Welcome to the Face Book Page of Word Hip-Hop Church We are glad that you decided to check us out If you would like to know more about what we do or want to be a part of Word Hip- Hop Church We.. [read more]
Book by Book, verse by verse! We are a Inter-Denominational Bible based church founded on May 12, 2002, rich with gospel music where all sinners are welcome. [read more]
Proclaiming the Gospel. . . promoting Christian brotherhood. Helping those in need. . [read more]
Loving, Learning, and Living the joy of faith!. [read more]
Sunday school - 9:30am. Sunday Morning worship begins at 10:30am. Wednesday at 7:00pm, with the meal beginning at 5:30pm. No Sunday night services. . [read more]
Youth Leaders Eric and Jessica Chance. [read more]
Wall Street is een station van de Metro van New York aan de Broadway-Seventh Avenue Line. Het station ligt op de kruising van Wall Street en William Street in het Financial District van Manhattan. [read more]
Church of the Cross is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. http://www. elca. org Worship is at 11 am every Sunday. P. Dee Emmert. [read more]
Sunday Bible Study 9:30 a. m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a. m. Sunday Evening 5:00 p. m. Wed. Bible Study 7:00 p. m. . [read more]
Pastors: Sheppard & Hatdreca Brown Sr. . [read more]
Here at Line-Up Community Church, we are all brothers and sisters in the name of the Lord. We want the people of God to understand the power that’s within them. [read more]
This is a new branch of Anugrah Full Gospel Church, Hayward, CA. We invite you to come and fellowship with us every Sunday from 10am-12 noon. Pastor Osea. [read more]
The First Methodist Episcopal Church of Pokagon is a historic church at 61041 Vermont Street in Pokagon Township, Michigan. It is the location of the first performance of the hymn "The Old.. [read more]
http://thegreatcommissionchurch. com We're all about Jesus. Preaching the gospel, worshiping God, & making disciples. Sundays, 1030a in South San Francisco. [read more]
We are located at 200 2nd St, NW in Mitchellville, Iowa. Join us on Sundays at 10:30 am for Worship Services. 9:15 am during the school year for Sunday School for children. [read more]
God lives here! Since 1910 the beautiful structure on the corner of 3rd St and Park Ave. has been a place of worship, joy, reconciliation & celebration. [read more]
God's People For God's Purpose -St. Mark 14:36 "not what I will, but what thou wilt". http://www. gmbcpacolet. com. [read more]
Reformed Church confessing the Lord Jesus as our Sovereign Redeemer, affirming the Preservation of his Scriptures, and worshipping according to his law by reading all his Word and singing all 150.. [read more]
Una Church of Christ is a church, located at 1917 Old Murfreesboro Pike, Nashville, Tennessee 37217. They can be contacted via phone at (615) 361-8920 for more detailed information. [read more]
Mt. Oak Fellowship - a Bible based - multi-ethnic - mulit-generational - family - mainline church!. [read more]
A small church with a BIG. . . . [read more]
Trinity United Methodist is all about worshipping, learning, and serving together! Sunday Schedule: 9 AM Sunday School for all 10:30 AM Worship. [read more]
We are a United Methodist Church in Bamberg, South Carolina. We are trying to get our information to as many people as possible. . [read more]
Sundays - 9am Sunday School for all ages 10:15am Worship Child care available. . [read more]
Mount Bethel Baptist Meetinghouse is a historic church in Warren, New Jersey in Somerset County, New Jersey, United States. It was built in 1761 on the old Quibbletown Gap Road, then disassembled.. [read more]
The North Yarmouth and Freeport Baptist Meetinghouse, also known as the Old Baptist Meeting House, is an historic church on Hillside Street in Yarmouth, Maine. [read more]
The Mission of Worship at Trinity United Methodist Church is Gathering in Christian community, Growing in faith, Going to serve. . [read more]
Are you ready to SAVE THE WORLD from evil? If your cape is clean and your heart is open, become a SUPERHERO in Christ our Lord and Savior!. [read more]
Information for Families from Southeast Christian Church in Parker for children ages Birth through 5th Grade!. [read more]
We are a warm and friendly Universalist Unitarian congregation. We welcome all who seek to find meaning in our busy lives. . [read more]
Pacolet United Methodist Church is a church, located at 120 Glenn Springs Rd, Pacolet, South Carolina 29372. They can be contacted via phone at +18644743160 for more detailed information. [read more]
Methodist Church-Trinity United is a church, located at 676 N Gibbs St, Pomona, California 91767. They can be contacted via phone at (909) 629-9748 for more detailed information. [read more]
Calvary Chapel of Saint Louis County has been formed as a non-denominational fellowship of believers. Our desire is to know Jesus as our Lord and Savior and to be conformed into His image by.. [read more]
A church with heart and vision. Service times Sunday school 10am Worship 11am Children's Church 11am Sun. Evening 5pm Wed. 7pm. [read more]
We have been ministering to the community of Hermiston and surrounding area since the early 1940s, we are associated with LCMC. Service is 9am Sunday. [read more]
Weekly worship service is held at 11am on Sunday. . [read more]