The Telephone Pioneer Museum is dedicated to preserving the history and legacy of the Eugene Telephone Pioneers. . [read more]
Open Sundays 1pm-4pm Memorial Day weekend through the last Sunday in September or by appointment. Admission is Free with donations welcome. . [read more]
Mmuseumm is a museum, located at 4 Cortlandt Aly, New York, New York 10013. They can be contacted via phone at (888) 763-8839 for more detailed information. [read more]
Barnes-Franklin Gallery is an art gallery, located at 271 Scott Swamp Rd, Farmington, Connecticut 06032. They can be contacted via phone at +18602553500 for more detailed information. [read more]
The 150 Franklin Street Gallery welcomes community activities: readings and book signings; civic and social meetings; lectures; receptions. . [read more]
Chattahoochee Valley Historical Society (CVHS): SPEAKING ABOUT THE PAST TO THE PRESENT FOR A BETTER FUTURE. [read more]
Herreid Military Museum is a museum, located at 213 E Luverne St, Luverne, Minnesota 56156. They can be contacted via phone at (507) 283-4061 for more detailed information. [read more]
Society of The Sacred Heart Archives is a museum, located at 4537 W Pine Blvd, St. Louis, Missouri 63108. They can be contacted via phone at (314) 367-1704 for more detailed information. [read more]
Jeff Koons Exhibit at The Broad Museum. [read more]
From fine arts to fossils, from music to molecules, there’s something for everyone at the Morris Museum. . [read more]
This is a virtual store where my darling Muse and I sell our stories and books. [read more]
A small community museum, run by knowledgeable volunteers, with artifacts from the Franciscan Monastery and the founding of Teutopolis by German immigrants in the 1800's. [read more]
Historic McDonald's Museum is a museum, located at 1398 N E St, San Bernardino, California 92405. They can be contacted via phone at +19098856324 for more detailed information. [read more]
Original McDonald's is a museum, located at 1398 N E St, San Bernardino, California 92405. They can be contacted via phone at (909) 885-6324 for more detailed information. [read more]
Historical Reenactors, concerts, historical drama productions, and living history demonstrations. [read more]
Our goal is to create a safe place for kids to express themselves through the form of art. . [read more]
Historical Society for the "Greater Pine Castle" area, including Belle Isle, Conway, Edgewood and South Orlando. "Preserving the past, creating the future. [read more]
DAR Museum looks at the American experience through objects and art of the American home from the Colonial Era to the early 20th century. . [read more]
HistoriCraft offers the industry's finest restoration & preservation of historic buildings & furniture; as well as custom built items with a historic charm. [read more]
NSCDA is a genealogical society dedicated to educating the community about the vibrant history of Colonial New York. . [read more]
The LCGHS preserves information & photos of Logan County Illinois families, businesses, churches, organizations. & events - and maintains a research center. [read more]
Area history, Genealogy, artifacts, Indian artifacts, open for private parties/tours and much more. . [read more]
ペトコ・パーク(PETCO Park)は、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州サンディエゴにある野球場。メジャーリーグベースボール(MLB)のサンディエゴ・パドレスが本拠地球場としている。概要パドレスは1969年の球団創設以来クアルコム・スタジアムを本拠地にしていた。クアルコム・スタジアムはアメリカンフットボールのNFLサンディエゴ・チャージャーズとの兼用だった。しかし、1990年代に入ってからの野球専用球場ブームに加え、スタジアムの老朽化が進んでいたことから、新球場建設を求める声が高まった。1998年、パドレスが出場したワールドシリーズ終了後に住民投票が行われ、新球場建設のためにサンディエゴ市が公金を投入することが認められた。しかし、当初2002年に開場する予定だったが、2000年10月に建設資金が底を突いてしまい、工事が1年以上にわたって中断した。2001年11月、サンディエゴ市は1億6,600万ドルの公債を発行。工事は再開され、2004年4月開場にこぎつけた。新古典主義の流れを汲むデザインであるが、使用する建材の色を他の球場とは違うものにすることで差別化を図っている。一般的な新古典主義球場では赤レンガに黒い鉄骨の梁、深緑の観客席が用いられているが、ペトコ・パークの場合はインド産の砂岩に化粧漆喰を施し、白い鋼鉄の梁、ダークブルー(ネイビーブルー)の観客席と組み合わせた。「サンディエゴの砂浜と青い空、海に浮かぶボートの白い帆」をイメージしたものである。また、ネイビーブルーは、サンディエゴが米海軍の港町であることからパドレスのチームカラーにもなっている。球場名は地元に本拠を置くペット用品販売チェーンのペトコ・アニマル・サプライ社が命名権を買い取り、名付けられた。フィールドの特徴外野が広く形状も複雑で、狭い左中間への打球も左翼方向からの風の影響を受ける。そのため打者にとっては本塁打が出にくい。特に右中間は非常に深く左の強打者泣かせの球場である。守備側にも、守備範囲が広くて強肩の外野手が必須である。フライで打たせて取るタイプの投手には有利な球場である。パークファクターを見ても、ほとんどの年でホームランの出る確率は最下位を争っている。このような状況が続いたため、2012年オフに右中間を狭くして打者不利を是正する改修工事を開始した。またブルペンの位置にも特徴があり、使用するベンチと反対側のファウルグラウンド内にあるブルペンを使用する。(例:3塁側ベンチを使用するチームはライト側のブルペンを使用). [read more]
We are a non-profit, solely volunteer run, museum which offers exciting and educational exhibits and workshops for all ages. We do not charge admission. [read more]
Roseville Telephone Museum is a museum, located at 106 Vernon St, Roseville, California 95678. They can be contacted via phone at (916) 786-1621 for more detailed information. [read more]
The Spanish American War Museum and Archives (El Museo y Archivo de la Guerra Hispano-Americana) was founded to preserve the History and Memories of the United States, Spain, Cuba, Puerto Rico,.. [read more]
I've been an artis for 4 years and i now want to show the public what I can do. If u have any ideas,questions,comments feel free to contact me. [read more]
The Museum of Railway Workers was created in order to recognize the involvement of workers in the history of railroading. . [read more]
Historic 1800's Federal Home in New Franklin, Missouri. On the National Register of Historic Places. . [read more]
The Holyoke Historical Commission is a seven-member board established on November 20, 1972 by a vote of the Holyoke Board of Alderman/City Council. The Commission's most important goal is.. [read more]
Silver mining town from the mid to late 1800's. Became a Ghost Town in the 1900's. The Wells Fargo Express Stop, built in 1877, is now a museum and gift shop. [read more]
At the LSU Museum Store we proudly support local artists from the Baton Rouge community and surrounding areas. We offer numerous works and products highlighting local talent in ceramics,.. [read more]
Craftsman Farms was founded in 1908 in Parsippany-Troy Hills, Morris County, New Jersey, United States, by noted early 20th century designer Gustav Stickley as a farm and school for the Arts.. [read more]
Institute of Contemporary Art Miami Inc is an art gallery, located at 4040 Ne 2nd Ave Ste 200, Miami, Florida 33137. They can be contacted via phone at (305) 901-5272 for more detailed information. [read more]
The MHC celebrates the natural and cultural heritage of the southern Appalachian region. There is no admission fee. Free street and lot parking. . [read more]
The Cosmix Initiative at Ringling College of Art and Design supports artists in making immersive media works for fulldome projection. . [read more]