The Texas Estuarine Research Network (TERN) seeks to engage the public in research concerning two main topics: colonial waterbird rookery monitoring and waterbird foraging habitat monitoring. Rookery islands cannot exist without adequate foraging habitat and foraging habitat quality can have an effect on the production of chicks in nearby rookeries.
Through this FREE Training Program volunteers will learn how to identify local species of colonial water birds, visit Rookery Island and wetland foraging grounds, learn current scientific survey protocols and data collections, and will assist researchers with conducting these surveys by boat and by land. TERN volunteers will be offered educational workshops, opportunities to participate in habitat restoration, and learn more about local wildlife and natural resources of the Texas Coast. TERN participants will also be kept up to date on partner organizations’ efforts and upcoming activities.
Other components of TERN include actively restoring rookery island through growing and planting native shrubs for nesting birds, removing invasive species, and shoreline protection. Community Outreach involves educational programs for local schools, senior living facilities, and manning booths or festival events.
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