Want to live in the hottest area in the Valley? Welcome to the one stop shop where you can find all the houses for sale in Phoenix. Central Phoenix is composed of 3 main sections - Downtown,.. [read more]
We welcome you to the Superior Historical Society, Inc and the Bob Jones Museum Facebook page. We hope to add monthly updates and events throughout the year. [read more]
We are here to connect the public to events and information focused on the history of Southern Arizona. . [read more]
Contact us to learn about our engaging camps, toddler time, after-school clubs, weekend drop-off, field trip opportunities, birthday parties, and more!. [read more]
Old Pascua Museum and Yaqui Cultural Center is a museum, located at 856 W Calle Santa Ana, Tucson, Arizona 85705. They can be contacted via phone at +15208848527 for more detailed information. [read more]
Michael A. Pollack's Advertising Museum is a historical treasure trove of vintage advertising memorabilia with some pieces dating back to the 1800's! It won the title of world's largest museum.. [read more]
The Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix, Arizona, United States, was the last home for Arizona's Territorial government, until Arizona became a state in 1912. [read more]
The Colorado River Indian Tribes Museum preserves, protects, and promotes the history and cultures of the Mohave, Chemehuevi, Hopi and Navajo. . [read more]
Museum Shops at Museum of Northern Arizona is a museum, located at 3101 N Fort Valley Rd, Flagstaff, Arizona 86001. They can be contacted via phone at +19287745213 for more detailed information. [read more]
La Prisión Territorial de Yuma es una antigua prisión situada en Yuma, Arizona, al suroeste de los Estados Unidos. Inaugurado en 1875, es uno de los sitios asociados y de cruce de Yuma en.. [read more]
Руины Тусаян — археологический памятник древних пуэбло возрастом около 800 лет. Находится на.. [read more]
Classic Auto Exhibition Hall is a museum, located at 1650 Casino Way, Laughlin, Nevada 89029. They can be contacted via phone at (702) 298-2535 for more detailed information. [read more]
Wickendens live in about 20 countries around the world. Yet we all take our name from a single homestead, a "den" in Kent, England, founded by the Wicken. [read more]
Frank Lloyd Wright Price House is a museum, located at Paradise Valley, Arizona. [read more]
Welcome to our new Facebook page! Please feel free to share thoughts about our posts, ask us questions, or tell us about your visit. . [read more]
The OFFICIAL page for the Powell Museum in Page Arizona. Temporarily Closed for Renovations. The Powell Museum is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1969 by a group of local volunteers.. [read more]
チェイス・フィールド(Chase Field)は、アメリカ合衆国アリゾナ州フェニックスにある野球場。メジャーリーグベースボール(MLB)のナショナルリーグ西地区に所属するアリゾナ・ダイヤモンドバックスの本拠地球場である。1998年の開場時は、命名権を獲得したアメリカ国内の中堅銀行のバンク・ワンに因みバンク・ワン・ボールパーク(Bank One Ballpark)と名付けられ、地元ファンからはBOB(ボブ=頭文字をとった略称)などと呼ばれ親しまれた。2005年、バンク・ワンが世界的に名を馳せる大手のJPモルガン・チェイス銀行と合併されると、球場の命名権も同銀行が継承、2005年シーズン途中でチェイス・フィールドに改称された。フィールドの特徴カナダのロジャース・センター、日本の福岡ドームに次いで世界3番目であり、アメリカ合衆国では初の開閉式屋根付き野球場であるが、ドーム球場でありながらフィールドに天然芝を採用しているのは世界初。州や都市自体が砂漠の真ん中に位置しており、一年中ほとんど雨の降らない土地にあるこの球場に屋根をつけたのは、雨を避けるためではない。むしろ真夏の日中には最高気温が40℃に達して、夜も30℃以下に落ちないことも稀ではないフェニックスの強い陽射しと熱気を遮って、過酷すぎないプレー環境と快適な観戦環境を提供するためである。試合中は原則として屋根を閉じた状態にし、試合の開始前・終了後は芝生の育成のために屋根を開放する。クアーズ・フィールドに次いで高所(海抜332m)にあり、乾燥している気候のため打球が良く飛び、その球場の広さの割に本塁打が出やすいとされる。また、建物の構造の関係でライト方向に風が吹き、打球が伸びるという説もある。夏場は屋根が閉められ、湿度調整も行われるので前述の傾向は少なくなる。外野フェンスが複雑な形状であることも手伝って、MLB30球団の本拠地の中で最も三塁打が出やすいという特徴もある。設備、アトラクション、演出プールこの球場だけの特徴として、右中間の外野席にプールがあることが有名で、試合がある日はグループ単位の貸切で運営されている(2011年現在3,500ドル)。高い料金にも関わらず、予約が後を絶たない。シーズンが始まる前からすべての枠が満たされ、翌シーズン目当ての先約金を受けるほど。本塁からおよそ415フィート(約126. [read more]
Petrified Forest Museum Assoc is a museum, located at 1 Park Rd, Holbrook, Arizona 86028. They can be contacted via phone at +19285241509 for more detailed information. [read more]
Meteor Crater is a meteorite impact crater approximately 37mi east of Flagstaff and 18mi west of Winslow in the northern Arizona desert of the United States. [read more]
3rd Street/Washington station and 3rd Street/Jefferson station are light rail stations on Valley Metro Rail in Phoenix, Arizona, United States. They are the fifteenth stop westbound and.. [read more]
キノ・ベテランズ・メモリアル・スタジアム(Kino Veterans.. [read more]
Classic Car Museum at Riverside Casino Resort is a museum, located at Casino Driver, Laughlin, Nevada 89029. [read more]
Navajo Village is a museum, located at 1253 Coppermine Rd, Page, Arizona 86040. They can be contacted via phone at +19286600304 for more detailed information. [read more]
Riverside Classic Car Museum & Sales is a museum, located at 1650 S Casino Dr, Laughlin, Nevada 89029. They can be contacted via phone at +17022982535 for more detailed information. [read more]
The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum is a 98-acre zoo, aquarium, botanical garden, natural history museum, publisher, and art gallery founded in 1952. Located just west of Tucson, Arizona, it.. [read more]
Built in July 1882 by the Southern Pacific Railroad, it was a two-room telegraph office. In 1895 it was expanded into a passenger depot. Our Volunteer Fire Department will move the depot to.. [read more]
The Amerind Foundation is a museum and research facility dedicated to the preservation and interpretation of Native American cultures and their histories. [read more]
Border Air Museum is a museum, located at Douglas, Arizona 85607. They can be contacted via phone at (520) 417-7344 for more detailed information. . [read more]
The 2013 Arizona - New Mexico Joint History Conference will be held April 18th to 21st in Las Cruces, NM. For more info, visit http://arizonahistory. org/. [read more]
کاپیتول ایالت آریزونا بنایی است که شاخه مقننه دولت ایالت آریزونا در آن قرار دارد. بنای کنونی در سال ۱۹۰۰ با معماری جیمز رایلی گوردن ساخته گردید و در فینیکس قرار دارد. [read more]
Mini Time Machine is a museum, located at 4455 E Camp Lowell Dr, Tucson, Arizona 85712. They can be contacted via phone at +15208810606 for more detailed information. [read more]
The Arizona MIST. The Museum of Innovation, Science and Technology. We are in the planning stages of a new Family destination in the West Valley. . [read more]
Flat Tire Springs, Ginger's Barber Shop, Dwarf Car Gift Store. [read more]
Sanguinetti House Museum is a museum, located at 240 S Madison Ave, Yuma, Arizona 85364. They can be contacted via phone at (928) 782-1841 for more detailed information. [read more]
This is a place for Mr. Shepler's history classes to share information and socialize. . [read more]