I really enjoy shopping at Alabama Outdoor..this is the best store for high end outdoor clothing and equipment. The staff is second to none. They are very knowledgeable and professional. They are ever pushy and Are not overbearing. They have a great variety of everything. No wonder they have been around the longest and will be here when everybody else is gone. They are so much better than Mountain High Outfitters.
Great local high end outdoors store. Great service from most employees.
overpriced like most stores such as this but you get a great selection of camping and backpacking gear as well as helpful and what seems like knowledgeable staff. you can browse and check everything out before purchases unlike Amazon and Ebay.
Such a nice surprise to have a legitimate outdoor adventure outfitter in Tuscaloosa. Great selection. Prices comparable to REI or other retail chains.
Support your local outfitter. Where do you get insights or could try on shoes? I like this place but have to admit that they rarely stock items that I am looking for.
Amazing Customer Service! I was looking for a hat that has been discontinued with very few stores left in the country who carry it. I contacted Alabama Outdoors about it (as it was only available in stores but I live out of state)
The manager actually had the hat shipped to their distribution office so that they could sell it to me online and mail it to me.
Amazing! You rarely see customer service this great from any store. I'm really impressed and will continue to shop here online. Thanks again!
This is a trendy store that focuses on hiking, outdoor, camping supplies, and apparel. It's always filled with helpful young sales people eager to answer all your questions. There's a nice selection. However, you can sometimes find better prices online. I've never seen anyone on the large climbing wall. Maybe you'll be the first
Nice selection of clothing. They were very helpful on a return.
Could be open a little later. A little over priced but friendly staff.
Always love shopping here. Good selection of clothing and supplies
Everything here is outstanding. The selection, the quality, the layout of the store, the employees. It's a great place to shop and hang out~ especially when they have a Party On the Porch!
I bought a gregory backpack here on clearance. got a great deal on the pack and it is still in great shape 10 years later!