리글리 필드는 미국 일리노이 주 시카고에 있으며, 시카고 컵스가 1914년 개장 이후 현재까지 쓰이고 있는 야구장이다. 야간경기는 1988년이 되어서야 시작하였다. 펜스가 담쟁이로 둘러싸여 있다. AT&T 파크와 함께 불펜이 1루와 3루 파울라인에 위치해 있고 구장시설은 트리플A급 수준이다. [read more]
Новый музей современного искусства — музей современного искусства в Нью-Йорке, один из крупнейших мировых собраний произведений искусства конца ХХ-XXI веков. [read more]
Naval Support Activity New Orleans was a United States Navy installation until September 2011. During its time in operation, it was the largest military installation in greater New Orleans. [read more]
赫斯特城堡是由报业大亨威廉·蓝道夫·赫斯特在美国加利福尼亚州San Simeon附近滨海的一座小山上建立,位于洛杉矶和旧金山之间。该城堡于1919年开始规划建设,在赫斯特去世后的1957年建成完工,今天已经成为当地独特的地标型建筑群。历史城堡建设的地址位于威廉·赫斯特的父亲乔治·赫斯特所经营的农庄上(1865年购入,共160平方千米)。小赫斯特的童年也曾在这里度过。当1919年小赫斯特的母亲菲比·赫斯特去世时,这块庄园已经扩充为方圆一千平方千米的农场。小赫斯特从母亲处继承了这处遗产。同时农场里的改造性建设也开始进行,一直持续到1947年,由于赫斯特健康恶化而搬出后停止了建设。旧金山建筑师Julia Morgan负责几乎所有的建筑设计。赫斯特死后,由于难以承受高额的遗产税,其家族将城堡及附近庄园捐献给加州。如今,城堡作为加州的州立历史公园对游客开放。旅游业者为了招揽游客,将这座建于1919-1947的豪宅称为“赫氏古堡”。图片集. [read more]
הרפתקאותיו הרבות של פו הדב הוא מתקן אפל המצוי בפארקי השעשועים של חברת וולט דיסני: דיסנילנד שבקליפורניה, ממלכת הקסם שבדיסניוורלד, דיסנילנד שבטוקיו ודיסנילנד שבהונג קונג. [read more]
Splash Lagoon Indoor Waterpark Resort is a Polynesian-themed large indoor waterpark located in Erie, Pennsylvania. The park is approximately 80000sqft. [read more]
Providing high-quality entertainment for everyone, relaxing and enhancing the spirit of community. [read more]
デ・ヤング美術館はアメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコにある美術館である。ゴールデン・ゲート・パーク内に位置している。沿革デ・ヤング美術館は1894年に開かれた万国博の際に建てられたファイン・アート・ビルディングを利用して1895年に開館。その時の委員会の委員長を務めたのがサンフランシスコ・クロニクルを創刊したマイケル・ハリー・デヤング(Michael Harry de Young)であったため、「デ・ヤング美術館」となった。当初の建物は1906年の大地震で被害を受け、修復に1年半かかった。 間もなく更なるスペースが必要となり、1919年にLouis Christian Mulgardtn設計のスペイン風の建物が建設された。デ・ヤングの尽力により1921年には中央部と塔が追加され、美術館はM・H・デ・ヤング・メモリアル・ミュージアム(M. [read more]
Moonplay Cinema is an artist-run film screening program located in St. Paul. We are dedicated to supporting and featuring women and gender non-conforming filmmakers. [read more]
AMC DINE-IN Clearview Palace 12 is a movie theater, located at 4486 Veterans Memorial Blvd, Metairie, Louisiana 70006. They can be contacted via phone at +15048871257 for more detailed information. [read more]
Join our Group Relocating to East Tennessee-Knoxville or Surrounding Counties here you will learn about East Tennessee's History. I am a Realtor been in the business 25 years have worked with.. [read more]
Every 4TH Thursday of the month at 2PM and 7PM the Chattanooga chapter of TCM and Heritage House Arts & Civic Center present essential international cinema on the big screen. [read more]
بياعة ورد تحت برج ايفل. [read more]
L'Hard Rock Stadium, precedentemente noto come Joe Robbie Stadium, Pro Player Park, Pro Player Stadium, Dolphin Stadium e, Land Shark Stadium e Sun Life Stadium , è un impianto sportivo situato.. [read more]
Cinemark Woodlands is a movie theater, located at 9595 Six Pines Dr Ste 8200, Spring, Texas 77380. They can be contacted via phone at +12814199639 for more detailed information. [read more]
The Astor Theatre was located at 1537 Broadway, at West 45th Street in Times Square in New York City. It opened September 21, 1906 with Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream and continued.. [read more]
B-Box is the next big thing in home entertainment from Batel! Marketing, Inc. . [read more]
متحف الفن الحديث '''' ويختصر بـ متحف فنون يقع في شارع 53 بمنهاتن في مدينة نيويورك، الولايات المتحدة. تأسس في 7 نوفمبر 1929. يزور المتحف ما يقارب 2,5 مليون شخص بالسنة. [read more]
The Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum is located at 215 S. Tejon Street in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The granite building with a domed clock tower was the El Paso County Courthouse building.. [read more]
This page has been creatd to follow my movie "Unfotunate Family". I would like to share this creation with everyone from, the begining to the end and hopefully this will be a big success. [read more]
Regal Cinemas-Village Park STD 17 is a movie theater, located at 2222 E 146th St, Westfield, Indiana 46033. They can be contacted via phone at +18444627342 for more detailed information. [read more]
安克雷奇歷史藝術博物館位於阿拉斯加安克雷奇,以公私合夥方式創立,其目的為了慶祝購買阿拉斯加一百週年。1968年對外開放,展出了60幅阿拉斯加畫,從民間借出的2500件歷史文物。此後,館藏不斷增加。現在,博物館名稱為「Rasmuson中心的安克雷奇博物館」。現在擴建額外耗資1億美元。目標安克雷奇歷史藝術博物館旨在蒐集,保存,展示及詮釋一些描繪阿拉斯加及極地的藝術、歷史與文化的文物。歷史該館在1968年對外開放。整棟建築物佔地1萬平方尺,職員兩名,展出了60幅阿拉斯加畫,從民間借出的2500件歷史文物。該館慢慢地發展,並曾經擴建兩次。最近一次在1986年,佔地14萬平方尺,館藏21000件物品,歷史照片45萬張,職員多達16名。外部链接 安克雷奇歷史藝術博物館. [read more]
泰德·史蒂文斯安克雷奇国际机场(Ted Stevens Anchorage.. [read more]
The Joan W. and Irving B. Harris Theater for Music and Dance (also known as the Harris Theater for Music and Dance, the Harris & Harris Theater or, most commonly, the Harris Theater) is a.. [read more]
Official facebook page of the YSU Theater Box Office. Please call (330) 941-3105 or visit ysu. tix. com to make reservations. . [read more]
Definition: ur·bane 1. having the polish and suavity regarded as characteristic of sophisticated social life in major cities: an urbane manner. 2. reflecting elegance, sophistication,.. [read more]
Pro Tech Smart Expert Home Automation For Residential & Commercial. [read more]
InfoLink es una Página donde te presentamos los últimos estrenos que llegan a nuestros cines en Panamá, Series , Libros para cada momento u ocasión, y mucho más sobre este fabuloso.. [read more]
AMC NewPark 12 is a movie theater, located at 400 Newpark Mall, Newark, California 94560. They can be contacted via phone at +15103710353 for more detailed information. [read more]
El Rancho Drivein Theatre is a movie theater, located at 555 El Rancho Dr, Sparks, Nevada 89431. They can be contacted via phone at (775) 358-6920 for more detailed information. [read more]
Located at 695 North Avenue in Atlanta, the Dupre Excelsior Mill (the actual name as of 1911 was "Du Pree Manufacturing Company Excelsior Factory"), may have been built as early as 1890 by.. [read more]
The Avalon Theater is a now defunct theater that opened in Brooklyn, New York on January 25, 1928 and was located on Kings Highway at the southwest corner of East 18th Street. [read more]
Regal Cinemas Edwards Fresno Stadium 22 & IMAX is a movie theater, located at 250 E Paseo del Centro, Fresno, California 93720. They can be contacted via phone at +18444627342 for more.. [read more]
Bernard Johnson Coliseum is a 6,110-seat multi-purpose arena in Huntsville, Texas. It was built in 1976 and is home to the Bearkats men's and women's basketball teams and the Bearkats.. [read more]
Magic of Merlinski offers magic shows and close-up magic for all ages and occasions. . [read more]