Welcome to the Official Business Program Facebook Page of Northwestern Connecticut Community College, founded in 1965 in Winsted, CT. . [read more]
The New York University Tandon School of Engineering is the second oldest private engineering and technology school in the United States. The school dates back to 1854 when its.. [read more]
Barry University's Student Occupational Therapy Association is an organization of students who are committed to changing others lives through OT. . [read more]
The George Mason College Republicans is a club dedicated to educating students on campus about the Republican Party; we are actively involved in fundraising and campaigning for local and.. [read more]
GW Class of 2020! Home to the Senior Class Gift Campaign and run by the SCGC Coordinators, Malcolm Badger, Helena Doms, and Jared Levinson. . [read more]
全米で4番目の規模を誇り、古くから有色人種、女性や留学生の受け入れを積極的に行っていることで有名。現在、学生数は約30,000人(大学約16,000人、大学院約13,000人)で、世界130カ国から5,000人にも及ぶ留学生が学ぶ。学期は、セメスター制を採用している。略称はBU(ビー・ユー)。アイザック・アシモフや、エリ・ヴィーゼル、下村脩等のノーベル賞受賞者を含む教授陣、そして充実した施設等がその人気の要因とされる。大学評価の指標である U. [read more]
ボストンカレッジ・ロースクール(Boston College Law School,.. [read more]
ボストン音楽院(ボストンおんがくいん、Boston Conservatory)はマサチューセッツ州ボストンにある音楽大学。音楽、ダンス、演劇、音楽教育の大学課程と大学院課程を有する。1867年創設。当時としては異例なことにアフリカ系アメリカ人と女性にも門戸が開かれていた。20世紀初頭にアメリカ合衆国で初めてオペラ学科が設置された。外部リンク 公式ページ. [read more]
The Graduate Student Center provides a space for graduate students to gather for studying, socializing and meeting other graduate students at the University of Central Florida. [read more]
Cumberland University Career Services & Internships is a school, located at 1 Cumberland Square, Lebanon, Tennessee 37087. They can be contacted via phone at (615) 547-1357 for more.. [read more]
This is the Consortium of Eastern Ohio Master of Public Health program Facebook page for those of you who want to learn more about public health and academics in public health! We will also.. [read more]
The Institute for Interdisciplinary STEM Education (i²STEMe) aims to establish collaborative interdisciplinary programs committed to excellence in K-20 STEM teaching and learning. [read more]
The City College Academy for Professional Preparation (CCAPP) is the Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) at City College. . [read more]
サンタモニカ・カレッジはアメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州サンタモニカにある2年制の公立大学。1929年創立。歴史1929年、アメリカ合衆国西部の温暖なリゾート地であるカルフォルニア州サンタモニカにジュニアカレッジ(Santa Monica Junior College)として創設され、サンタモニカ・カレッジ(Santa Monica College)に改名して以降も含めれば、公立大学として1世紀近い歴史を持っている。その間に数多くの出身者を送り出し、現在でも3万名以上の学生が在学している。カルフォルニア州の2年制公立大学の中でも高いレベルを持ち、卒業後にカリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校(UCLA)に編入して学業を続ける者も多く、UCLA編入試験の合格率は州内で最上位である。同様に南カリフォルニア大学、ロヨラ・メリーマウント大学(en)に編入する者も多い。古くは俳優のアーノルド・シュワルツェネッガーがオーストリアから移住後にサンタモニカ・カレッジで学び、卒業後にウィスコンシン大学へ編入している。2005年、カレッジの式典にカリフォルニア州知事となっていたシュワルツェネッガーが招かれ、後輩である在学生達を激励する演説を行っている。4年制大学への編入を主目的としない学生に対しても、様々な専門的な職業教育や資格取得が施され、州内の労働力向上に貢献している。学校内でのカリキュラムとしては芸術分野が広く知られており、演劇、映画、コンピュータグラフィックス、音楽などの専攻に応じたキャンパスを市内に複数保有している。成績優秀者を対象とした特別専攻課程も用意され、アニメーションやデザインの教育課程も設置されている。. [read more]
This page is an extension of Montgomery Community College Department of Health & Public Safety. . [read more]
Located in Tower 1611, Saints Shop offers St. Scholastica apparel, merchandise, and convenience items. Students can buy and sell textbooks through St. [read more]
Columbia Nano Initiative is an interdisciplinary community within Columbia University dedicated to supporting and developing research efforts in nanoscience and nanotechnology. [read more]
Associates of Business Program at Mesa Community College at the Red Mountain Campus. [read more]
Updated page - Fall 2014 and on. University of New England's SCUBA diving club! We plan snorkeling, boat/shore diving, certification classes, & much more!. [read more]
Active Staff Members Ron Vearrier – Course Director Brian Cochran – Master Instructor Jake Andreason – Master Instructor Stu Freman - MSDT Micah Wren – MSDT Kate Clark – OWSI Katie Brewington - OWSI. [read more]
This is where all the partyin goes down! This hallway is always bumpin!. [read more]
Loyola Law School is the law school of Loyola Marymount University, a private Catholic university in the Jesuit and Marymount traditions, in Los Angeles, California. [read more]
GlobalEd is an intercultural student organization at the Graduate School of Education that promotes cross-cultural education and awareness. . [read more]
Indiana State University Athletics is a university, located at 401 N 4th St, Terre Haute, Indiana 47809. They can be contacted via phone at (812) 237-3737 for more detailed information. [read more]
The Harry Evans's Tailgate is a university, located at Columbus, Ohio 43210. [read more]
York College, CUNY is the home of the Cardinals. Located in Jamaica, Queens, York sponsors 17 NCAA Division III sports teams and is a member of the CUNY Athletic Conference. [read more]
The Cornell Master in Engineering Management (MEM) program is focused on preparing the next generation of engineering leaders. Contact us at engmanagement_grad@cornell. [read more]
BYU-H Counseling & Disability Services is dedicated to supporting students’ personal growth and development by giving them the tools they need to be successful and have equal opportunities.. [read more]
Babcock Graduate School of Management is a university, located at 1834 Wake Forest Rd, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27109. They can be contacted via phone at (336) 758-5422 for more.. [read more]
The new educational center for architecture, continuing ed, digital art, engineering, fashion design, interior design, and marketing careers. . [read more]
密歇根大学迪尔伯恩分校(University of Michigan.. [read more]
Welcome to the official page of the Saint Mary's College of California Enactus team. . [read more]
The University of Saint Francis Music Technology Program offers Bachelor and Associate degrees in Music Technology, and the opportunity to concentrate in five unique concentrations. [read more]
喬治亞州立大學(Georgia.. [read more]
We are students and faculty at the University of West Georgia who are interested in Computer Science (CS). Social Media Disclaimer: https://www. westga. [read more]