ENGINEERS: ARCHITECTURAL, GEOTECHNICAL, CIVIL, PLANNERS & DESIGNERSBAES provides architectureal and engineering services for various sectors of the industry. Based on the nature of the project, our services vary from project to project. By providing comprehensive engineering and design services from the ground up, we provide quality and control throughout the entire design and construction process. Our participation during the earliest phases of a project often results in significant cost savings for you, particularly on marginal or difficult sites. We will work directly with owner, developer or contractor to develop a comprehensive design and layout from the schematic phase through design phase. With our knowledge and background, BAES provides a broad spectrum of services such as: geotechnical, civil engineering, site development, special inspections, laboratory testing, construction material testing and subsurface investigations. BAES also offers design services for single family, multi-family residential and small businesses. Working together, we can engineer the future and build America from the ground up.
Tags : #CivilEngineering, #Architectural, #Geotechnical, #Civil, #SpecialInspections
Location :
165 Hungate Rd, Christiansburg, Virginia 24073
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020