Pastor Emmanuel Bertrand welcomes everyone seeking a closer relationship with the Lord through "praise, worship, and the word of our Lord, Jesus Christ ". [read more]
MISSION: To work along side parents to help develop each and every child into the unique person God intended him/her to be. "Train up the child in the way he should go and when he is old he will.. [read more]
Heritage youth Glow (God's Love Outshines(the) World) our ministry to teach youth about Jesus Christ. . [read more]
Heritage is a Spirit lead Church. We pray and read from the Bible. Sunday school 10:00 Sunday worship 10:30 Sunday night 6:00 Tuesday bible study 10:00 Wednesday service 6:00. [read more]
Troop 239 meets on Monday nights in the fellowship hall basement of Concord United Methodist Church's Fellowship Hall. Tony Bowes is our Scoutmaster. He can be contacted by phone at.. [read more]
Our Mission: To become one body, one mind, one spirit, one church by considering our ways. Our Vision: To create an atmosphere where Jesus’ love is known, grown, and sown. [read more]
Pastor Damon and Jackie Sturm would like to share fellowship and invite all to worship at the Eagle Wings Community Church. Bible study and church service take place on the Fort Berthold.. [read more]
Welcome to the official Facebook Page of St John the Baptist Church, Erie PA! Please visit our website for more information and directions. www. sjberie. [read more]
First Assembly of God of Channelview is a church, located at 330 Sheldon Rd, Channelview, Texas 77530. They can be contacted via phone at (281) 452-2952 for more detailed information. [read more]
The Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, often referred to as Mother Emanuel, is a church in Charleston, South Carolina. Founded in 1816, Emanuel AME is the oldest African Methodist.. [read more]
New Orleansin roomalaiskatolinen arkkihiippakunta on roomalaiskatolisen kirkon hiippakunta, jonka toimialuetta on Itä-Louisiana. Paavi Pius VI korotti sen hiippakunnaksi Espanjan hallintoaikana 25. [read more]
Denverin roomalaiskatolinen arkkihiippakunta on roomalaiskatolinen arkkihiippakunta Coloradossa Yhdysvalloissa. Se perustettiin 15. marraskuuta 1941 ja siihen kuuluvat Cheyennen, Colorado.. [read more]
Preparing Gods People For His Return. . . [read more]
We are a new non denominational house church planting in Bend, OR! see our website for more information!. [read more]
Living Waters Baptist Church Youth Ministry is a church, located at Jennings Street, Beckley, West Virginia 25801. [read more]
God has put us in this location to serve our k-12 Cosby School and our Cosby community! Our passion is to minister to each. . [read more]
Welcome to the Facebook Page of The United Methodist Church of Eagle Valley! Come here for news of our congregation and community. . [read more]
House Of God- Fort Lauderdale is a church, located at 441 Northwest 7th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311. They can be contacted via phone at (954) 467-6441 for more detailed information. [read more]
72nd Street è una stazione della linea 1, della linea 2 e della linea 3 della metropolitana di New York. La stazione sorge sulla linea IRT Broadway-Seventh Avenue, all'incrocio tra Broadway,.. [read more]
Pastor Gary and Pam. [read more]
A community church that promotes peace, worth of all persons, and strives to teach and connect people to Jesus Christ. All are welcome, come as you are!. [read more]
S. O. L. D. M. opened its doors on May 20, 2012, under the leadership of Pastor William L. Jolly & Elect Lady Revah Jolly. . [read more]
“Outfitting people for Jesus” An Outfitter takes people to places they have never been & equips them with everything they need for the trip. Eph 4:11-12. [read more]
Cathedral Parkway-110th Street è una fermata della metropolitana di New York situata sulla linea IRT Broadway-Seventh Avenue. Aperta il 27 ottobre 1904, nel 2015 è stata utilizzata da passeggeri. [read more]
Rector Street è una stazione della metropolitana di New York. Sorge sulla linea IRT Broadway-Seventh Avenue ed è servita dai treni della linea 1 sempre. [read more]
First Baptist Macomb is a member of the American Baptist Churches of the Great Rivers Region. . [read more]
Working together making a good church. . . better!. [read more]
Sunday services: Sunday school all ages 10:00 am, Morning Worship 11:00 am Worship Choir 5:00 pm, Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wednesday 6:30 pm Transformers Discipleship Serving the Master by.. [read more]
Three Streams Church is a church, located at 21320 Water Wood Dr, San Antonio, Texas 78266. They can be contacted via phone at +18304912501 for more detailed information. [read more]
An ecumenical Benedictine order of women and men, clergy & laity, without regard to marital status, following a modified Rule of Benedict. . [read more]
Culturally Christian/Spiritually Unlimited - Visit us for Sunday Services at 10 AM. [read more]
Sunday School - 9:30AM Morning Worship - 10:30AM Sunday Evening Bibe Study - 7:00PM Wednesday Night Adult Prayer and Bible Study - 7:00PM AWANA - 7:00PM. [read more]
The 4 in CFC4 comes from the 4 areas listed in Acts 1:8 "You shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses" to our neighborhoods, our cities, our.. [read more]
Shekinah International Worship Center is a Word Base, Walking It Out, Faith Ministry. Where worship is an experience and not just a feeling. . [read more]
SERVICE TIMES: Sunday Mornings: 10:30am-Noon Wednesday Nights: 7:00pm-8:30pm. [read more]
Mukuna International Ministries administrate and coordinate ministries like "Celeste Bank", "Christian Leadership Network" and "Doctrinal Point" created by Doctor Bienvenu Mukuna Muambi. [read more]