Extendiendo las manos para ayudar a los necesitados. [read more]
A non-profit organization with the intent to reach out to the domestically and internationally needy, while bringing together the church of Jesus Christ. [read more]
We hope you choose to join us. For whatever reasons you make this choice, our service will be more purposeful with you in it. . [read more]
Littlerock First Assembly is a place where ordinary people worship an extraordinary God! Sunday Services are @ 10:00am at Alpine Elementary. [read more]
Littlerock Community Fellowship is a church, located at 11510 Littlerock Road SW, Olympia, Washington 98512. They can be contacted via phone at (360) 753-7341 for more detailed information. [read more]
Biblically, historically, distinctly Christian in the spirit of the 16th c. Reformation. . [read more]
Destin Life Church is a vibrant, multi-cultural, spirit-filled, family church, placed in the heart of the Emerald Coast to REACH the lost, RESTORE the broken, and RELEASE people into purpose. [read more]
Fan pag. . . . Paguina creada para dar aviso de las Actividades de la iglesia gracia y bendiciones. Catolic@s unidos por Dios. . [read more]
We are a church plant focused on espousing the Word of God. We meet at the Living Water Church and our services begin at 12:30 P. M. each Sunday. . [read more]
Congregation Standing Strong - a virtual Messianic Jewish Congregation, where we apply what we learn to our walk to Hashem's (God's) honor and glory. . [read more]
OUR MISSION STATEMENT: "As one body of Christ, the people of Northaven are committed to sharing God's love for the world through ministries of compassion, peace, justice and reconciliation. [read more]
The Water’s Edge Resource center fully supports the mission statement of Sugar Creek Baptist Church, “To love and lead all people to life change in Christ. [read more]
Southfield Missionary Bapt Church is a church, located at 1399 Augmont Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43207. They can be contacted via phone at (614) 491-9736 for more detailed information. [read more]
Our church meets in the New London Holiday Inn ballroom and 10 am. Please join us!. [read more]
We are a Southern Baptist Congregation located in LaGrange, GA affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, the Georgia Baptist Convention and the Troup Baptist Association. [read more]
The community of Saint Charles Catholic Church is a family of diverse ethnic origins who are commited to one faith. . [read more]
L. I. F. T. E. D. is a theatrical group designed to spread the Word of God and to develop positive paths for the youth of our community and surrounding areas. [read more]
Youth Ministry Purpose: To nurture and strengthen our Youth in the Godliness of Christ. To guide, to protect, to encourage, and to lead. . [read more]
We are the youth ministry of South Columbia Baptist Church in Columbia, MD. . [read more]
Santa Cruz Bible Church exists to Pursue Jesus passionately, Love fearlessly and Go intentionally!. [read more]
NEWPORT, TN Sundays 9:00-9:30am and 7:00-8:00pm Listen at www. wlik. net WLIK-AM 1270 WLIK-FM 97. 9. [read more]
Mission: Seeking to save that which is lost. Theme: Bible Based, Christ Centered, Spirit Lead. . [read more]
We are a place for the new believer to grow, the wounded believer to heal, and the mature believer to serve. Come visit us and let us get to know you. [read more]
Somerville Community Baptist Church is a diverse congregation of people who come from many countries and backgrounds to worship God together. . [read more]
An independent, Baptist church located on the south side of Charlotte, NC near the Ballantyne area!. [read more]
Grace Cathedral is a God-centered, purpose driven, multi-dimensional ministry. Its mandate, is to ''Reach -the Lost at any Cost. To do this, we must arm ourselves for this task by work,.. [read more]
We're a community of believers who love the Lord with all our hearts and welcome you to come and join us!. [read more]
Come Worship with us: Sunday Morning Worship: 10:00 AM Sunday Evening Worship: 6:00 PM Weds. Evening Family Training Hour: 7:00 PM. [read more]
SalvationArmy Harbor Light is a church, located at 2136 Champa St, Denver, Colorado 80205. They can be contacted via phone at +13032962456 for more detailed information. [read more]
"A Church ALIVE, is worth the DRIVE!" A very active, youth and family oriented church, that feels more like a family. Services Sun 10:00 and 6:30 Wed 7:00. [read more]
Reaching The World with the Gospel. [read more]
We are Christ Community Church's student ministry! We want to give students a faith foundation where they love and serve like Christ did. We meet Sunday nights from 5-7 pm and we'd love to see.. [read more]
Nuestra Visión es: Ser una entidad apostólica, que presente el evangelio de nuestro Señor Jesucristo desde San Francisco California, hasta lo último de la tierra. [read more]
Pastor:Jose H. Garmendia Correo Electronico iglesiadecristomielsfv@yahoo. com Horarios Culto de Oración :7:30pm Sabado:7:00pm Domingo:4:00pm. [read more]
Somos un ministerio con la visión de predicar el evangelio de nuestro Señor Jesucristo para salvar las almas y que reciban el Espíritu Santo y Fuego. [read more]
Sweet Hope International (SHI), Inc. is a not for profit organization (or non-governmental organization-NGO) that focuses on the care and education of orphans all around the world through orphan.. [read more]