21st Tactical is located in Fayetteville, NC. home of Fort Bragg, America's Arm and Special Forces. We have a 9,000 sq foot retail store located on Yadkin Road 4 blocks from the Yadkin Gate. We have worked with some of America's finest soldiers over the past 10 years bringing the American Warfighter the most advanced products. We have a custom sewing operation, custom fabrication facility and an arms bay. We are dedicated to serving those that serve us.
Bill and @davidharris3122 from b3g and Augustine out for a great meal with @bobbymcgeeshooting after a great 3 gun match. #eliteprofaync @nathanvidinha #chiroschultznc @jackyy_fit #3gun #3gunnation #safariland @kamrynn_com #safarilandholster #ilovegunsandtitties #proofresearch @davidharris3122 @arb4x4usa #Linkin_Armory #xbasesteeltargets #leadfaucettactical @colbalt.kinetics @scwambold @beamteam3gun @move_out_draw_fire #mission22threegun #pewpew #gunsandtattoos #weaponsdaily #3gun #rangetime #freedom #america #picoftheday #fitness #army #crossfit #tatted #tattoo #harleydavidson #teamctn @brysonshoots #mistymountainthreadworks #team_b3g_multigun #julesundersealodge @samantha_payton
Never forget September 11th 2001 or September 11th 2012 in Benghazi
We got some goodies in today!! We are officially a Geissele dealer. Stop by to get your trigger today! #geisseleautomatics #21sttactical #geissele #geisseletriggers #ar15
Get all your High Speed Gear through 21st tactical in Fayetteville! #highspeedgear #21sttactical #pewpewpew #tacosarelife #multicammonday
Never gets old!
Current situation in Fayetteville.... FayPD has jokes 😂😂😂
Did we hear that right?!
Merry Christmas from all of us at 21st Tactical!
Sig P320 stippling complete #sigp320 #gunstippling #21sttactical #stippling #sigsauer #sigstipple #p320
Accelerated cut both sides, and double undercut. #glock #glockstipple #21sttactical #stipplingguns
Absolutely the place to be this Saturday
Tacos are versatile! #tacolife #tacotuesday #everydayistacotuesday #21sttactical #setupthebattlebelt #coolguys
BEST excuse note ever :D
To whom it may concern (wife, girlfriend, other) (circle one)
...Your son, husband, boyfriend, fiancé (circle one)
Was at 21st Tactical for several hours humbly waiting on our slow asses to get his stuff done so that he could get home to be with you, complete the honey to do list, cook dinner, or just plain be in your presence. (circle one). As the store manager I witnessed him and the tears he had from missing you so much while he was here. I am sure that the tears that he experienced while checking out were not tears of shock at the price but instead tears of joy for knowing that he would be on his way home soon to be with you. He commented several times on how he missed your talking just to talk and how nice it was to have so many meaningless conversations. Please accept this memo as proof that he was here and holds you in much higher regard than his life, his safety, and the country. Sincerely, Management.
See MoreWe offer stippling, grip reductions and undercuts :) call us for pricing
What people really do with Ghillie Suits LOL
With great excitement we are happy to announce a NEW PRODUCT LINE we are now carrying: 18 Series Nutrition Pre-Workout and Post-Workout Drink mix Veteran owned and operated
And of course we have the beautiful Olivia and Alex promoting the product line in store! :)
...Everyone let's welcome 18 Series nutrition to the 21st Tactical family! Find it at our store and online www.18seriesnutrition.com www.21sttactical.com #18seriesnutrition #21sttactical #moretocome #newproduct #depressotheweights #preworkout #postworkout #badass
See MoreJust got our new shipment of HSGI in this morning!!! Come on down to get your tacos ;) #hsgi #highspeedgear #21sttactical #tacos #cobrabuckles #battlebelts #battlebeltsgalore