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Tags : #CollegeUniversity, #PublicGovernmentService, #College&University, #Public&GovernmentService

Location :
Uganda Christian University, Mukono

19 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    19 June 2018

    Debriefing and planning for the future with our Supervisor Advisory Committee!

    (And USP students thought we only did this with them 😂)

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  • Anynomous
    04 June 2018

    "If a child doesn't have a secure attachment to a person in their life, we must be that person." ~ Patrice Penney

    Many thanks to all our supervisors and UCU social work faculty who participated in this amazing training! And thanks to ICARA's Patrice Penney who led us through this transformational learning experience on trauma-informed care of orphans and vulnerable children.

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  • Anynomous
    30 May 2018

    We love collaborations like this! 😊

    USP’s Social Work Emphasis is teaming up with UCU’s Social Work Department to host a training tomorrow and Friday, presented by Patrice Penney of ICARA, Initiative for Children at Risk Africa (www.icarafrica.org) for faculty and supervisors - we are getting excited for this time of learning together!

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  • Anynomous
    25 May 2018

    Any recent alumni interested in becoming an Alumni Ambassador for USP/BestSemester on your home campus? We think you should! Learn more and apply!

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  • Anynomous
    15 May 2018

    The first Global Health May Module was a Great Success! Students completed course work in "Advanced Issues in Nutrition: Malnutrition & Community Health" while participating in food demonstrations, rural food preservation, and field learning from clinicians and community leaders in rural and refugee populations. Special thanks to Mikiga for hosting our students and staff for two weeks and to the Ministry of Health District Health Officer, Dr. Alfred Yayi, for providing oversight to national and refugee partnerships.

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  • Anynomous
    08 May 2018

    During our Rwanda trip last month we visited CARSA, an organization committed to the ongoing work of reconciliation in Rwanda. So grateful for the important work they do, and for sharing it with us. (Exciting to be featured in their newsletter this month!)

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  • Anynomous
    30 April 2018

    Four USP Students: Danae Troutman, Cassidy Griffith, Laura Sollenberger, and Claire Smeltzer were able to extend their time in Uganda to participate in the Global Health May Module. The first three days of the module included making the 600 km journey to Yumbe District, orientation to this community from staff of UCU Arua Campus, and beginning field learning in rural nutrition in a unique region that borders South Sudan and hosts more refugees than any district in Uganda.

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  • Anynomous
    27 April 2018

    Spring 2018 officially a wrap! So proud of these students and their engagement this semester. Excited to see what is ahead for all of them...

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  • Anynomous
    22 April 2018

    Rwanda Debrief. In true USP form, if it’s worth doing, it’s worth debriefing. We spent good time this morning on Bushara Island, processing together the events of the last week; the insights, the learning and the ongoing questions that visiting Rwanda raised for each of us. In hearing one another, our own insights and learning are made even more meaningful. We challenge each other—not just to see our own reflection in the mirror that is Rwanda, as Emmanuel Katongole suggests, but to be changed by it.

    “The problem with the world is that we’ve forgotten we belong to each other.” Mother Theresa

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  • Anynomous
    21 April 2018

    Travel day! To the beautiful Lake Bunyonyi just back across the boarder in Uganda for Rwanda debrief.

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  • Anynomous
    20 April 2018

    Rwanda - Day 7:

    We ended our time here in Rwanda with a day focused on art and culture! With a mission to create sustainable employment for youth and women in rurul Rwanda, Imigongo Art Center provided us education, demonstrations, and a chance to make our very own “Imigongo” - unique, traditional Rwandan art using a mixture of cow dung and ash.

    We also learned about the significance of the cow in Rwandan culture, and how the connection between a man/woman and a cow has created one of the most beautiful dances in the world.

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  • Anynomous
    19 April 2018

    Rwanda - Day 6:

    “Reality always starts with a dream” ~Emmanuel Murangira, TearFund

    The reality of Rwanda’s post-genocide development has so much to teach us. Today we had the pleasure of visiting community savings groups through Hope International and UCU’s very own Emmanuel Keryegesa, African Regional Director of Training. We learned how a no-capital-injection approach to poverty can empower and give immeasurable dignity to communities and the individuals within them.


    This evening we were joined by Emmanuel Murangira, Country Director of TearFund as he lectured on the economic development of Rwanda, providing a macro-level perspective of what we observed today on the grass outside a rural church - decreasing reliance on aid, small growth over time on Rwandan’s own terms with their own resources, continued reconciliation, and profound community resilience and determination to lift themselves out of the cycle of poverty.

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  • Anynomous
    19 April 2018

    USP would like to wish a very happy birthday to our beloved Lydia Koma! Thank you for your ministry, joy, and laughter that you bless us with!

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  • Anynomous
    18 April 2018

    Rwanda - Day 5: What do you get when you join together Ugandan, Rwandan, and American university students for 6 hours in Kigali? A fascinating time of peer-to-peer, cross-cultural learning, laughter, and FUN! Thanks to the Anglican Student Association leaders for the rich conversations and showing us around your beautiful city today!

    We were also grateful for a thought-provoking discussion with Rev. Dr. Antoine Rutayisire. As always, his responses to our questions leave us m...ore informed and inspired.

    “Living together in peace is not the same as reconciliation. Reconciliation requires a deep, intimate presence.” ~ Rev. Antoine Rutayisire

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  • Anynomous
    16 April 2018

    Rwanda - Day 4:

    “Forgiveness is a very hard concept. But unforgiveness will cost more in the end.” ~ Christophe Mbonyingabo, CARSA


    We continue to be grateful for our partnership with CARSA (Christian Action for Reconciliation and Social Assistance). Today we watched their documentary, “Unforgiven”, and then had a Q&A with genocide offenders, survivors, as well as high school student leaders of CARSA Peace Clubs at their respective schools. We joined together for a meal, where they continued to give generously by the sharing of their powerful stories. CARSA Director, Christophe, reminded us in a final charge:

    “I don’t want this just to be a ‘good experience’, I want you to go back home and apply what you have learned here today...You don’t need to save the world. Go back to your own country and start there.”

    A stop at Inema Art Gallery ended our day with color, beauty, and inspiration.

    A day not soon forgotten.

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  • Anynomous
    16 April 2018

    Rwanda Day 3: Today our group split up and had the honor of visiting 2 Anglican churches in Kigali, returning for a meal together. We were grounded and inspired by worship and messages about redemption and hope...

    “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” ‭‭~Hebrews‬ ‭10:23‬ ‭

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  • Anynomous
    15 April 2018

    Rwanda Day 2: A somber day visiting Nyamata Genocide Memorial, on the 24th anniversary of the church massacre. And Kigali Memorial Museum, a sacred space of remembrance and mourning.

    “Lord, make me an instrument of Thy Peace, Where there is hatred, let me sow love; ... Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is sadness, joy; Where there is darkness, light. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; Not so much to be understood, as to understand; Not so much to be loved, as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.” ~ Prayer of St. Francis

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  • Anynomous
    14 April 2018

    Spring 2018 Rwanda - Day 1:

    We’re off! After a great day of traveling through morning mist, sun, and a torrential downpour at the border, we made it! The vibrant green, rolling hills of Rwanda welcomed us to our home for the next week. Grateful for the safe and fun journey today.

    “There is a day when the road neither comes nor goes, and the way is not a way but a place.”... ~Wendell Berry

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  • Anynomous
    12 April 2018

    Happy Happy birthday Katie BestSemester!! How lucky we were to have you as a student in 2015 and, now to be able to continue working with you from our DC office!!! Thanks so much for all you do for USP, and our prospective students in their application process!

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