
MISSION: The mission of Albany Diocesan Cemeteries is to help Catholics accept death in the context of their faith.The burial of the dead has always been recognized by the Church as a religious rite and a corporal work of mercy. In exercising our ministry, we uphold a compassionate respect for all, living and deceased, and provide unsurpassed service to Capital Region Catholics.Catholic cemeteries exist because of our belief in the resurrection of the body, in some new shape or form, at the end of time. The burial of the dead has always been recognized as a religious rite and a corporal work of mercy.The canon law of the Church states that the Catholic cemetery is a sacred place. A Catholic cemetery is sacred not only because of a blessing or consecration, but also by the sacred function it performs on behalf of the entire Christian community: It holds the bodies, once temples of the Holy Spirit, until the Lord comes again in glory.The Catholic cemetery serves the Church by spanning the kingdom now present and the kingdom yet to come.

Tags : #NonprofitOrganizationManagement, #NonProfitOrganizations

Location :
48 Cemetery Ave, Albany, New York 12204-2401


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