A Roman Catholic elementary school owned and operated by the Archdiocese of Miami. . [read more]
Sacred Catholic Church is a church, located at 14595 Vidalia Rd, Pass Christian, Mississippi 39571. They can be contacted via phone at +12282557560 for more detailed information. [read more]
Jesús le dijo: "Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida; nadie viene al Padre sino por Mí. " Juan 14:16. [read more]
Creemos que la única verdadera base del compañerismo cristiano es el amor (amor ágape) de Cristo. . [read more]
Iglesia Bautista de Rosedale es un ministerio para servir a la familia hispana, con programas para niños, adolescentes, matrimonios y adultos. . [read more]
It is believed that parishioners of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church were worshiping in a private residence on North Street by 1859. The church eventually moved to a site on Church Street.. [read more]
A page to post new P&W songs for the contemporary P&W services. Check out what is coming up. It is all for God's Glory. PTL!. [read more]
Welcome to the Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church Facebook page. Here you can find all the updates on sermons and bible study times. It is our mission to spread the word of God and to be.. [read more]
We are WOMEN! Warm, wonderful, wild; Open, extraordinaire, Mindful, magnificent; Energized, engaged; Not the norm! We are real, transparent, honest, caring, and led by the Holy Spirit!. [read more]
Baptized in Christ Jesus and nourished by His Word and Sacrament, we strive to live our daily lives in love and service to God and neighbor. . [read more]
We our a Southern Baptist Church located in Monroe, NC. [read more]
Pastores : Josué & Mayra García Co pastor. Jacinto & Dora García Sirviendo a la comunidad de Irving. Tx desde Agosto 2002 Iglesia Asamblea de Dios 1712 Carl Rd Irving Tx 75061. [read more]
Equipping, empowering and encouraging parents to raise devoted followers of Jesus. https://linktr. ee/rockharborparents. [read more]
Great family of real believers who love God with all their hearts and love one another. Lead by Our Lead Pastor, Dr. J. Wayman Wells. [read more]
Greek Orthodox Church in Troy, NY, committed to serving the spiritual needs of Greeks and non-Greeks alike. . [read more]
We are Revolution Church Kids from McKinney, Texas. Our entire purpose is to teach your child to "Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Make a Difference!" Our mission is to help.. [read more]
GCPC is a church that is MIGHTY in the spirit, offering a rich and diverse worship that preaches the love of God, the Father, God, the Son and God, the Holy Spirit. [read more]
圣尼古拉教堂(St. Nicholas of Myra Church)是美国纽约的一座东正教教堂,供奉圣尼古拉, 位于纽约市曼哈顿东村街区的东10街288号(A大道转角),汤普金斯广场公园对面。这座教堂建于1883年,为圣马可教堂的纪念教堂,哥特复兴建筑,其建筑师小詹姆斯·倫威克也设计了恩典堂和圣巴特里爵主教座堂和W. [read more]
Ross Chapel AME Church is located in Jamestown, Ohio which is in Green County. We are a congregation that embodies GOD'S RESTORATION - Spiritually, Mentally, Physically & Financially. [read more]
Christian Community Church. [read more]
Apostolic Church. [read more]
Each of our coins are meticulously handmade and cast in Utah, they are not stamped and run through a mill. We believe there is no substitution for perfection. [read more]
Come Worship with Us!!. [read more]
Presencia de Dios. . [read more]
Welcome to the official Facebook page of New Christ Temple Church of God In Christ, the Powerhouse of the Eastside and the Ministry of Another Chance! Our Pastor is none other than the.. [read more]
Página Oficial de Facebook de la Iglesia Bautista Nueva Esperanza de Kendall, Inc. - Miami, Florida 33186, USA. . [read more]
E-kids is the children's ministry at Elevation Community Church. Ekids' passion is to create a dynamic and exciting environment for kids to learn about God. [read more]
We are a non-denominational Christian Ministry serving the community. Come worship with us. Come and be part of the family! Sunday mornings @9:30 and 11!. [read more]
Página para toda la familia cristiana. Auspiciada y manejada por la Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal, M. I. de Columbia, Maryland. [read more]
Exaltando a Cristo, Equipando a la Iglesia y Evangelizando al Mundo. [read more]
Welcome to the official Facebook page of Union Missionary Baptist Church, 1100 49th Street South, St. Pete, FL 33707. Rev Jerry B Alexander is the Pastor. [read more]
St. Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church is located in the heart of Houston's Third Ward. Rev. Dr. Leon D. Jackson is the Pastor. St. Emmanuel will be 100 years old in November 2020. [read more]
Please invite friends and family to like our page! We will be live broadcasting service every Sunday beginning this week!! April 5, 2020!!. [read more]
Zion Lutheran Church exists to share the Gospel with the community and with the world. . [read more]
A Lutheran Church family in St. Clair Shores, MI connecting people to Jesus Christ. Serving people is important to us and we ivite you to join us for worship and service opportunities. [read more]
510 9th Ave. SW; Jamestown, ND 58401. [read more]