O Museu Nacional de História Natural é um museu administrado pela Instituição Smithsoniana, localizado no National Mall, em Washington, D. C. , Estados Unidos. [read more]
The Hampton County Museum preserves and portrays the history of Hampton County, South Carolina. . [read more]
Museum of Crime & Punishment, foi um museu dedicado à história da criminologia e penalogia nos Estados Unidos. Fundado em 23 de maio de 2008, pelo empresário John Morgan e pelo apresentador.. [read more]
El Museo de Arte de Ruth y Elmer Wellin es parte del Hamilton College, en el pueblo Clinton, estado de Nueva York. El museo fue establecido en octubre del 2012 después del cierre de la.. [read more]
The Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art is part of Hamilton College in Clinton, New York. The museum was established in October 2012 after the closing of Hamilton’s Emerson Gallery. [read more]
波士頓兒童博物館(Boston Children's Museum)是位於美國麻薩諸塞州波士頓的一座兒童博物館,展示主題是兒童的教育。波士頓兒童博物館地處兒童碼頭,是美國第二座兒童博物館,提供眾多服務兒童的娛樂和教育活動。波士頓兒童博物館創建於1913年。參考資料 Sayles, Adelaide B. [read more]
The Discovery Museum and Planetarium is a hands-on science museum in Bridgeport, Connecticut, that serves as both a tourist destination and an educational resource for area schools. [read more]
The Las Vegas Walk of Stars, located in Las Vegas, Nevada, started in October 2004 to honor the people who helped make Vegas famous. The embedded stars are located along a 4-mile stretch on.. [read more]
Erle Stillwell House II is a historic home located at Hendersonville, Henderson County, North Carolina. It was built in 1935, and is a one-story, eclectic French Eclectic brick dwelling with.. [read more]
Lake Region Heritage Center is a museum, located at 502 4th St NE, Devils Lake, North Dakota 58301. They can be contacted via phone at +17016623701 for more detailed information. [read more]
This is a Facebook page dedicated to the museum section of Middletown Heritage Society of Middletown Virginia that is located in the Wayside Inn. This page will contain pictures and memorabilia. [read more]
The Pike-Sheldon House, located at 406 S. 3rd St. in Monmouth, Illinois, is a historic home and the birthplace of lawman Wyatt Earp. The house features an Upright and Wing plan with a Greek.. [read more]
Die United States Olympic Hall of Fame ist die Ehrenhalle für die besten US-amerikanischen Olympiateilnehmer. Sie wurde 1979 vom United States Olympic Committee gegründet. [read more]
Busch Gardens Williamsburg is a 383acre theme park located in James City County, Virginia, United States. Located about 60. 40 miles northwest of Virginia Beach, the park was developed.. [read more]
Flat, Bevel, Slant & Upright Monuments Veteran Memorials Cremation Markers Vases. [read more]
매직 킹덤은 미국 플로리다 주 올랜도의 월트 디즈니 월드 리조트에 있는 4개의 테마 중 한개이다. . [read more]
Kenmore, also known as Kenmore Plantation, is a plantation house at 1201 Washington Avenue in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Built in the 1770s, it was the home of Fielding and Betty Washington Lewis.. [read more]
The Heritage Museum of Orange County's virtual Diverse Voices exhibition was created in partnership with Chapman University's Cultural & Creative Industry students. [read more]
Mission: The World Kite Museum tells the story of kites and their effect on world culture, art, and scientific innovation through hands-on learning exhibits for all ages. [read more]
Widener Gallery is a museum, located at 300 Summit St, Hartford, Connecticut 06106. They can be contacted via phone at +18602975232 for more detailed information. [read more]
Histories are by contrast supposed to be written in order to fuel a public debate over historical responsibilities. . [read more]
Mount Evans is the highest summit of the Chicago Peaks in the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains of North America. The prominent 14,271-foot (4350 m) fourteener is located in the Mount.. [read more]
德克薩斯號(BB-35)是紐約級戰艦的二號艦,也是美國海軍第二艘以德克薩斯州命名的艦隻。她為美國海軍服役34年,成為該戰亂年代的活見證。她參與了1914年墨西哥坦皮科事件、在一次大戰為協約國船隻護航、二次大戰時更活躍於大西洋、北非、參與諾曼地登陸,再轉戰太平洋,協助盟軍登陸硫磺島與沖繩島,單在二戰就獲得了5個戰鬥之星。除役後德克薩斯號改建成侯斯頓的浮動博物館,偶爾也會參與電影拍攝。德克薩斯號之所以閒名於世,乃其保持的多項歷史性紀錄。她既是美國尚存最古舊的無畏艦,又是世上少數現存、曾服役兩次大戰的艦隻。就美國而言,德克薩斯號更是首隻美軍戰艦裝上防空高炮及現代火控系統、彈射軍用偵察機、使用CXZ雷達信號及安裝CXAM-1型雷達、永久改裝成博物館船、及被評作美國國家級歷史地標。建造與配置美軍在1910年6月24日授權建造德克薩斯號,並開始招標,最終由紐波特紐斯造船廠以5,830,000美元投得合約(裝甲及其他配置不計算在內),並於12月17日正底簽約。龍骨在1911年4月17日安放,並於1912年5月18日舉行了下水禮,1914年3月12日正式服役。德克薩斯號安裝了5座14英寸/45 Mark8雙聯裝主炮,配備1500磅的穿甲彈,射程達13哩(21公里)。副炮則是21門5英寸/51高炮。原設計上德克薩斯號裝上了四支魚雷管,同時可發射12支魚雷。德克薩斯號也採用了先進的活塞蒸汽引擎。雖然美軍在1914前後已逐步採用燃油渦輪引擎,但德克薩斯號的機動力,卻仍是數一數二,能在非緊急動力下,以21節速度航行4小時。1914–1917年1914年3月24日德克薩斯號抵達諾福克,兩日後航行至紐約布魯克林海軍船廠,並此後三星期開始安裝基本火控系統。在紐約停留期間,墨西哥發生了軍人扣押美軍炮艇事件。事件雖迅速在當地和解平息,但海軍少將亨利·湯瑪斯·梅奧卻要求墨西哥政府進一步表示歉意:官方必須否定軍人所為,並向美國國旗鳴廿一響禮炮,以示對美國尊重。此要求進一步惡化兩國關係。美國總統威爾遜則視之為一大好機會,藉機向他眼中「不民主」的國家施壓。在未經國會討論下,威爾遜命海軍少將弗萊德·弗萊徹率艦航向墨西哥海域,登陸韋拉克魯斯,並佔據當地民屋以示報復。軍事行動於4月21至22日正式展開。. [read more]
The "B" Movie Museum was created by Melia Howard in June of 2018 from her passion for this genre of films dating back to her childhood in the 1970's. . [read more]
We over 20 years of experience in entertainment business development design, production, operation and assembly of entertainment concepts, attractions, interactive experiences and BTL.. [read more]
This page has been developed to reach out to all current and former Bellingham residents to share their thoughts and photos of our great towns history. [read more]
The Field Museum of Natural History, also known as The Field Museum, is a natural history museum in Chicago, and is one of the largest such museums in the world. [read more]
Le fort Saint-Jean,, dénommé également Spanish fort, est un poste de traite fortifié établi en 1701 par les Français, à la confluence du bayou Saint-Jean et du lac Pontchartrain au nord de.. [read more]
The Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum holds the records of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States (1933–1945). [read more]
Venue: Birthday, Graduation, Anniversary, Retirement Parties, Showers, Company events, Business and Club Meetings. All rooms are handicapped accessible. [read more]
Have your wedding at the Children's Museum of Pittsburgh!. [read more]
The Plimoth Grist Mill is a working grist mill located in Plymouth, Massachusetts. It is a reconstruction of the original Jenney Grist Mill, and it stands on the site of the original mill. [read more]
Acadian Archives was started in April 2011 by Crystal Vining. As a historian, Ms. Vining is uniquely qualified to organize, research and document various subjects. [read more]
The Herrett Center for Arts and Science, located on the main campus of the College of Southern Idaho in Twin Falls, Idaho, USA, is a museum of anthropology, natural history, astronomy, and art. [read more]