I started this for all those of like mind and obsession. . . this page is not just for the low budget classics but also all the wonderful more classic examples of the genre. [read more]
Previously known as the Flagler College Film Festival. [read more]
The Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie is a concert hall located in Grand Prairie, Texas, 16 miles west of Dallas and 24 miles east of Fort Worth. It is near Lone Star Park and AirHogs Stadium. [read more]
Microsoft Theater on lokakuussa 2007 avattu konserttiareena Los Angelesin keskustassa. 7 100-paikkainen esiintymisareena on osa vuosina 2007−2009 valmistunutta L. [read more]
The Ridglea Theater is a single-screen theater located in Fort Worth, Texas, which opened in December 1950. Its primary owner was the Intersate theater chain, and the first movie shown was.. [read more]
Desert Diamond Buffet is a movie theater, located at 7350 S Nogales Hwy, Tucson, Arizona 85756. They can be contacted via phone at +15203421327 for more detailed information. [read more]
Bandara Internasional San Francisco adalah sebuah bandara internasional yang terletak 21 kilometer di selatan San Francisco, California. Bandara ini merupakan salah satu pintu masuk pengunjung.. [read more]
El Aeropuerto Internacional de San Francisco es un aeropuerto internacional ubicado a 21 kilómetros (13 millas) al sur del centro de San Francisco, California, Estados Unidos, adyacente a.. [read more]
PNCアリーナ(PNC Arena)はアメリカ・ノースカロライナ州・ローリーにある屋内競技場。概要1999年10月29日にこけら落とし。開場当初はローリー・エンターテイメント&スポーツ・アリーナの名称であった。NHLのカロライナ・ハリケーンズとノースカロライナ州立大学のバスケットボールの本拠地でもある。かつてはアリーナフットボールのカロライナ・コブラズの本拠地であった。2002年にカナダロイヤル銀行が20年間の命名権を取得しRBCセンターとなっていた。2011年6月、RBCセンターはPNCファイナンシャル・サービス・グループに買収され、同年12月に名称変更を承認。2012年3月15日、現在の名称となった。. [read more]
PNC球場,座落在美國賓州匹茲堡的球场,為美國棒球大聯盟匹茲堡海盜隊的主場,於西元2001年啟用,並由當地的PNC財團取得命名權。特色 PNC球場以其優美的建築特色聞名,露天的外野看台,提供一個觀看匹茲堡市區天際線的最佳視野。 球場外牆以大理石砌成,與近代球場常用的紅磚有所不同,大理石反應了匹茲堡的代表顏色—「金色」,與素有鋼鐵城市盛名的匹茲堡互相輝映。 左外野外面有一座螺旋造型圓形看台,可以透過電梯或樓梯來往各層,各層皆為露天,球迷可以在看台上同時欣賞球賽跟河景。 PNC球場在2003年ESPN的球場評比當中,獲得95分的高分(滿分100),讓PNC球場享有“棒球最佳球場”的美名。 球場座落在 Allegheny 河畔,右外野方向的全壘打有可能會落入河中,謂為奇景之一。 從市中心徒步到球場可選擇經過Roberto Clemente橋,這座橋樑座落在球場的左外野後側,只要是球賽開始前,橋樑會進行交通管制,只允許行人通行。因球場的地理位置所致,甚至有人選擇以划船的方式前往球場。 Allegheny河離本壘板440英呎,在正常球季中,只有休士頓太空人隊的Daryle Ward在2002年和匹茲堡海盜隊的Garrett Jones在2013年將球直接擊入河裡。2006年明星賽的全壘打大賽中,Lance Berkman、Ryan Howard、David Ortiz也同樣曾經把球直接擊入河裡。 PNC球場中的美食在大聯盟中也享有盛名,食物反應出匹茲堡當地的特色。 右外野牆高21英呎,是為了向Roberto Clemente這位背號21號的名人堂選手致意。 外野的記分板除了顯示各地比賽的比數之外,還有局數、球數、出局數以及壘上情況。照片. [read more]
Join us at the Ashland Theatre for our summer production of FAME Jr. From the hit motion pictures, television series, and international stage success, FAME is nothing short of a global phenomenon!. [read more]
Sedona 6 is a movie theater, located at 2081 W State Route 89A, Sedona, Arizona 86336. They can be contacted via phone at +19282822221 for more detailed information. [read more]
The Beneski Museum of Natural History, Amherst College is located on the campus of Amherst College in Amherst, Massachusetts. It showcases fossils and minerals collected locally and abroad, many.. [read more]
하이 롤러는 세계에서 가장 높이 있는 롤러코스터 중 하나이다. 스트래토스피어 라스베이거스에 위치해 있다. S&MC가 만들었으며, 1996년 4월 29일 시작하여 2005년 12월 30일까지 운행하였다. 상상원정대가 첫 번째 방송에서 이 롤러코스터를 탔다. . [read more]
The Bethel Woods Center for the Arts is a not-for-profit performing arts center and museum located at the site of the 1969 Woodstock festival in Bethel, New York, which took place on a parcel of.. [read more]
The National Academy of Sciences is a United States nonprofit, non-governmental organization. NAS is part of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, along with the.. [read more]
Minute Maid Park, previously known as The Ballpark at Union Station, Enron Field, and Astros Field, is a ballpark in Downtown Houston, Texas, United States, that opened in 2000 to house the.. [read more]
The Cheyenne Mountain Complex is a military installation and nuclear bunker located in Colorado Springs, Colorado at the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station, which hosts the activities of.. [read more]
The Peale Museum, also known officially as the Municipal Museum of the City of Baltimore, was a museum of paintings and natural history, located in the City of Baltimore, Maryland, United States. [read more]
The Stadium Theatre, part of the "Stadium Building and Theatre," is an historic movie theater and concert venue and commercial building at 329 Main Street in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. [read more]
Your satisfaction and positive experience it what drives us every day in this competitive market. . [read more]
The Abou Ben Adhem Shrine Mosque is a building of arabesque design located in downtown Springfield, Greene County, Missouri, United States. It was built in 1923 for a cost of $600,000. [read more]
A kugel fountain is a water feature or sculpture where a sphere sits in a fitted hollow in a pedestal, and is supported by a thin film of water. Pressurized water flows between the sphere and.. [read more]
The Fox Oakland Theatre is a 2,800-seat concert hall, a former movie theater, located at 1807 Telegraph Avenue in downtown Oakland, California. It originally opened in 1928, running films until 1970. [read more]
Regal Fox Stadium 16 & IMAX is a movie theater, located at 22875 Brambleton Plz, Ashburn, Virginia 20148. They can be contacted via phone at (844) 462-7342 Ext 4019 for more detailed information. [read more]
AMC Theatres Hoffman Center 22 is a movie theater, located at 206 Swamp Fox Rd, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. They can be contacted via phone at (703) 236-1083 for more detailed information. [read more]
J. M. Hanks High School, commonly referred to as Hanks High School, is one of seven public secondary schools in Ysleta Independent School District, which encompasses much of east El Paso, Texas. [read more]
Birdland is a jazz club started in New York City on December 15, 1949. The original Birdland, which was located at 1678 Broadway, just north of West 52nd Street in Manhattan, was closed in 1965.. [read more]
Local Democrat Club with the ability to get things done! We meet on the last Monday of each month at the Blackbird Community Center. Come out and join us!. [read more]
フロリダ州会議事堂(フロリダしゅうかいぎじどう、Florida.. [read more]
Ed's Funcade II is a movie theater, located at 2212-2222 Boardwalk & 23rd ave, Wildwood, New Jersey 08260. They can be contacted via phone at (609) 729-3223 for more detailed information. [read more]
Metro 4 Theatre is a movie theater, located at 618 State St, Santa Barbara, California 93101. They can be contacted via phone at +18059639503 for more detailed information. [read more]
Metro Theatres is a movie theater, located at 655 Marketplace Plz, Steamboat Springs, Colorado 80487. They can be contacted via phone at (970) 870-8222 for more detailed information. [read more]
Latin Events in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, Tampa, Guayaquil, Lima, Santiago. [read more]