Love is our logo. [read more]
We believe the church is the greatest hope for a hurting planet. As the body of Christ, we will exhaust ourselves in helping people find and follow Jesus. [read more]
All are Welcome! OUR VISION. . . Loving God, loving people, and guiding people to the Lord because we care. . . OUR CHURCH THEME 2020: "He Is Able!" Ephesians 3:20. [read more]
The FWC is a family oriented Church in Pendleton N. Y. We are a full Gospel Church, meaning we believe in the total word as written in the Holy Bible. [read more]
"PVBC Friends" is a page for those who want to follow the ministries of Prairie Valley Baptist Church through online "streaming" messages and news about Prairie Valley Baptist Church. [read more]
We are a Non-Denominational home church sharing the Gospel, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. . [read more]
6750 Highway 105 in Beaumont, Texas Bible Study - Sunday 9:30 am Worship Service - Sunday10:45 am Awana - Wednesday 6:30 Prayer Service - Wednesday 6:30. [read more]
A religious organization, where we love and worship THE LORD GOD and HIS Son Jesus Christ. We also have lots of love and friendship to share with you all. [read more]
We preach Jesus Christ crucified, died and resurrected. . [read more]
Grace Communion International Miramar places great emphasis on the gracious triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Our pastors and the people they serve point others toward the Triune God,.. [read more]
This is the Family Ministry page for Resound Church OC! Our goal is to equip children with the tools to better understand themselves and God! Join us every Sunday Morning for a live.. [read more]
Trang này sẽ live stream Thánh Lễ mỗi chủ nhật và hằng ngày. . [read more]
This is a page for Summersville Juunior and Senior High to get together to pray, encourage each other, and "taco-bout" the the Bible! ¡Ole!. [read more]
EVERYONE is welcome! EVERY SUNDAY- 10:30 AM-donuts & coffee 11:00 AM-worship. [read more]
This page is about Lone Oak Baptist Church youth group activities, devotions, and fellowship. Check out WHO we are and WHO we are about. . [read more]
Are you interested in joining the ALUMNI mailing list? Please go to http://www. dioceseofbridgeportcatholicschools. com/reconnect-with-your-school/. [read more]
Church of Christ in High Point, NC. Minister Larry Taylor. . [read more]
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ Centered 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain, or addiction of any kind. CR is a ministry based on biblical principles, with a goal to let.. [read more]
Find out info for our online open share groups and be encouraged during the COVID19 pandemic. [read more]
We are an American Baptist Church in Minonk Illinois. Striving to stay in touch during these uncertain times. . [read more]
Deacon Bill Newhouse is a Permanent Deacon of the Diocese of Greensburg, located in southwestern PA. He is assigned to the partner parishes of Ascension and Sacred Heart Churches, both located.. [read more]
Sunday Worship 9:00 AM, fellowship with coffee & doughnuts following. Adult Bible Class 10:20-11:20am. Summer MondayNight Worship 7:00 PM. . [read more]
This is the Facebook Page for Welcome Tabernacle Free Holiness Church in Stroud, OK. AKA Stroud Holiness. All are welcome in God's Tabernacle!. [read more]
We were called to Worship!. [read more]
Loving God. Serving Others. Spreading Light. http://www. alexkip. com. [read more]
Bringing Generations Together in Christ. Congregation Starts at 9:15 AM every Saturday and ends at about 12:30 PM. Afternoon Youth Congregation Start Time Varies Depending on Daylight Savings,.. [read more]
Changing lives through Healing, Hurts, Meeting Needs and Winning Souls. . [read more]
Community Missionary Baptist Church is a church of believers who walk in faith and know that following Christ is the only true road to freedom. We are a small mega-church where Sheldon B. [read more]
Official St. Paul MBC @ Brandon St. Facebook page. We are located in Houston, Texas. (Sunnyside) Come Grow with Us!. [read more]
New Beginnings Christian Center is a church for those looking to start fresh in life and in Christ. If your looking for a church that you can commit to(Plant) deepen your relationship with.. [read more]
Changed Hearts, Changed lives, Changed Community. [read more]
La Iglesia E Ministerio Profetico de Jesús tiene como propósito ayudar a restaurar las vidas, las familias, jóvenes, ayudar al necesitado, y capacitar a td. [read more]
Welcome to the official Facebook page for Wheeler Grove Baptist Church in Corinth, MS. . [read more]
Bishop Michael V. Jackson, Sr. Founder of ECC April 7,1996. ECC is a dynamic and diverse ministry demonstrating the love and power of God through outreach, evangelism, discipleship, and.. [read more]
Mt. Bethel M. B. C. seeks to discover our assignment and bring God's will to past for this community and surrounding area. . [read more]