Regal Hollywood Stadium 10 - St. Joseph is a movie theater, located at 5405 N Belt Hwy, Saint Joseph, Missouri 64506. They can be contacted via phone at (844) 462-7342 Ext 1507 for more.. [read more]
Regal Hollywood 15 Cinemas is a movie theater, located at 120 Green Hill Cir NW, Gainesville, Georgia 30501. They can be contacted via phone at (844) 462-7342 Ext 4106 for more detailed information. [read more]
Hollywood Stadium 14 is a movie theater, located at 2800 Goodwin Pointe Dr, Columbia, Missouri 65201. They can be contacted via phone at (800) 326-3264 for more detailed information. [read more]
Regal Manchester Stadium 14 is a movie theater, located at 1935 Cinema Dr, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29730. They can be contacted via phone at (844) 462-7342 Ext 4034 for more detailed information. [read more]
Regal South Hill Cinema 6 is a movie theater, located at 3500 S Meridian, Puyallup, Washington 98373. They can be contacted via phone at (844) 462-7342 Ext 421 for more detailed information. [read more]
Marina Theatre is a movie theater, located at 2149 Chestnut Street, San Francisco, California 94123. They can be contacted via phone at (415) 345-1323 for more detailed information. [read more]
El Museo de Arte de San Luis está considerado como uno de los principales museos de arte de los Estados Unidos y recibe visitas de hasta medio millón de personas al año. [read more]
Le musée d'art du comté de Los Angeles est le musée d'art officiel du comté de Los Angeles. Il se situe au 5905 Wilshire Boulevard, dans le quartier de Miracle Mile, à Los Angeles dans.. [read more]
El 16 de diciembre de 1773 tuvo lugar en Boston, Massachusetts, el denominado Motín del té, en el que se lanzó al mar todo un cargamento de té. Fue un acto de protesta de los colonos.. [read more]
Le Musée d'histoire naturelle du comté de Los Angeles est ouvert au public depuis 1913 sur le site d'Exposition Park à Los Angeles. Le premier bâtiment existe toujours, il a même été.. [read more]
Come join us for tons of fun and lots to win! There's a snack shack with a bunch of different choices of food!. [read more]
Beasley Coliseum is a general-purpose arena on the campus of Washington State University in Pullman, Washington. Opened in June 1973, its current seating capacity is 11,671 for basketball. [read more]
West Oaks. [read more]
Cineopolis Luxury Theatre is a movie theater, located at 12905 El Camino Real, San Diego, California 92130. They can be contacted via phone at +18587944045 for more detailed information. [read more]
Harrah's Resort Atlantic City is a hotel and casino, located in the marina district of Atlantic City, New Jersey, and is Harrah's flagship casino. The casino is one of three in the marina district.. [read more]
Creekside Cinemas 14 is a movie theater, located at 214 Creekside Way, New Braunfels, Texas 78130. They can be contacted via phone at +18306430039 for more detailed information. [read more]
Regal Hollywood Stadium 18 - Huntsville is a movie theater, located at 3312 S Memorial Pkwy, Huntsville, Alabama 35801. They can be contacted via phone at (844) 462-7342 Ext 110 for more.. [read more]
«Мэ́дисон-сквер-га́рден», также «Эм-эс-джи» и «Гарден» — спортивный комплекс в Нью-Йорке, США... [read more]
5D Cinema is an Interactive Motion Picture, 5-15 minute short movies which comes with Rain, Snow, Fog, Thunder, Fire effects. . . We have movies for both adults and kids or for family. [read more]
Helen Hayes Theater is a movie theater, located at 240 W 44th St, New York, New York 10036. They can be contacted via phone at +12129449450 for more detailed information. [read more]
セーフコ・フィールド(Safeco Field)は、アメリカ合衆国ワシントン州シアトルにある野球場である。MLBのシアトル・マリナーズのホーム球場。バンクワン・ボールパーク(現チェイス・フィールド)に次ぐ世界2番目の開閉式屋根付き天然芝の野球場である。右翼スタンドの上に収納された屋根は3枚の鋼鉄板で出来ており、重さは約1万1,000トン。開閉には20分ほどの時間を要する。貨物線の隣に建設されたため、列車の走る音が屋根に反響して球場内に響き渡る。球場の歴史マリナーズはキングドームを本拠地球場にしていたが、施設の老朽化に加え、ドーム球場の閉塞感などに対するファンの不満が高まっていたため、1990年代に入り新球場建設を決定。1995年10月14日、州議会臨時会において、新球場建設資金提供法案が可決され、地元自治体の支援を受け建設することとなった。1997年3月8日に工事開始。当時マリナーズに所属していた人気選手ケン・グリフィー・ジュニアも出席した記念式典には3万人のファンが詰めかけ、新球場への期待の高さが見て取れる。1998年6月4日には、地元の保険会社セーフコ(en)がネーミングライツを20年180万ドルで買い取ったことが発表され、球場名は「セーフコ・フィールド」になり、現在に至る。フィールドの特徴 左中間が深く、右打者は苦戦する。外野が広いため、守備範囲の広い強肩の外野手が求められる。 春先はシアトル特有の湿った空気でボールが重くなり、長打が出にくい傾向にある。 内野の天然芝が長めなことやシアトルの湿った気候も影響してか、グランドボールを打った場合は打球が失速しやすい。右打者や左の鈍足打者は、外野へ抜ける当たりも失速して内野ゴロアウトとなる傾向が他の球場よりも多く見受けられる。また、球場別パークファクターでは、毎年のように「ヒットが出にくい球場」というデータになっている。改修へフェンスを動かして打者に有利にするという案が以前より出ており、2012年10月、マリナーズのGMのジャック・ズレンシックは、セーフコ・フィールドの改修を決定した。. [read more]
We use both the Old Testament and the Gospels as the foundation for our faith and the inspiration for our daily lives. We put those teachings into practice. [read more]
Regal Edwards Westpark 8 is a movie theater, located at 3735 Alton Parkway, Irvine, California 92606. They can be contacted via phone at +18444627342 for more detailed information. [read more]
La Gila River Arena è un'arena indoor situata a Glendale, Arizona. Ospita gli Arizona Coyotes della National Hockey League (NHL) e gli Arizona Sting della National Lacrosse League (NLL). [read more]
Bowtie Marquis is a movie theater, located at 100 Quarry Rd, Trumbull, Connecticut 06611. They can be contacted via phone at +12033656500 for more detailed information. [read more]
Regal Great Escape Harrisburg Mall Stadium 14 is a movie theater, located at 3501 Paxton St, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17111. They can be contacted via phone at (844) 462-7342 Ext 1787 for.. [read more]
The Evansville Museum of Arts, History & Science is a general-interest museum located on the Ohio riverfront in downtown Evansville, Indiana, United States. [read more]
Shakespeare in the Park is a theatrical program that stages productions of Shakespearean plays at the Delacorte Theater, an open-air theater in New York City's Central Park. [read more]
The Custom House and Old Post Office is a historic site located at 281 Front Street, Key West, Florida, United States. On September 20, 1973, it was added to the U. [read more]
The Museum of Science and History is a museum in Jacksonville, Florida, USA. It is a private, non-profit institution located on the Southbank Riverwalk, and the city's most visited museum. [read more]
History of Historic movie theatre. . [read more]
Northern Quest Resort & Casino is an Indian casino in Airway Heights, Washington, near Spokane, owned and operated by the Kalispel Tribe. It has a 250-room hotel, an award winning spa, and.. [read more]
Regal Everett Stadium 16 & RPX is a movie theater, located at 1402 SE Everett Mall Way, Everett, Washington 98208. They can be contacted via phone at (844) 462-7342 Ext 1759 for more.. [read more]