Emmanuel Temple Church is a "House of Praise". For we are the church that is led by His Spirit. Our Pastor and First lady Welcome You!!!. [read more]
Located at 1 Seneca Pkwy, Rochester, NY, Emmanuel Temple Church, is a Pentecostal church believing in the Oneness of GOD. One GOD, One Faith, One Baptism!. [read more]
We believe in raising disciples of Jesus Christ, and having a blast doing it! Ages 18-30 Join us every FIRST and THIRD Thursday of each month at 7pm. [read more]
As members of this Body of Christ, committed to God and His Missions. We welcome you to join us for our weekly activities. . [read more]
Christ Church, Gastonia is a church, located at 3415 Union Road, Gastonia, North Carolina 28056. They can be contacted via phone at +17048645321 for more detailed information. [read more]
Christ Church is passionate about doing whatever it takes to reach people for Christ. If there is one person without a church home in the community, Christ Church will always be too small!. [read more]
Emmanuel Community Church Youth Ministry is a church, located at 12603-7 Crenshaw Blvd, Hawthorne, California 90250. They can be contacted via phone at (310) 515-1516 for more detailed information. [read more]
Here at Emmanuel Tabernacle Center of Hope, it is our mission to preach the gospel to every creature. People from all walks of life shall experience God through the gospel not just within the.. [read more]
Our vision is to do Kingdom work, to reach, teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in love, and in all supplication, and help those that can't help themselves. [read more]
A Small Church growing in the spirit of God a haitian church with a loving worm inv looking for lost soul everyone is welcome, all kind, race, all are welcome. [read more]
Apostolic Church that teaches the Gospel to save and prepare people for the coming of Jesus Christ. We believe in water baptism according to Acts 2:38. [read more]
A ministry to empower GOD's people for today's times. . [read more]
Emmanuel Tabernacle Bapt Church is a church, located at 329 N Garfield Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43203. They can be contacted via phone at +16142532200 for more detailed information. [read more]
Paradise Emmanuel Tabernacle Baptist Church New Facebook Page. [read more]
Where Everybody is Somebody and God is Sovereign!. [read more]
We believe in the water baptisim(by immersion) in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins,and the infilling of the Holy Ghost, speaking in other tongues as the spirit of God.. [read more]
Emmanuel Tabernacle Church, Inc. Port Tampa is a church, located at 7316 S Swoope St, Port Tampa, Florida 33616. They can be contacted via phone at (813) 765-5945 for more detailed information. [read more]
We preach Jesus and believe that God is still performing miracles today. . [read more]
Emmanuel Tabernacle COGIC is a church, located at 1885 S Getty St, Muskegon, Michigan 49442. They can be contacted via phone at (231) 726-6911 for more detailed information. [read more]
Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal, M. I. is a church, located at 10901 MacArthur Blvd. , Oakland, California 94605. They can be contacted via phone at (510) 853-0055 for more detailed information. [read more]
508 N State St. Shelby, MI 49455 Dias de Servicios Martes y Jueves a las 7:30pm Domingo Escuela Dominical 10am y culto a las 12pm. [read more]
Bienvenidos a la Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal Cielos Abiertos uniendo nuestras familia y separando la luz de las tinieblas. [read more]
Los pastores Candido Martinez y Carmen Rosado los invitan cordialmente a visitar nuestra humilde iglesia y a gozarce con la palabra de Dios. Los esperamos!. [read more]
We are here to preach the Word of God / Estamos aqui para predicar la Palabra de Dios. [read more]
La Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal de Lakewood. Es una iglesia restauradora donde se adora, alaba y se ministra la palabra de Dios. Todos son Bienvenidos. [read more]
Pastor Rev. Luis Sepulveda. [read more]
Domingos: Culto Evangelistico 10am Martes: Escuela Biblica 7pm Jueves: Culto de Sociedades 7pm Viernes ( una vez al mes ) culto de Jovenes 7pm. [read more]
Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal M. I esta localizada en el 252 Green St. Parachute, CO 81635. Nuestros Horarios de servicios son Martes (Oracion) 7 pm, Viernes (general) 7 pm, y Domingo(evangelistico).. [read more]
Somos una iglesia multicultural no importa el país de donde venga serás bienvenido amamos la diversidad las diferentes culturas welcome bienvenido bem-vind. [read more]
Pedro y Mirna Cisneros: (415) 336-5575 esta es la iglesia para toda la familia visitenos o vea los testimonios de aquellos que ya lo han hecho. [read more]
Service Time: Sundays @ 11am, McCreary County Park Community Building. . [read more]
Contemporary worship in a casual atmosphere at the Emmanuel Center, 19 Water Street, Owingsville. Sunday evenings at 7:30 pm. . [read more]
Temple of Emmanuel Family Worship Center ~A Ministry Under Vision of Emmanuel Int'l~ "A Modern Day Church, Meeting Modern Day Needs of Modern Day People". [read more]
The Official Page of Emmanuel Worship Center. [read more]
A place where the spirit of the Lord dwells and abides. We seek to only bring God's word to the people and support their journey in HIM. . [read more]
This page has been created to share the ministry of EMMANUEL Worship and Deliverance Center with our supporters and ministry partners! LOVE. TEACH. GROW. [read more]