الزوايا الأربع هي منطقة أمريكية حدودية تشكل النقطة الوحيدة التي تحد اربع ولايات أمريكية مختلفة وهي ولايات أريزونا وكولورادو ونيو مكسيكو ويوتا وقد أصبحت العبارة تستعمل لذكر الولايات الأربع.
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Gwangju, located in the southwestern part of South Korea, is a vibrant city rich in history, culture, and nature. Known as the birthplace of modern democracy in South Korea, Gwangju offers a unique blend of historical sites, cultural experiences, natural beauty, and contemporary attractions.
Whether you’re exploring serene parks, delving into traditional Korean medicine, attending a vibrant festival, or enjoying Daegu’s culinary delights, you’ll find that the city offers an abundance of opportunities to create unforgettable memories.
Incheon is a dynamic city with a wide array of attractions that cater to every interest, from the natural beauty of its parks and islands to its rich cultural experiences in temples and museums.