicago, Moscow and St. Petersburg to give American manufacturers, brands and retailers access to the booming Russian/CIS consumer markets. BayRu has shipped over 500,000 items from all product categories (most notably auto parts, apparel and electronics) to 6,000 cities in Russia/CIS. In 2013 BayRu, LLC was named Exporter of the Year by the U.S. Department of Commerce's official export promotion magazine.

Tags : #InternetSales, #EbayConcierge, #AmazonInternationally, #CrossborderEcommerce, #ProcurementOfInternationalGoods

Location :
8230 Austin Ave, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053
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Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020


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