The GLOW Ministry will be hosting a trunk or Treat for our children and the community. This is a safe alternative to Trick or Treating, where the trunks of vehicles are decorated and filled.. [read more]
Lyons Chapel Baptist Church. [read more]
Your church for life! Sunday 9:00 am | Traditional Worship 10:30 am | Contemporary Worship 6:00 pm | Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 pm | Worship. [read more]
This is the Unorthodox Pastafarian Church(sm), known also as Our Lady of Occasional Certitude™. All are Welcome Here. . [read more]
An intercultural church that serves God by serving the community and serving its members. . [read more]
Working on merging. . [read more]
Daybreak Assembly. [read more]
Daybreak Southern Baptist Church Web Link. You can see all the Sermons by Pastor Mitch along with all of the activity we are doing including our calendar. [read more]
Daybreak is a thriving and friendly Christian church in Carlsbad, California that welcomes people from all over San Diego County. . [read more]
To GATHER people to Christ, to GROW people in Christ, and to GO and serve Christ in the world. . [read more]
At Trinity Harvest, our goal is simple. . . to make connections that change lives!. [read more]
Welcome to Holy Trinity Catholic Church. Staffed by the Vincentian fathers for over one hundred years, Holy Trinity serves the uptown community near Oak Lawn and Lemmon Ave. [read more]
A family church with a world vision. Join us Sundays at 9 & 11 AM, Saturdays at 6 PM. . [read more]
Trinity Lutheran Church, School and Early Childhood Center. [read more]
http://www. tgcalive. com. [read more]
Trinity Wesleyan exists to reach 1% of the Lehigh Valley with the love of Jesus Christ. . [read more]
Trinity Church Wall Street is a growing Episcopal community that seeks to serve and heal the world. . [read more]
Sunday Services / 9:30AM • 11:30AM • 1:30PM TCKids (6 months - 5th) / 9:30AM • 11:30AM • 1:30PM Vous Youth (Middle + High School) / 11:30AM Rendezvous (Young Adults) / Tuesdays.. [read more]
We Are The Love Of Christ In Action Trinity United Methodist Church guides people of all ages to hear and respond to the living God's call by using their skills, abilities and money to make.. [read more]
We are on a mission to reach the tens of thousands making them disciples of Christ who WORSHIP - GROW - SERVE - GO. . [read more]
Gainesville, Florida. http://TrinityGNV. org. [read more]
We are a hands on congregation that is serving God in the heart of the city. With homeless outreach programs, a food pantry, disaster assistance and more. [read more]
Trinity Church. Love the Community, Reach People, Impact the World. Join us Sundays at 9am and 11am! Family Night- Wednesdays at 7pm. [read more]
A place where real people, encounter a real God. [read more]
www. trinitybaptist. org. [read more]
Reaching, Discipling, Sending. [read more]
A faithful body of non-denominational believers. [read more]
Faith, Fellowship and Community. [read more]
Join us Sundays: 9:00 am, 10:45 am & 5:30 pm Located in Redlands, CA along the I-10 Freeway, at the Ford Exit. . [read more]
We are a small community church in the heart of Jarrettsville, Maryland. Sunday Worship service: 9:00 a. m. Sunday School classes for children and adults: 10:15 a. [read more]
Honor to God | Devotion to Christ | Love to All. [read more]
Come Join Us For. Sunday School at 9:00 am. Sunday Assemblies at 10:00 am. & 6pm Mid-Week Classes at 7:00 pm. . [read more]
Holyrood is a traditional Anglican congregation. We uphold the Bible, the 39 articles, and the 1928 BCP. We are Evangelical Anglican who love to serve God!. [read more]
"Creating a Refuge for the community of Dundalk" Pastor: Rev. Matthew Moser Sunday School: 10 AM Worship: 11 AM. [read more]
We Believe the Word, Teach the Word, Live the Word. [read more]