
Aircard is an app for iOS and Android to make contact exchange easier, revokable, and asychronous. Contact exchange is cumbersome and interrupts the flow of conversation among friends and acquaintances. Aircard streamlines this process by making it asynchronous. When you're with friends and want to get their contact info, instead of initiating a conversation asking them for it, you can open Aircard, find them using Bluetooth and GPS, and swipe your customized Card to them with all the information you want them to have. They'll get a notification of your Card, send you their Card, and you're done. No awkward conversation, no fumbling around on the keypad getting every digit right. It's simple.Cards can contain a variety of information which is transferred from person to person automatically. Phone number, facebook profile, twitter handle, instagram username, email, and many more. Cards are revokable, meaning if you don't want someone to have your info, you can take it back.

Tags : #InformationTechnologyServices, #Internet, #InformationTechnologyServices., #Mobile, #ContactManagement

Location :
Madison, Wisconsin
Social media :
