Our Driving Passion: Make disciples of Jesus Christ who: Magnify. . . worship God Mature. . . grow in Christ Minister. . . serve others. . [read more]
Our purpose is to present the gospel to the world. We have already been equipped to do so with the use of many multimedia facets. http://www. ustream. [read more]
A Guiding Lighthouse and Saving Station to our Community, Nation, and World!. [read more]
To be an irresistible influence for Jesus, where all people experience acceptance, love and a personal relationship with God. . [read more]
Nuestra Meta es poderle hacer saber cuan importante es su vida delante de Dios. . [read more]
Iglesia Evangélica Apóstoles & Profetas "Fuente de Vida". [read more]
Nuestra Visión Ser una Iglesia comprometida en obediencia humilde al Señor Jesucristo y también a Su Palabra Viva; en obediencia y cumplimiento de la Gran Comisión dada por El; y predicar.. [read more]
Somos una congregación Cristo céntrica en la cual buscamos cumplir con la misión de el señor Jesucristo de anunciar el Evangelio de poder, de salvación y vida eterna. [read more]
Somos una entidad cristiana que se dedica a la predicación del Evangelio como obediencia al mandado de La Gran Comisión del Señor Jesucristo. [read more]
Iglesia Apostoles Y Profetas Efesios 2:20 esta localizada en Arlington, Virginia y es Pastoriada por el Pastor Virgilio Sanchez. [read more]
Pastor Roberto Hernandez. [read more]
Somos un pueblo redimidos con la sangre de Cristo Jesus con el propósito de llevar el evangelio a todo su lindo pueblo y muchas bendiciones de Dios. . [read more]
El que cree en mí, como dice la Escritura, de su interior correrán ríos de agua viva. Juan 7:38. [read more]
. . [read more]
La obra fue fundada en 1988 y es Pastoreada por Hno. Vicitacion Rivas. . [read more]
Pastor: Ismael García. [read more]
iglesiaapostolesyprofetas - East Boston, MA. nada mejor que estar en cristo 93 chelsea st 02128 pastor :Jeremias rosa. [read more]
Efesios 2:20 Edificados sobre el fundamento de los apóstoles y profetas, siendo la principal piedra del ángulo Jesucristo mismo. [read more]
Primera Organización Internacional De Iglesias Evangélicas Apóstoles Y Profetas Efesios 2. 20. [read more]
El Pastor Vidal Argueta, su familia e iglesia en general le da una cordial bienvenida a su pagina de facebook. . [read more]
Sunday at 9 AM and 11 AM at 373 Pottery Factory Drive Commerce, GA 30529 beside Outback!. [read more]
Our parish is the oldest Western New York Orthodox parish. It was established in 1894 by emigrants from Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires and since that maintains a strong presence in Buffalo.. [read more]
St'speter Paul Russianorthodoxchurch is a church, located at 44 Benzinger St, Buffalo, New York 14206. They can be contacted via phone at (716) 893-0044 for more detailed information. [read more]
A Russian Orthodox Mission was started in Madison in 1950 and existed for 18 years. It now opens again at the Assumption Greek Orthodox Church on Saturdays. [read more]
The English Speaking (except where another) American-based conservative Orthopraxis, progressive socially (feeding the poor) Church. . [read more]
Ordinary people. . . growing in faith, building relationships, serving in love. . . with a passion to know Jesus and make Him known. . [read more]
Welcome to the OFFICIAL Facebook page for New Mount Ararat Apostolic Angelical Ministries International Inc. The Honorable Dr. Dorothy Roberts Senior Pastor. [read more]
Visitors welcome. Christians gather here to study the Bible, Book of Mormon, other scriptures and help each other. . [read more]
Springfield Chapel - A place of Hope and Love for Everyone - is a new church being started in Springfield, MO. Please message for more information, we would love to talk to you. [read more]
St Anne's Convent is a church, located at 3820 N Sabino Canyon Rd, Tucson, Arizona 85750. They can be contacted via phone at +15202980064 for more detailed information. [read more]
La Iglesia El Tabernáculo Espíritu Libre, Inc. - Pennsylvania les dan la más cordial bienvenida a nuestra página oficial. . [read more]
La Iglesia El Tabernáculo Espíritu Libre, Inc. y su Pastores, Cármen Inés y Tomas Álvarez les dan la más cordial bien venida a nuestra página oficial. [read more]
Center Moriches Sunday at 9am and 10:30am. 89 North in Patchogue Sunday at 10:15am and Tuesday at 7:30pm. All are welcome!. [read more]
A gathering place of the life and times of the PCM with Pastor Jeannine Frenzel. Check out our website: www. pcusacm. org. PCM Community Food Pantry: Mondays: 6:30-7:30 pm Gentle Hearts.. [read more]
Please see our website at stjohnscm. org. [read more]