The internet is a Zoo. Ask a Chimp for help. . [read more]
ma·ven | one who is experienced or knowledgeable wares | manufactured articles, products of art or craft Bringing products full of joy from the MavenWares Etsy shop to your favorite.. [read more]
5つの大学から構成されるマサチューセッツ大学システム(UMassシステム)の旗艦校であり、現在約90の学部と約65の大学院プログラムを提供している。マサチューセッツ大学アマースト本校は他のキャンパスに比べ入学資格が厳しく、比較的レベルも高い。マサチューセッツ州にはハーバード大学やマサチューセッツ工科大学などの名門校があり、また本校が所在するアマースト町周辺にキャンパスを構えるアマースト大学、スミス大学、マウント・ホリヨーク大学など、近隣五大学からなるファイブカレッジ・コンソーシアム(英語サイト)のメンバーである。The Times of Londonが2011年にリリースした世界大学ランキングでは19位にランクインしている。イギリス紙「タイムズ」が2010年に発表した世界大学ランキングにおいて56位に選出されている。 とくに、コンピュータ科学、経営学、ナノテクノロジー、高分子科学などの分野では全米でも評価が高い。沿革1863年にモリル・ランドグラント法の下、310エーカーの土地、4人の教授陣、4つの木造校舎と56人の学生から構成されたマサチューセッツ農科大学(Massachusetts Agricultural College。第3代学長に、日本においてクラーク博士として知られるウィリアム・スミス・クラークがいる)が前身である。規模の拡大を受け1931年にマサチューセッツ州立大学(Massachusetts State College)となったのを経て、1947年にマサチューセッツ大学となる。その後も大学機関としての規模は拡大を続け、学生数は1954年に4,000人を突破、さらにベビーブームの影響を受けた1964年には10,500人を超える事となり、2007年までに約26,000人の学生を有するまで成長した。1962年にウースター校、1964年にボストン校、1991年にローウェル校とダートマス校がそれぞれ開校され、5つのキャンパスからなるマサチューセッツ大学システムが整備される中、同校はアマースト校と呼称されるようになる。1974年に図書館ビルとしては世界第2の高さを持つW・E・B・デュボイス図書館(英語サイト)が立てられた。2003年、それまでその規模及び歴史的経緯からシステムの中核を担って来たアマースト校はマサチューセッツ州議会によりシステム内における本校の指定を受け、大学機関として更なる規模の拡大と質の向上を目指している。. [read more]
C Tango is the Argentine tango practice of Claire Cerra and Craig Chapman. We teach the culture, movements, vocabulary and social dance skills of this iconic dance to beginners and.. [read more]
Pearland Classical Family School is a Christian school that uses a collaborative teaching approach, with two days of traditional classroom instruction and two alternate days of home instruction.. [read more]
Developing a production ready workforce for the Oklahoma film and television industry. Are you ready to work in Film & TV?. [read more]
Lowest grade taught: Prekindergarten - Highest grade taught: 8th grade. [read more]
Established in 2009, The Chinese Immersion School at De Avila is the 5th of San Francisco’s Chinese Immersion Programs. By providing a rigorous Chinese and English academic program in a fun.. [read more]
Park Lakes is excelling. You will find events and activities happening right here at Park Lakes!!!. [read more]
Northeast Tae Kwon Do is a school, located at 62 Main Street, Saranac Lake, New York 12983. They can be contacted via phone at (518) 891-2585 for more detailed information. [read more]
Northeastern York High School is located at 300 High Street, Manchester, Pennsylvania. It is In the Northeastern York School District. In 2016, Northeastern York High School was ranked #75 in.. [read more]
Welcome Bulldogs! We are here to support the mission and vision of Westview Elementary through volunteerism, fundraising, and direct support to our teachers. [read more]
Phone numbers: Dwight Sederburg 712-307-2326 Colin Beery.. [read more]
twitter. com/towson_wmst towson-wmst. tumblr. com instagram: towson_wmst. [read more]
Randle Highlands Elementary is a school, located at 1650 30th St SE, Washington D. C. 20020. They can be contacted via phone at +12022794050 for more detailed information. [read more]
Lowest grade taught: Kindergarten - Highest grade taught: 4th Grade. [read more]
Naz Giving Day is March 19. Help us reach our goal of 150 senior class donations to unlock an exclusive, senior-only donor happy hour event with guest bartender President Daan Braveman to be held.. [read more]
Nazareth ISD is committed to providing our stakeholders with up to date information about our district and also showcasing the success of our students. [read more]
Our mission for the Lone Grove School District is to ensure that students have the knowledge, skills and experience for success in life through a result-driven, school/community based program. [read more]
The Corner Store is a parent run store that is located in the corner of the Truman cafeteria. The store sells school supplies and a few fun items to students during their lunch periods. [read more]
Weston Public Schools' HR takes pride in seeking out the most highly qualified teachers, administrators, and staff. . [read more]
Newtown High School is a high school in Elmhurst, a neighborhood in the New York City borough of Queens. Its multinational student body consists of approximately 2,879 students, with a.. [read more]
MA/MFA in Studio Art. [read more]
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is a professional computer science organization with chapters across the globe. While the ACM does many things, the Clark Chapter will focus on.. [read more]
The Whitney M. Young Jr. School of Social Work recognizes the rights of its students to be recognized and participate in all affairs of the School of Social Work. [read more]
Clark Atlanta University believes everyone’s future depends on the degree to which children are well educated to change the world for the better. . [read more]
Loyola's campus post office and student mail boxes are located in the DeChiaro College Center. Hours of Operation: Stamps and mailings: Monday - Friday: 8:30 a. [read more]
We offer Women's Cardio Kickboxing class to private trainings. . [read more]
The Fisher Catholic Friends of the Arts is an organization that supports the Art, Music and Theater programs at William V. Fisher Catholic High School. [read more]
Spring Creek Horses Help Foundation was established with the goal of bringing the experience of horses, through an equine-based comprehensive educational program, to under-resourced children.. [read more]
Authentic Gracie Jiu-jitsu in Henry County. [read more]
This is the first Gracie University Certified Training Center in Seattle. Learn the world-famous Gracie Jiu-Jitsu method of self-defense. . [read more]
Hey everyone! Welcome to the official page for the Charles Gracie Richmond District Academy. We will be posting pictures, news, and updates of everything we have going on at the gym. [read more]
For more than 40 years, we have prepared children for kindergarten in a fun and loving learning environment. . [read more]
Salsa Heat Latin Dance Studio. Established in 1999, Salsa Heat dance studio is the premier Latin Dance school in Central Florida. . [read more]
CSHAT has had six graduating classes as of 2013, graduating 98 percent of those students. The school would like to stay connected with its alumni, so 'like' this page if you're a proud graduate,.. [read more]