Showtimes - Sat. - 2 p. m. , 4:30 p. m. & 7 p. m. Sun. - 2 p. m. & 4:30 p. m. Concessions - Popcorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 Soda. [read more]
スムージー・キング・センター(Smoothie King Center)、旧称ニューオーリンズ・アリーナ(New.. [read more]
ニューオーリンズ造幣局 は、アメリカ合衆国造幣局の支局としてルイジアナ州ニューオーリンズで1838年から1909年までの間、業務を行っていた。その間、米国のほぼ全ての種類の金銀通貨を4億2,700万枚以上鋳造し、その額面上の金額は計3億700万米ドルに上った。現在は、ルイジアナ州立博物館の支局となっている。概要ニューオーリンズ造幣局は、ミシシッピ川に近いフレンチ・クオーターの北東の端に位置しており、エスプラネード・アベニューに面している。この建物は建築家のウィリアム・ストリックランドの設計で、当時流行していたギリシャ復古調の建築物となっている。アンドリュー・ジャクソンが大統領だった1835年に建設され、3年後の1938年に造幣局としての業務を開始した。1861年にルイジアナ州が連邦から離脱し南北戦争が勃発した。ニューオーリンズ造幣局は州に接収され、翌年ニューオーリンズが北軍に接収されるまでの間は、南部連合の造幣局として機能した。アメリカの歴史の中で、合衆国と南部連合双方の通貨を鋳造したのは、ニューオーリンズ造幣局だけである。ニューオーリンズが北軍に接収されたあとは、造幣局は閉鎖されていたが、南北戦争後のレコンストラクション (再建) の時期を経て1879年に再び合衆国の造幣局としての業務を再開した。以後、1909年に閉鎖されるまで業務が続いた。閉鎖後は、その建物は評価機関、米国海岸警備隊の貯蔵庫、核シェルターなど様々な目的に使用されてきた。1981年以降は、ルイジアナ州立博物館の支局となっている。2005年のハリケーン・カトリーナで建物が被害を受け博物館は閉鎖されていたが、修理を経て2007年10月20日に再開した。ニューオーリンズ造幣局は、アメリカ国定歴史建造物に指定されており、現存する米国造幣局の建物としては最古のものとなっている。アート・ギャラリーを擁する元造幣局の建物としては、他にノースカロライナ州のシャーロット造幣局がある。. [read more]
The Museum at Central School, at the restored Central School building in Kalispell, Montana, United States, is a history museum featuring exhibits that illuminate the history of Northwest Montana. [read more]
Regal Hudson Valley Mall 12 is a movie theater, located at 1300 Ulster Ave, Kingston, New York 12401. They can be contacted via phone at (844) 462-7342 Ext 478 for more detailed information. [read more]
The Shubert Theatre is a Broadway theatre located at 225 West 44th Street in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. Designed by architect Henry Beaumont Herts, it was named after Sam S. [read more]
Preston Crossings 16 is a movie theater, located at 9700 Preston Crossing Blvd, Louisville, Kentucky 40229. They can be contacted via phone at (502) 961-9700 for more detailed information. [read more]
Preston Crossing Theatres is a movie theater, located at 9700 Preston Crossing Blvd, Louisville, Kentucky 40229. They can be contacted via phone at (502) 961-9700 for more detailed information. [read more]
Visit Our Cinemark Theater in Louisville, KY. Enjoy a Full Bar and food. Upgrade Your Movie with Cinemark XD and Luxury Loungers! Buy Tickets Online Now!. [read more]
UA Oxford Valley Stadium 14 is a movie theater, located at 403 Middletown Blvd, Langhorne, Pennsylvania 19047. They can be contacted via phone at (844) 462-7342 Ext 645 for more detailed information. [read more]
The Museum of Arts and Design, based in Manhattan, New York City, collects, displays, and interprets objects that document contemporary and historic innovation in craft, art, and design. [read more]
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, located in the Houston Museum District, Houston, is one of the largest museums in the United States. The permanent collection of the museum spans more than.. [read more]
The Venetian é um hotel e cassino 5 estrelas, localizado na Las Vegas Strip em Paradise, estado americano de Nevada. Possui suítes e um cassino com mais de m², além de ter uma ligação com.. [read more]
Eastern Parkway–Museo Brooklyn es una estación en la línea Eastern Parkway del Metro de Nueva York de la división A del Interborough Rapid Transit Company (IRT). [read more]
The San Francisco Zoo is a 100acre zoo located in the southwestern corner of San Francisco, California, between Lake Merced and the Pacific Ocean along the Great Highway. [read more]
The George W. Bush Presidential Center, which opened on April 25, 2013, is a complex that includes former President George W. Bush's presidential library and museum, the George W. [read more]
The Rhododendron Species Foundation and Botanical Garden is a nonprofit botanical garden specializing in rhododendrons, located at 2525 South 336th Street, Federal Way, Washington. [read more]
The Henry B. Plant Museum is located in the south wing of Plant Hall on the University of Tampa’s campus, at 401 West Kennedy Boulevard. Plant Hall was formerly known as the Tampa Bay Hotel,.. [read more]
The Midwest Museum of Natural History is a 501c3 organization located in Sycamore, Illinois. In 1875, the structure was built as the home of the Universalist Church in Sycamore. [read more]
The United States Astronaut Hall of Fame, located inside the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex Heroes & Legends building, honors American astronauts and features the world's largest collection.. [read more]
波士頓塞爾提克(Boston Celtics),是一支位於美國馬薩諸塞州波士頓的NBA籃球隊,分屬於東區的大西洋組,主場為TD花園體育館。波士頓塞爾提克是NBA的創始球隊之一,成立於1946年,曾经获得过17次NBA总冠军,位居NBA列队之冠。球隊的拥有者为波士顿篮球合作公司。波士頓塞爾提克的宿敵有洛杉矶湖人、费城76人、底特律活塞、纽约尼克斯和迈阿密热火。球队历史1946–50: 早期1946年,凯尔特人与美国篮球协会(BAA)一同成立。到了1949年的秋天,BAA与NBL合并,凯尔特人也成为了NBA其中一支球队。1950年,凯尔特人成为第一个通过选秀签下非裔美籍黑人球员Chuck Cooper的球队。1950-57: 鲍勃·库锡与 阿诺·奥尔巴赫到来当时的NBA还在草创初期,经营不易。没过多久,库西所在的芝加哥也倒了。球队倒了之后,剩余各队就想着如何瓜分剩下的球员。当时先迎来一名名人堂中前锋麦考利,还剩有三名后卫,包括库西、Max Zaslofsky和安迪. [read more]
Saturdays at 3pm we have free music performances!!! 167 N 9th st. Brooklyn,NY 11211. [read more]
할리우드 명예의 거리는 미국 캘리포니아 주 할리우드에 있는 유명한 보도이다. 할리우드 대로부터 바인 스트리트까지 이어진다. 엔터테인먼트 업계에서 활약한 인물의 이름이 새겨진 2,000개 이상의 별 모양의 플레이트가 묻어져 있으며, 유명한 관광지가 되고 있다. 매년 별의 수는 증가하고 있으며, 추가하는 행사에는 본인도 참여한다. [read more]
好萊塢星光大道(Hollywood Walk.. [read more]
Le Walk of Fame est un trottoir très célèbre situé sur Hollywood Boulevard entre Gower Street et la Brea Avenue, ainsi que sur Vine Street entre Yucca Street et Sunset Boulevard, dans le.. [read more]
Le musée juif de New York a été créé en 1904, lorsque le Jewish Theological Seminary of America a reçu un don de vingt-six objets d'art de cérémonie du juge Mayer Sulzberger. [read more]
Cypress Gardens was a botanical garden and theme park near Winter Haven, Florida that operated from 1936 to 2009. As of 2011, the botanical garden portion had been preserved inside the newly.. [read more]
Micon Cinemas Eau Claire is a movie theater, located at 3109 Mall Dr, Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701. They can be contacted via phone at +17158341245 for more detailed information. [read more]
The Samuel J. Friedman Theatre (formerly the Biltmore Theatre) is a Broadway theatre located at 261 West 47th Street in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. [read more]
The Corcoran Gallery of Art was an art museum in Washington, D. C. Prior to its closing, it was one of the oldest privately supported cultural institutions in the United States capital. [read more]
The National Cash Register Building, commonly referred to as the St. Johns Theater & Pub, was a building that was first erected in St. Louis, Missouri, for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in.. [read more]
The Dolby Theatre is a live-performance auditorium in the Hollywood and Highland Center shopping mall and entertainment complex, on Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue, in the Hollywood.. [read more]
Goliath is a steel roller coaster made by Giovanola of Switzerland. The hypercoaster is located in the Screampunk District area of Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California and is.. [read more]
La National Gallery of Art si trova lungo la Constitution Avenue a Washington negli Stati Uniti; si tratta di uno dei musei d'arte più vasti ed importanti del mondo, che copre, con le sue.. [read more]