This is the official page for Cesar E. Chavez Learning Academies J. v. and Varsity football team. . [read more]
Started in 1980, the St John's Invitational "March Madness" Basketball Tournament is a annual tradition like no other. . [read more]
Một lần là Gunner Mãi Mãi là Gunner. [read more]
Литтл Сизарс-Арена — крытая многофункциональная арена расположенная в Детройте, штат Мичиган. Арена предназначена для проведения спортивных и культурно-массовых мероприятий. [read more]
ドジャー・スタジアム(Dodger Stadium)は、アメリカのカリフォルニア州ロサンゼルスにある野球場。概要MLBのロサンゼルス・ドジャースのホーム球場。また、1962年から1965年までロサンゼルス・エンゼルスも本拠地にしていた。かつてオーナーのピーター・オマリーが「ボールパークにファンを呼ぶには、球場を楽しく美しいところ、つまり男がガールフレンドを連れて行きたくなるような場所にすることだ」という名言を残している。その言葉通りの楽しい演出が多く、また球場全体に清掃が行き届いている。さらにカリフォルニアの温暖な気候のおかげで雨天中止が非常に少ない。このことから「ドジャース永遠のホーム」と呼ばれ親しまれている。フィールドの特徴1990年代以降はMLBの球場では珍しくなった、フィールドがセンターラインを軸に左右対称の球場である。2016年現在、ナショナルリーグ所属球団の本拠地球場では唯一である。ナイトゲームでは霧が立ち込め、その湿気を吸ってボールが重くなり、球足が遅くなる。さらに、中堅から本塁へ向かって吹く風が打球を押し戻すことも手伝い、本塁打が出にくい傾向にある。外野やファウルグラウンドが比較的広い点も投手有利だと言われており、2004年 - 2005年の日本のMLB文献では、「MLBで最も投手有利な球場」と評されたこともあった。2005年より、ファウルグラウンド部分に新たに座席が設けられてからは若干その傾向が弱まったものの、それでもいまだに投手有利の球場とされている。設備、アトラクション、演出この球場で販売されているホットドッグ「ドジャー・ドッグ(The World famous Dodger Dog)」は、アメリカの野球場の中で販売されているホットドッグの中で最も販売数が多く、また世界で一番有名なホットドッグとしてここの名物となっている。ほとんどの観客は自動車で来場するが、ロサンゼルスの主たる公共交通機関であるLA Metro(ロサンゼルス郡都市圏交通局)が野球などのイベント開催中に限りUnion駅から無料のシャトルバスを運行している。. [read more]
Dodger Stadium, occasionally called by the metonym Chavez Ravine, is a baseball park located in the Elysian Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, the home field of the Los Angeles Dodgers, the.. [read more]
Le Dodger Stadium est un stade de baseball situé dans le secteur de Chávez Ravine au nord du centre de Los Angeles en Californie. C'est là que joue l'équipe de baseball de la ville, les.. [read more]
The Ray Kroc Baseball Complex is a multi-field complex located in Yuma, Arizona. It serves as host complex to Major League Baseball spring training games and occasionally hosts concerts and.. [read more]
Bernlohr Stadium is the home stadium to the Capital Crusaders of Capital University. The stadium is located on Capital University's Campus in Bexley, Ohio. [read more]
커티스 힉슨 홀는 미국 플로리다 주 탬파에 위치한 실내 경기장이다. . [read more]
UT-D Baseball Field is a baseball venue located in Richardson, TX and home to the UT Dallas Comets baseball program, which was added in 2002. The ballpark holds a capacity of 250. [read more]
ملعب مرسيدس-بنز أومرسيدس-بنز ستاديوم هو ملعب كرة قدم أنشئ في مدينة أتلانتا الأمريكية عام 2014. . [read more]
WesBanco Arena is a multi-purpose arena located in Wheeling, West Virginia. It was built in 1977 at a cost of $7 million. It is home to the Wheeling Nailers ice hockey team and the Ohio.. [read more]
The International Tennis Club of Washington plays real tennis on Prince's Court at the Regency Sport and Health Club in McLean, Virginia, 6 miles (10 km) from Washington, D. [read more]
Newsletters | Sports Advisor | Sports Apparel. [read more]
Leichhardt Oval is a football stadium in Leichhardt, New South Wales, Australia. It is currently one of two home grounds for the Wests Tigers National Rugby League team (the other being.. [read more]
Les Bolstad Golf Course is a golf course owned by the University of Minnesota. The course is located in Falcon Heights, Minnesota on the "St. Paul" campus of the University. [read more]
Yulman Stadium is the on-campus venue for football at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana. It currently has a capacity of 30,000 spectators, with 4,500 premium seats in two fan clubs -.. [read more]
Sunnyvale Rod and Gun is a stadium, located at 11998 Stevens Canyon Rd, Santa Clara, California 95014. They can be contacted via phone at (408) 873-8255 for more detailed information. [read more]
The AmericanAirlines Arena is a sports and entertainment arena located in Downtown Miami, Florida along Biscayne Bay. It was constructed beginning in 1998 as a replacement for the Miami Arena and.. [read more]
''(AmericanAirlines Arena)是位于佛罗里达州迈阿密市中心的大型综合娱乐球场。1998年开始修建,是NBA迈阿密热火队的主场。名称中AmericanAirlines是一个单词,而达拉斯小牛的主场美國航空中心(American Airlines Center)里的American和Airlines是两个单词。2001年,小牛主場AAC完工,從此熱火和小牛的對戰組合,常被戲稱為「美航大戰」。球场可容纳19600观众,包括2,105个俱乐部席位, 80个头等座位和76个私人包厢。. [read more]
アメリカン・エアラインズ・アリーナ(American.. [read more]
Perry D. "Peno" Graham Field is a baseball park located in Corsicana, TX. It is the home of the Navarro College Bulldogs baseball team. . [read more]
Mike & Eddie DeRose ThunderBowl is owned by Colorado State University–Pueblo. Its current tenants are the Colorado State University–Pueblo ThunderWolves football team. [read more]
De Valois Stadium is a sports stadium in Orange City, Iowa with a capacity of 3,100. It plays hosts to college football games and other events on campus at Northwestern College. [read more]
Football_tournament2020 is a stadium, located at 4420 N Maryvale Pkwy, Phoenix, Arizona 85031. They can be contacted via phone at +16023700542 for more detailed information. [read more]
Tennis Club Of Santa Barbara is a stadium, located at 2375 Foothill Rd, Santa Barbara, California 93105. They can be contacted via phone at +18056824722 for more detailed information. [read more]
Medford Area Youth Hockey Association also known as MAYHA is a hockey organization in Medford, WI. . [read more]
South Mississippi Soccer Club (SMSC) is a member of the Mississippi Soccer Association (MSA), affiliated with the United States Youth Soccer Association, that services the Gulf Coast of.. [read more]
The Great New York State Fair is back this year & better than ever! Newly remodeled fairgrounds with removal of grandstand provides a plethora of fresh air. [read more]
Performance U is a stadium, located at 2 Blue Hill Plz, Pearl River, New York 10965. They can be contacted via phone at (845) 620-0064 for more detailed information. [read more]
To provide a safe, fun and exiting experience for our youths and parents. . [read more]
United Csnter is a stadium, located at 1901 W Madison St, Chicago, Illinois 60612. [read more]
The PHS Booster Club works to raise funds that go directly back to supporting the athletes and the athletic programs at Pelham High School in Pelham NH. [read more]
Fielders Stadium is an unfinished baseball park in Zion, Illinois, nicknamed "A Diamond on the Border" and "Lake County's Field of Dreams," and was home to the Lake County Fielders of the.. [read more]