
Augusta's own Frank Yerby represented literary excellence. These expectations are cast upon those who aspire to be the first ever Yerby winner. 1st--2nd--3rd place winners will be announced on Fri. Mar. 1st.


The Augusta Literary Festival Award (Yerby)

This award is open to authors who have published in 2011 & 2012. Contest is closed.

Judging Criteria: 1. Literary Merit 2. Cover Design (Sorry, but books are judged by thier covers) and of course 3) content (prose).

Prizes: 1st Place $300 & Plaque + Bragging Rights
2nd Place $150 & Plaque( Don't worry you still get a blurb and get to brag some!)
3rd Place $75 & Plaque (You can still feel good and brag too!)

Winners Notified in March.


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