The PBA Regional Tour is coming into town!!! Come on out on April 27th, and have some fun with some of the best PBA Tour players in the region.
When: April 27th Time: Check-in at 5:30PM Starts at 6:30PM
Entry Fee: $45 Adults $35 Youth
1st PLACE $250!!!
1 of every 5 bowlers will cash. 1st place is based on 50 entries.
Bowl 3 games with 3 different PBA Bowlers!
Handicap is based on 80% of 210!
Open to Adult & Youth Bowlers!
TOP YOUTH BOWLER will receive additional $100 Scholarship GUARANTEED!!!
Bowl on the pattern the Pros will be bowling on!!!
Highest 2017-2018 Book average with 21+ games will be used. If no Book Average and are Sanctioned for the 2018-2019 Season, you will use your highest League average of 21+ games. (MUST BRING UP TO DATE STANDING SHEET FOR VERIFICATION) All other bowlers will bowl Scratch (210).
Who wants to "bite" away the competition? You can, now with the new Motiv Venom Recoil. Get yours now at Richmond 40 Bowl.
Check-In: 4:00PM Practice: 5:00PM
FORMAT: 4 Games of qualifying, with the top 8 Bowlers moving to match play.
$30 Entry Fee($20 prize fund, $10 Lineage)
Handicap: 80% of 200 (MAX 30 PINS)
House Pattern will be used.
Open to ALL ADULT & YOUTH USBC Bowlers.
Practice will be 10 minutes and will be able to practice on any tournament pair. After the practice is complete, bowlers will randomly draw their starting lane. After each game, you will move one(1) pair to the right. Upon completion of the qualifying round, the top 8 will be seeded and move to a single-elimination match play. The winner of the match play will be crowned champion!!!
Brackets & Side Pots Available!!!
Come on into the shop and make a "statement" with your arsenal, and your game.
Hammer Statement Solid- $219.99 Hammer Statement Pearl-$219.99 (Drilling included)
Check-In 12:00PM Starts at 1:00PM
$30 Entry Fee($20 prize fund, $10 lineage)
$250 1st Place (based on 30 entries)
Format: 4 games of qualifying, with the top 8 bowlers moving to match play.
Handicap: 80% of 200 (max 30 pins)
1:4 Cash Ratio
Open to ALL Adult & Youth USBC Bowlers
Practice will be 10 minutes and will be able to practice on any tournament pair. After practice is complete, bowlers will randomly draw their starting lane. After each game, bowlers will move one(1) pair to the right. Upon completion of the qualifying round, the top 8 will be seeded and move to single-elimination match play. The winner of the match play will be crowned champion!
2017-2018 Book Average will be used and must be verifiable on if you have a current average of at least 21 games, but no book average, you must bring average verification. All others, will bowl scratch(200).
Check-In at 12:00PM Starts at 1:00PM
$30 Entry Fee($20 Prize fund, $10 Lineage) $250 1st Place (Based on 30 entries)
Format: 4 games of qualifying, with the top 8 bowlers moving to match play
Handicap: 80% of 200 (Max 30 pins)
1:4 Cash Ratio
House Pattern will be used
Open to Adult & Youth USBC Bowlers
Practice will be 10 minutes and will be able to practice on any tournament pair. After the practice is complete, bowlers will randomly draw their starting lane. After each game, bowlers will move one (1) pair to the right. Upon completion of the qualifying round, the top 8 bowlers will be seeded and into single-elimination match play. The winner of the match play will be crowned the champion!
Brackets & Side Pots Available!!!
2017-2018 Book Average will be used and must be verifiable on If you have a CURRENT Average of at least 21 games, but no Book Average, you must bring Average Verification. All others will bowl scratch (210).
We are running some awesome holiday specials for everyone this year. In stock bowling balls on sale, package deals for the beginner and novice bowlers, and much more. Stop in and check out what we have for everyone!!!
Happy holidays!!!
Check-In at 12:30pm Starts at 1:00 PM
$25 Entry Fee (Includes high game pot each game)
Format: 3 Games plus handicap will determine the champion.
Handicap: 80% of 200 (Max 30 pins)
1:4 Cash Ratio
House pattern will be used
Open to Adult & Youth bowlers
2017-2018 Book average will be used and must be verifiable on If you do not have a book average, you will bowl scratch (200).
ATTENTION!!! ATTENTION!!! We're having a Black Friday Sale!!! On Friday ONLY, 25% OFF everything in the shop. Plus, 15% OFF Everything ordered through the shop Friday-Sunday. Come in, see Justin Lesser and he can take care of all your bowling needs.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
$100 Team Emtry Fee 4 Person teams(any combination) Handicap: 80% of 800 1:4 Cash Ratio Competition will be on House Shot Open to ALL USBC Members
Format: Practice will be 10 minutes. Every team will bowl 3 games of qualifying. After each game, the LEFT LANE will move 1 pair to the LEFT, and the RIGHT LANE will move 1 pair to the RIGHT. Cut will be determined on the amount of teams entered. The qualified teams will then compete in Baker style in the round robin match play. 30 bonus points if you win, and 15 bonus points if you tie. The final game will be a position round, 1st vs. 2nd, 3rd vs. 4th, and so on. The team with the highest total pinfall will be crowned champion.
Brackets and side pots available!!!
2017-2018 Book Average will be used and must be verifiable on www.bowl com. If you have a current average with at least 21 games, but no book average, you must bring average verification. All others will bowl scratch(210).
Check-In 12:00PM/Starts at 1:00PM
$40 Entry Fee($20 Prize Fund, $20 Lineage)
Format: 4 games of qualifying, with the top 8 duos moving to match play.
1:4 cash ratio
House pattern will be used
This will be a non USBC event
Open to anyone looking to have a fun time!!! Mixed doubles teams that bowl 4 games of Scotch Doubles:
Games 1&3- Male leads off & female attempts the spare Games 2&4- Female leads off & Male attempts the spare
Next summer, which day would be better for the All-Ten Pro Shop Summer Series at Richmond 40 Bowl?
ATTENTION STORM AND ROTO GRIP LOVERS!!! Richmond 40 bowl and All-Ten Pro Shop will be hosting a ball demo on November 1st!!! 5-9pm, 4 hours of trying the newest balls out today. There will be 5 to choose from that evening: Storm Hy-RoadX, Storm Physix, Storm Intense Fire, Roto Grip Halo, and Roto Grip Idol. Oh, I almost forgot. IT'S FREE!!! So, come on out November 1st and test out a new ball before you get one.
I'll see you on the lanes.
Some brand new equipment just made it's way to Richmond 40 Bowl. Come on over and grab yourself a new ball, courtesy of All-Ten Pro Shop.
Check-in 12:00pm Practice starts at 1:00pm
Format: 4 games of qualifying, with the top 8 bowlers moving to match play.
$30 Entry fee ($20 Prize Fund, $10 Lineage)
$250 1st Place (Based on 30 entries)
Handicap: 80% of 200 (Max 30 pins)
1:4 Cash Ratio
PBA Shark Pattern will be used.
Open to Adult & Youth USBC Bowlers
Practice will be 10 minutes and will be able to practice on any tournament pair. After the practice is complete, bowlers will randomly draw their starting lane. Bowlers will move one(1) pair to the right after each game. Upon completion of the qualifying round, the top 8 will be seeded and move to single-elimination match play. The winner of the match play will be crowned champion!!!
2017-2018 Book Average will be used and MUST BE VERIFYABLE on if you have no book average, you will bowl scratch.
To be the best, you have to bowl the best!!
The all new Roto Grip Halo is in town. Come to Richmond 40 Bowl and it can be yours.
Check in at 12pm Starts at 1pm
Format: 4 games of qualifying, with the top 8 bowlers moving to match play
$30 Entry fee ($20 Prize Fund, $10 Lineage)
GUARANTEED $250 1ST PLACE (Based on 30 entries)
Handicap: 80% of 200 (Max 30 pins)
1:4 cash ratio
House Pattern will be used
Open to Adult & Youth USBC Bowlers
Practice will be 10 minutes will be able to practice on any tournament pair. After the practice is complete, bowlers will randomly draw their starting lane. After each game, bowlers will move one(1) pair to the right. Upon completion of the qualifying round, the top 8 will be seeded and move to single-elimination match play. The winner of the match play will be crowned the champion!
2017-2018 Book Average will be used and MUST BE VERIFYABLE ON
To be the best, you have to bowl the best!
I'm open today 4-8pm. Come check out the new equipment. Maybe get some accessories too for the new season.I'm open today 4-8pm. Come check out the new equipment. Maybe get some accessories too for the new season.