密歇根中央车站是美国密歇根州底特律的一座火车站建筑。 车站建于1912年至1913年间,属密歇根中央铁路,以取代被火焚毁的上一代车站。1988年1月6日最后一班美铁列车驶出后荒废之今。车站在建筑之时是世界最高的火车站建筑。. [read more]
底特律聖公會三一堂是一所教堂,位於底特律馬丁路德金大道1519號,現在稱為「盼望之靈」。. [read more]
底特律第一公理會教堂位於美國密西根州底特律森林東路33號,伍德沃德大道路口。. [read more]
前底特律第一浸信会教堂是一座有100年历史的教堂建筑,于1909年兴建于底特律伍德沃德大道(Woodward Avenue)8601号,由建筑师Guy.. [read more]
底特律天文台坐落在美国密歇根州安阿堡城的华盛顿高地上。这座建于1854年的天文台是密歇根大学校园内最古老的科研设施,也是美国全国范围内最古老的19世纪圆顶天文台。1958年,它被列为密歇根州的州级历史遗迹。1973年被列为国家级历史保护地。 这座天文台是密歇根大学的首任官方校长Henry Philip Tappan的建议下修建的。它的设计师是Tappan以前的学生、后在纽约大学当天文学和土木工程教授的Richard Harrison Bull,而承包施工的是来自纽约的George Bird。. [read more]
底特律-溫莎隧道(Detroit–Windsor Tunnel)是一條連接美國與加拿大的跨國隧道,穿越底特律河連接北端美國密芝根州底特律和南端加拿大安大略省溫莎,由底特律市政府和溫莎市政府共同擁有,營運商則為美國道路公司(American Roads)旗下的底特律-溫莎隧道有限公司。隧道共有兩條行車線,來回方向各一條。現時隧道每天汽車流量達12,000架次,年度汽車流量則達9百萬架次,當中95%為私家車,餘下5%則為貨車,為美加邊境上第二繁忙的邊檢口岸,僅次於鄰近的大使橋,構成底特律-溫莎地區交通網絡的重要一環。此隧道也是全球唯一一條水底跨國行車隧道。隧道的底特律入口位於傑佛遜大道(Jefferson Avenue)和蘭多夫街(Randolph Street)交界處的西南角,溫莎入口則位於懷恩多特街(Wyandotte Street)和戈尤街(Goyeau Street)交界處的西北角。溫莎交通局營運巴士線經此隧道來往兩市的市中心。歷史背景底特律和溫莎兩地經貿往來頻繁,在任何橋隧落成前兩地僅靠渡輪聯繫。底特律河冬季時有浮冰,阻礙渡輪通航,因此當地在1860年代已出現興建橋隧連接兩市的構想,並獲鐵路公司大力支持。船運公司卻有恐其生意會被橋隧奪去,因而反對任何橋隧項目。1871年,鐵路公司終獲兩地政府許可興建河底跨國隧道連接底特律和溫莎。然而工程展開後不久,工人進行挖掘時釋出含硫氣體,導致兩名工人死亡和多人不適。事後工人拒絕繼續工作,項目遂告終止。1879年,另一項隧道工程在底特律河的下游展開,但當地石層以石灰石為主,增加挖掘難度並令項目成本激增,此項目亦因此被放棄。大主幹鐵路隧道(Grand Trunk Railway Tunnel)於1891年開通,成為首條連接密芝根州和安大略省的河底隧道,但地點不在底特律和溫莎,而是位於休倫港和薩尼亞市之間。底特律和溫莎的商人有恐當地物流業會改到休倫港和薩尼亞營運,因此積極游說兩地居民支持在當地興建隧道。連接兩地的密芝根中央鐵路隧道(Michigan Central Railway Tunnel)終在1906年動工,並於1910年完成。兩地的鐵路雖然連接起來,但隨著汽車業於20世紀漸趨興旺,在當地興建一條行車隧道的呼聲亦漸高。工程1919年,溫莎市長溫特(Edward Blake Winter)向底特律市官員提出興建行車隧道連接兩地,並以此紀念兩國在第一次世界大戰中陣亡的軍人。項目獲底特律市長科森斯(James Couzens)認同後,溫特向加拿大聯邦政府尋求撥款,但當時聯邦政府財政拮据,項目因此未獲注資。1926年,紐約的帕森斯、克拉普、布林克霍夫及道格拉斯建築事務所(Parsons, Klapp, Brinkerhoff and Douglas)評定底特律-溫莎隧道項目不單可行,而且還有利可圖。一班底特律銀行家遂同意為項目注資,前提為該建築事務所負責隧道的設計工序和擔保隧道的建造開支。底特律加拿大隧道公司(Detroit Canada Tunnel Corporation)隨之成立,並與底特律和溫莎兩市政府達成協議,同意在隧道營運滿60年後將其業權轉交兩市政府,以換取兩市容許其在市内公共通道之下進行工程。. [read more]
Texas Steel, located at 3621 Shelby Ln, Denton, Texas 76207. They can be contacted via phone at +19403809632 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Shelby Services LLC. provides Hot Shotting, Haul Off, Recovery, Short Haul and Welding. We have been in business since July of 2000. We are Family Owned and Veteran Operated. [read more]
REV Recreation Group, located at 1031 E US Highway 224, Decatur, Indiana 46733. They can be contacted via phone at +12607245720 for more detailed information. [read more]
Here at JEM System INC. we sell a variety of quality USED cars and the best price possible! Give us a call or check us out on our website!. [read more]
We're helping everyone fight climate change by unlocking the power of their spare change. Learn more and become part of the global solution!. [read more]
If your current digital marketing agency isn’t hitting the mark, then consider Certified Technologies as your next digital marketing partner. . [read more]
Superion Technology provides design services and consulting for ASIC, FPGA and embedded software development. . [read more]
A global leader in heat transfer fluids, brewing up big savings for breweries and other industries. . [read more]
Family owned and operated, est. 2000, we pay attention to detail and we are very dependable. . [read more]
The Diocese of Grand Island operates under the direction of Bishop Joseph G. Hanefeldt in his role as shepherd and teacher. . [read more]
GPS is an indoor sports complex that offers basketball and volleyball Rental. Home of 365 Elite AAU, MaxPro Basketball & Spring Tumbling, We have 3 volleyball courts, 1 full size basketball court.. [read more]
Proprietary hedge fund. [read more]
Página con información para oportunidad de negocio internacional. Ganancias en dólares a través del mejor producto de salud y nutrición existente. . . [read more]
Fun, friendship, adventure, and discovery await children of all ages on our beautiful 800-acre campus! McDonogh Summer Camps offers over 80 camps, including traditional day camps, sports.. [read more]
GTO Engineering Services Provides Structural Engineers, Architectural Engineers, Architectural Firms, Architectural Power Plants, Industrial Plants And Bui. [read more]
Pagina operada por: Juan Soto. [read more]
Created to support community of Filipinos Abroad and Former OFWs to create passive income for life. . [read more]
Khsl CBS 12, located at 3460 Silverbell Rd, Chico, California 95973. They can be contacted via phone at (530) 342-0141 for more detailed information. . [read more]
This is the facebook homepage of Beijing Jingcheng Times Education Technology Co. , Ltd. We have more than 25 years of teaching experience and have provided thousands of foreign teachers.. [read more]
I can help build your brand while also creating memories for your family!. [read more]
Mountain View Senior Citizen Center, located at 266 Escuela Ave, Mountain View, California 94040. They can be contacted via phone at (650) 903-6330 for more detailed information. [read more]
At sc10n, we’re committed to building the best solution to help you do your best work. To start, we are building a solution for aggregating, organizing and utilizing your bookmarks from.. [read more]
Quality, home based infant and toddler care with 25+ years experience. I provide the one-on-one love and attention your child deserves, along with the learning experiences they need. [read more]
Veterinary technician services. [read more]
Live Finesse LLC. is a lifestyle brand where women of color, culture, entertainment/media, and branding coexist. . [read more]
This is where the magic happens!. [read more]
Rich’s Pain Cave is where the magic happens. . [read more]
Bellawood senior care, located at Bessemer Super Hwy, Brighton, AL 35020, Birmingham, Alabama 35020. They can be contacted via phone at (205) 908-8669 for more detailed information. [read more]
The aging process can be a difficult and emotional time not only for the individual but for their loved ones as well. Senior Care Options, Inc. has been serving Ocean, Monmouth, and.. [read more]
Custom Boxes Market is packaging company, making custom packaging boxes for businesses. Boxes are created as per requirements for final packaging, distribution and storage of products. [read more]