The College of Idaho Outdoor Program (CIOP), including Intramural programming, provides students, faculty, staff, and alumni of all abilities and experience levels access to outdoor.. [read more]
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Library supports the research needs of faculty, students, and staff. . [read more]
Fit education into your busy schedule - study online, via iCourses or interactive video, in the evenings or off-campus!. [read more]
Connect with fellow Sun Devils in Northern California! Please help grow our community by liking and sharing this page with your ASU friends. . [read more]
University of Michigan student organization open to ALL majors. Just one big family that loves amusement attraction design! TEA NextGen Affiliated. [read more]
We are a principle-based, classical liberal arts college. Our goals include: Delivering a high-quality, principle-based education at a reasonable cost. [read more]
This link takes you directly to the Roberts Wesleyan College, Undergraduate Psychology Program website. . [read more]
Drummond's Kiddie College is a university, located at 4303 Cottman Ave, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19135. They can be contacted via phone at (215) 331-3460 for more detailed information. [read more]
Forming a Muslim community in MLK Campus and to educate others about Islam. . [read more]
The City University of New York's CUNY Graduate School of Journalism is a public graduate journalism school located in New York City. One of the 24 institutions comprising the City University of.. [read more]
The Military Student Center at Maryville College provides transition assistance, support, and information to all students with an affiliation to the US Armed Forces. [read more]
Follow us on Twitter @mcspb Follow us on Instagram @MCSPB. [read more]
ポートランド・コミュニティ・カレッジ(Portland Community.. [read more]
ポートランド州立大学(-しゅうりつだいがく、)は、アメリカ合衆国オレゴン州ポートランドにある州立大学。オレゴン州で最大の学生数が在籍すると共に、同州最大のビジネス・スクール、大学院を有する。オレゴン州では唯一主要都市部に位置する州立大学である。オレゴン大学システムの構成大学である。現在の暫定学長であるマイケル・リアドンは、これまでに同学で数々の管理職を歴任し、2007年6月に Law School Admission Council の社長に就任したダニエル・O・バーンスタイン前学長の代役に就任した。歴史1946年、第2次世界大戦の退役軍人を対象とする高等教育機関の需要が高まったのを受けて、ヴァンポート・エクステンション・センター(Vanport Extension Center)として創立。1948年にポートランドを襲ったヴァンポート洪水に耐えて閉校を拒んだため、「不滅の大学」の名が知れ渡った。1952年、ポートランド市街地に移転し、南西ブロードウェイ通りのリンカーン高等学校が所有するも空き家だった建物を使い始めた。1955年、ポートランド州立大学(Portland State College)に改称し、4年制の学位授与機関へ成長したことを強調した。その後の20年間、同州の他の州立大学で提供中のプログラムを新たに提供してはならないと定める法令により、ポートランド州立大学の発展は制限されることになる。(オレゴン大学とオレゴン州立大学は同法の適用から除外された。)1961年に大学院課程、1968年には博士課程が設置された。1969年、オレゴン州高等教育委員会の認定を受け、"College" が "University" に置き換わったポートランド州立大学(Portland State University)に改称。1994年、従来の学部課程の教育方針を撤廃し、"University Studies" と呼ばれる新しい学際的な一般教育プログラムを採用した。このプログラムは学内外民研で議論を呼び起こしているが、その是非はともかく、アメリカ規模でポートランド州立大学を知らしめている理由の一つになっている。U. [read more]
ポートランド大学(ポートランドだいがく, University.. [read more]
Sunbridge College is a school, located at 285 Hungry Hollow Rd, Spring Valley, New York 10977. They can be contacted via phone at (845) 425-0055 for more detailed information. [read more]
Anoka-Ramsey Community College Art Department provides a quality arts education and assists students in achieving their artistic and career goals. . [read more]
Featuring Creative Digital & Social Media natives, the Whitewater Advertising Association (WAA) is a student-led advertising agency that offers strategic marketing communication support.. [read more]
Mission: The SCCC Foundation helps students succeed by raising funds and providing stewardship of those funds consistent with the College mission. Foundation members are ambassadors,.. [read more]
Since its establishment in 1916, Theta Chi Fraternity at the University of Florida has held itself to the highest standard of excellence. . [read more]
To manage a housing facility for the Gamma Upsilon Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity. . [read more]
Truth. Temperance. Tolerance. See more at: www. thetachiusc. com https://www. instagram. com/thetachiusc/. [read more]
Hello fellow Catholic Brothers and Sisters. It is an honor to be able to create this site so we can come together and fellowship with one another. My heart is that this page would be a.. [read more]
State University of New York at Purchase also known as Purchase College is a public four-year college located in Purchase, New York, United States. It is one of 13 comprehensive colleges in the.. [read more]
Our club provides the necessary information for pre-med students who are interested in successfully preparing for medical school. . [read more]
Le New Jersey Institute of Technology est une université publique située à Newark, dans l'agglomération de New York dans l’État du New Jersey aux États-Unis. [read more]
Paterson Technical Institute is a school, located at 51 Market St, Paterson, New Jersey 07505. They can be contacted via phone at (973) 279-4579 for more detailed information. [read more]
The Wartburg College Music Department is an accredited, institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM). The music therapy majors are approved by the American.. [read more]
The official Facebook page for the UW-Madison Cytotechnology Program. . [read more]
The ECS CLUB has served as a useful source to those seeking inspiration, help, or advice in the world of early childhood education. . [read more]
Erie Community College offers Associates Degree programs in General Automotive Technology, Ford ASSET and MOPAR CAP. . [read more]
This is the offical page of NCSU West Campus,the home to 2,200+ students housed in Bragaw, Lee, and Sullivan. Here you will be able to stay connected and see what's happening on your side of campus. [read more]
Do you have school spirit? We do too! This is your one stop shop for all of your school spirit and supply needs. Stop into the campus store so we can help get everything you need!. [read more]
The Emory University Genetic Counseling Training Program is a 21-month graduate program with full accredidation from ACGC. Graduates receive a Masters in Medical Sciences (MMSc) in Human Genetics.. [read more]
Washington and Lee University offers you an opportunity to play Championship football at one of the nations top liberal arts universities. . [read more]
ISF seeks to cultivate and uphold a strong spirit of fellowship and understanding between the many nations represented at Lee University. . [read more]