올드 스테이트 하우스는 미국 매사추세츠 주 보스턴에 있는 구 의사당이다. 워싱턴 가와 스테이트 가의 교차로에 위치한다. 1713년에 건축된 보스턴에서 가장 오래된 공공 건물이며 신세계에서 선거에 의해 선출된 의회의 의사당으로도 처음이다. 현재 보스턴의 역사 학회 보스토니언 소사이어티가 운영하고있다. [read more]
Crystal Lake Park District Palmer House is a museum, located at 660 W Terra Cotta Ave, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014. They can be contacted via phone at +18154775873 for more detailed information. [read more]
Le New Orleans Morial Convention Center est un Palais des congrès à La Nouvelle-Orléans, États-Unis. La partie basse du Bâtiment 1 est située 500 m en amont de Canal Street sur les berges.. [read more]
Muskogee War Memorial Park is a museum, located at 3500 Batfish Rd, Muskogee, Oklahoma 74403. They can be contacted via phone at +19186826294 for more detailed information. [read more]
뉴욕 증권거래소는 미국 뉴욕 시에 있는 증권거래소로 세계의 주요 기업들의 주식이 상장되어 있는 곳이다. "Big Board"라는 별명을 가진 뉴욕 증권거래소(NYSE)는 뉴욕 기반의 증권거래소이다. 이는 달러 총액 기준으로 세계에서 가장 큰 증권거래소이고 등록된 회사 개수로는 두 번째로 가장 큰 증권거래소이다. [read more]
Das Arbeitslager Workuta, war ein Besserungsarbeitslager (ITL) des Gulag-Komplexes für politisch Verfolgte und Kriegsgefangene in der Sowjetunion. Das Lager befand sich nahe der Stadt Workuta.. [read more]
Contains many interesting articles contributed by descendants of as many as 40 pioneer families. These items were carried across the plains by many of the original families who crossed the.. [read more]
The Orpheum Theatre on Broadway in downtown Los Angeles, California, opened on February 15, 1926, as the fourth and final Los Angeles venue for the Orpheum vaudeville circuit. [read more]
The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum is an American history museum and hall of fame, located in Cooperstown, New York, and operated by private interests. [read more]
This is a page has been created for the Downtown Historic Square Businesses to share ideas specials and information about their businesses in hopes to build a solid community and growth for.. [read more]
Military Heritage Collection Museum and motor pool. . [read more]
Gebhart Tavern, also known as the Daniel Gebhart Tavern Museum, is a small museum located in Miamisburg, Ohio, United States. It is a popular attraction in Miamisburg and is currently being run.. [read more]
The 2013 Arizona - New Mexico Joint History Conference will be held April 18th to 21st in Las Cruces, NM. For more info, visit http://arizonahistory. org/. [read more]
The Genesee Country Village and Museum is a 19th-century living history museum covering more than 600acre located in the small hamlet of Mumford, New York, United States, about 20mi from Rochester. [read more]
Creator of Personalized paintings, digital art and much more ����. [read more]
The Heritage Museum at Falfurrias is a museum, located at 515 N Saint Marys St, Falfurrias, Texas 78355. They can be contacted via phone at (361) 325-2907 for more detailed information. [read more]
Морской порт Мистик: музей Америки и моря — музей под открытым небом, расположенный на территории в 15 га.. [read more]
Disney is the most recognized business in the world. . [read more]
Chinese Historical Society Of New England is a museum, located at 2 Boylston Street, G-3, Boston, Massachusetts 02116. They can be contacted via phone at (617) 338-4339 for more detailed information. [read more]
Soarin, also known as Soarin' Around the World and Soaring Over the Horizon, is a flight motion simulator attraction at Disney California Adventure, Epcot, and Shanghai Disneyland. [read more]
Governor Sprague Mansion. [read more]
Le musée de l'USS Midway est un musée de San Diego en Californie. Il est situé dans le porte-avions qui en est sa principale attraction, à proximité du musée maritime de San Diego. [read more]
ساختمان پایتخت ایالت ویسکانسین بنایی است که شاخه مقننه دولت ویسکانسین در آن قرار دارد. معمار بنا George B. Post بوده و در سال ۱۹۰۶ به شیوه بوزار ساخته گردید و در مدیسون، ویسکانسین قرار دارد. [read more]
Hemingway-pfeiffer Museum is a museum, located at 1021 W. Cherry, Piggott, Arkansas 72454. They can be contacted via phone at (870) 598-3487 for more detailed information. [read more]
Marcus Theatres Information is a movie theater, located at 5202 High Crossing Blvd, Madison, Wisconsin 53718. They can be contacted via phone at (608) 242-7113 for more detailed information. [read more]
ウォルト・ディズニー・ワールド・スピードウェイ は、アメリカ合衆国のサーキット。1995年にIMSイベンツ・インク(インディアナポリス・モーター・スピードウェイ社の子会社)が、インディ・レーシング・リーグのイベントであるインディ200を開催するために建設した。現在は主にリチャード・ペティによるドライブ体験会と、インディ・レーシング・リーグの体験会の会場として使用される。実際のレースは開催されていない。オートウィーク誌とオーランド・センチネル紙はこのコースを「ザ・ミックヤード The Mickyard」の愛称で呼んだ。この愛称はディズニーの象徴である「ミッキーマウス」と、インディアナポリス・モーター・スピードウェイの愛称である「ブリックヤード」から作られたものである。歴史コースはターンが3つ、三角形のオーバルコースでインディアナポリス・モーター・スピードウェイのチーフ・エンジニアであるケヴィン・フォーブスが設計、1994年9月にブエナビスタ・コンストラクションのグレッグ・ルースが建設地を決定した。コースはマジック・キングダムの駐車場に隣接する三角形の小区画に位置する。コース図面は1995年1月23日に発表され、既存の施設の境界に合うように設計されていた。また、既存の道路コースの変更は最小限に抑えられた。1995年6月27日、インディアナポリス・モーター・スピードウェイの会長であるマリ・ハルマン・ジョージが起工式に参加した。彼女は有名な「ブリックヤード」のオリジナルの舗装レンガをコースにプレゼントした。過去のレース結果インディ・レーシング・リーグIRL インディカー・シリーズのインディ200が最初に行われたイベントであった。† レースは 149ラップ / 149マイル経過時点で雨のため終了となった。†† レースは日曜日に開催された。NASCAR クラフツマン・トラック・シリーズ‡ グリーン・ホワイト・チェッカールールのため204ラップで終了。. [read more]
Historic Overtown/Lyric Theatre station is a station on the Metrorail rapid transit system in northwest Downtown, Miami, Florida. The station is located at the intersection of Northwest Sixth.. [read more]
뉴욕 동영상 박물관은 뉴욕 퀸스의 애스토리아에 있는 영화와 게임 전문 박물관이다. . [read more]
McKenna Museum of African American Art is a museum, located at 2003 Carondelet St, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130. They can be contacted via phone at +15045867432 for more detailed information. [read more]
Welcome to our quaint little log cabin village. We hope you'll come soon for a self-guided tour, nostalgia, and handmade crafts, in our beautiful valley!. [read more]
The L & N Train Station is a restored railroad station in Clarksville, Tennessee. It was restored in 1996 to circa 1901 AD condition and includes a diesel locomotive and caboose donated by RJ.. [read more]
Mayhew Cabin & Historical Vill is a museum, located at 2012 4th Ave, Nebraska City, Nebraska 68410. They can be contacted via phone at +14028733115 for more detailed information. [read more]
کاپیتول ایالت آریزونا بنایی است که شاخه مقننه دولت ایالت آریزونا در آن قرار دارد. بنای کنونی در سال ۱۹۰۰ با معماری جیمز رایلی گوردن ساخته گردید و در فینیکس قرار دارد. [read more]
The San Diego Museum of Man is a museum of anthropology located in Balboa Park, San Diego, California and housed in the historic landmark buildings of the California Quadrangle. [read more]
All things GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums) for the UW Museum Studies program. . [read more]