2011 DHFL Board: President - Vice President - Gloria Sanchez Overall Player Agent - Amber Vela Secretary - Paul Flores Treasurer - April Sanchez NFL VP - Jenette Ramirez AFL VP -.. [read more]
每個成功的男人,在人生的某個階段,都曾是個不折不扣的渣男。 每天早上11:30到晚上11:00. [read more]
Designer handbags firm. . [read more]
Orlando Zen Center. [read more]
Todo In Tech Facebook Official Page. . [read more]
Tree care and landscape in general. . [read more]
Jamaican Style Jerk grilled to perfection by Jerkman. Open everyday, weather permitting. Catering available. Local delivery. . [read more]
With more then 50 Years of Experience & a consistent A+ BBB Rating, we offer Fire Reconstruction Services. We can provide a quality Estimate designed to maximize the coverage & income your.. [read more]
Cpmma, located at 11105 Baltimore Ave, Beltsville, Maryland 20705. They can be contacted via phone at +13012460181 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Upper Post Veterans Cpmmunity, located at 6210 Bloomington Rd, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55111. They can be contacted via phone at +16512380088 for more detailed information. [read more]
Founded in 1984, CPMM Services Group is a full service commercial printer and direct mail service provider. . [read more]
Since 1992 we have providing care to Fort Lauderdale residents at affordable rates. Members of FALA with a 50 bed Limited Mental Health License from AHCA. [read more]
Video Production and Digital Identity --- Now booking projects for Summer/Fall 2016 www. cremedia. co info@cremedia. co. [read more]
Anastasia Brow Studio Towson, located at Nordstrom, 700 Fairmount Ave, Towson, Maryland 21286. They can be contacted via phone at (443) 762-8812 for more detailed information. [read more]
I am a Licensed Practicing Counselor Associate, I work with children and Parents in the Asheville area. . [read more]
I have opened a private practice that has evening and weekend hours. I have experience working with children, adolescents, adults, and families. I bring fun and warmth to every session to help.. [read more]
Jeri Lynn Vizzi Serving SoFla, Boston and all of Earth Love crusader/storyteller/lifestyle documentarist/girl's girl/portrait/pets/peeps/birth/LOVE�� www. [read more]
バットフィッシュ は、アメリカ海軍の潜水艦。バラオ級潜水艦の一隻。艦名は西インド諸島に生息するマンジュウダイ科ツバメウオ属や大西洋に生息するセミホウボウ科、アカグツ科などに因んで命名された。いずれも左右の胸鰭または上下の背鰭と腹鰭が長く、コウモリの翼に見立てている。当初はニベ科ナガニベ属(英名Weakfish)のフランス語総称に因みアクーパ と命名予定であったが、1942年9月24日にバットフィッシュと改名された。艦歴バットフィッシュは1942年12月27日にメイン州キタリーのポーツマス海軍造船所で起工した。1943年5月5日にネリー・W・フォティア夫人によって命名、進水し、8月21日に艦長ウェイン・ルッカー・メリル少佐(アナポリス1934年組)の指揮下就役する。竣工後、バットフィッシュは真珠湾に回航されて哨戒準備に入った。第1の哨戒 1943年12月 - 1944年1月12月11日、バットフィッシュは最初の哨戒で日本近海に向かった。12月15日にミッドウェー島に寄港して給油した後、哨区に到着した。1944年1月14日、バットフィッシュはの伊豆諸島南方で暴風雨に悩まされながら充電していた。その時、レーダーにより3個の目標が近づいてくるのを確認した。これはトラック諸島から引き揚げてきた戦艦大和と護衛の駆逐艦藤波、朝雲であった。しかし、この暴風雨で藤波と朝雲はついていくのがやっとであった。バットフィッシュは大波をものともせず充電しつつ大和のいる方向に接近して行った。大和も距離18,000メートルのところにいるバットフィッシュの存在に気づいて、砲戦用意をしつつ欺瞞航路を取った。バットフィッシュの元には司令部から「戦艦大和が向かっている」との情報が改めてもたらされ、先回りして待ち伏せすることとした。ところが、ここに来てメリル艦長が「戦艦の主砲の射程圏内に入ったら潜航する」と弱気なことを言い出した。戦艦に乗艦経験のある部下のモルテーニからの説得や抗議も、弱気の虫になっていたメリルの耳には入らなかった。バットフィッシュは距離16,000メートルまで接近した後、大和への攻撃をあっさりとあきらめた。1月20日には、室戸岬南方180海里の地点で海軍徴用船日高丸(日本郵船、5,468トン)を撃沈した。1月30日、バットフィッシュは50日間の行動を終えてミッドウェー島に帰投。大和攻撃の一件でメリル艦長に意見具申し却下されたモルテーニが、メリル艦長とともに勤務することを嫌って転属願いを出し、バットフィッシュを去っていった。. [read more]
The Peirce Mill is a historic mill building located in Rock Creek Park, at Tilden Street and Beach Drive, Northwest, Washington, D. C. , United States. [read more]
Land Rover has partnered with Aon to bring your Jaguar Owners Insurance. Through the Land Rover Owners Insurance program, Aon offers Land Rover drivers access to a customized insurance solution.. [read more]
Grace Korean Bible Church is a Bible-believing church that meets in Glendale, CA. We hold Sunday services in English at 9:30am and in Korean at 11:00am, as well as children's Sunday school.. [read more]
Nguyen, MD Lana Ngoc, located at 3835 Cypress Dr, Petaluma, California 94954. They can be contacted via phone at (707) 765-2425 for more detailed information. [read more]
Come to Mike's Auto Mall for the best deal in town! We can help you find your next car or if your current car needs fixing bring it by to our repair shop. [read more]
The official Facebook page for AJ Lape; Real Estate Broker (and Realtor) for HomeSmart Realty Group. [read more]
Real Eye Zing Art is located in the spooky yet cute town of St Helens, OR. We specialize in tattooing, art design, art classes, and support for our local artists. [read more]
Boyd Sam Ph. D. , located at 950 Hogan Ln, Conway, Arkansas 72034. They can be contacted via phone at (501) 327-8066 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Thinking about moving to Hutto,TX - Look no further than this page - We are happy to answer any questions that you may have - We live and work in Hutto - Hippo Proud!!!. [read more]
On the LEVEL Pool Table Service, located at 144 east pearce, Wentzville, Missouri 63385. They can be contacted via phone at (314) 229-6366 for more detailed information. [read more]
I work with individuals and families to help them plan for a secure financial future. . [read more]
Boyd Excavating, Inc. , located at Services Available In:, Abilene, Kansas 67410. They can be contacted via phone at (785) 263-3472 for more detailed information. [read more]
Stout William Publishers, located at 1326 S 51st St, Richmond, California 94804. They can be contacted via phone at (510) 215-8200 for more detailed information. [read more]
Macmillan Oil Company LLC. has been a preeminent leader in the marketing and distribution of quality fuels and lubricants since 1951. Our extensive customer base includes retail,.. [read more]
If you came of age with the '57 Chevy", "My Three Sons", "The Beatles", and the "Vietnam War" you are a Baby Boomer. . [read more]
Our mission is to unify all people by advancing equity, diversity & inclusion. We focus on universal values that make us ALL HUMAN. . [read more]
Toastmasters Epsilon Wakefield. [read more]
Welcome to the Facebook page for the Epsilon Tau chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa at Ball State University! Follow us on twitter too! @BallStatePhiSig. [read more]