Thousands of VINTAGE wedding and formal gowns for sale as well as Shoes, Veils, Slips, Jewelry etc. Also carry many antique and collectible items. Handcrafted leather items are my specialty. Closed my physical store and just sell online now on etsy, ebay and also Check my Barbara Pruner Facebook page for more listings.
See us Saturday June 1st. in Emmett, Idaho. We will be vending at "The Plaza" from 9 am until 3 pm. Corner of Washington and Main in downtown Emmett.
Going to be vending in Emmett, Idaho and Ontario, Oregon this summer. Saturdays starting in May. Will post more info soon.
New listings added
Just listed a bunch of handcrafted pin cushions in my ETSY storeauldmemories.
starting to thaw out from the cold weathernew listings coming soon.
Happy Holidays to ALL! Check out my ETSY store at
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
Been super busy with my garden on steroids this year!!! Will get back to posting new listings in my Auld Memories shop on ETSY soon.
Check out my new listings at
Poppy has been busy helping me in the garden
Haven't posted much lately, been busy in the garden.
Added a few items to my Auldmemories Store on ETSYGotake a peek
recently sold.
Watch for us Tuesday evenings 4pm to 7pm at the Payette Farmers Market July 10 thru Aug 28 AND Saturday mornings 10am to 2pm at the Ontario Saturday Market June 9 thru Sept. 29 with a selection of Auld Memories special handcrafted items.
Check out my new listings at
City Satins.REDONE. Vintage satin gown tie-dyed and embellished by Auld Memories Vintage. OOAK