
Uganda's history in pictures

Tags : #Education, #Photographer

Location :
Buganda road, Kampala


This page was created for those ugandans who would always love to reflect on the history of this country more so through pictures. It covers all aspects of life ranging from social, political, economic, or religious. A note should be taken however that this is not a political platform. All posts on this page are balanced to avoid any inclinations. It's dedicated to all sons and daughters of war veterans across the country.

14 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    20 April 2018

    Representing Uganda at the 2018 CHOGM summit UK, Uganda is gold //!!

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  • Anynomous
    19 April 2018

    Uganda since 1986

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  • Anynomous
    24 January 2018

    THE MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF COL GAD WILSON TOKO. Toko was a former minister and vice president of Uganda who was murdered in a fake accident on January 18 2002 around Bulumagi 7km from Jinja on the Kampala highway. It should be noted that on one occasion during the Nairobi peace talks in 1985, Toko had walked across the tables and slapped Mr Museveni, shouting angrily why Museveni a Rwandese was determined to fight "your wars in Our country " Museveni never forgave Toko for the public slap. Toko left behind a widow Restie Karugonjo and and five children, he was a born of Paranga village in the present day Maracha district.RIP COL TOKO

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  • Anynomous
    20 January 2018

    THE TRUTH ABOUT THE ORIGIN OF MR YOWERI MUSEVENI : According to research, Mr.Museveni was born #Yoseri #Tubuhaburwa #Kayibanda in the late 1930s at #Gabiro in the republic of Rwanda. Around 1946,young museveni aged 8 along with his mother Esteri kwokundeka left Rwanda as refugees acompanied by Amos Kaguta (Museveni's paternal uncle )/brother to #Kayibanda (musevenis biological father ) leaving Kayibanda behind, Esteri, her son (Museveni ), and Kaguta arrived in Ugand...a the same year and settled in the present day Kiruhura district. From Rwanda, Kayibanda (Musevenis real father ) later moved to Tanzania where he parmanently settled alone and later died around 1999. Back in Uganda, Amos kaguta later married his brother's wife(Esteri kwokundeka)and had children together. It's also very true that General Celeb Akandwanaho (Salim Saleh ) is Museveni's half brother. This was very evident in 1999 after the death of Musevenis father (Kayibanda ) when General Saleh announced on radio Uganda the death of his uncle not father (Kayibanda ).

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  • Anynomous
    14 January 2018

    In the photo are bodies of the late Brigadier Okoya and his wife Anna Akello. The okoya's are believed to have been murdered on January 25. 1970, just outside their home at Layibi on the outskirts of Gulu town by unknown assailants. It's alleged that Major General Idi Amin killed okoya for having criticized him publicly for freeing the scene of October. 18. 1969 assassination attempt on their boss DrObote at Lugogo in Kampala. President Amin appeared before the panel investigating the murder of okoya on May. 15. 1971 a couple of months after coming to power and denied the accusations. Brigadier Pierino okoya was buried with a sheep.

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  • Anynomous
    27 December 2017

    Dr. Samson Babikulya Mululu Kisekka, former prime minister and vice president of uganda.

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  • Anynomous
    10 October 2017

    You people are busy playing politics with the lives of close to 40million people that Uganda is made up of.The heavens will apportion each of you wicked people with worse than youre doing to ugandans. I know all this because God who created all things is a God of justice. You cannot play with the lives of people and don't pay for it. It's time to desist. More Ugandans are awake now and thereis no more going back or getting fooled. The overwhelming Ugandans are sick and tire...d of gross mismanagent of resources and dysfunctional parastatals and lack of infrastructure and they are on the streets protesting for a change in direction, something that has never been done and you bad leaders are busy playing party politics with purposeful contempt towards the people agitating for better lives. What do you all think you're doing?. You're not listening to the people that put you in your position to serve them, you're instead shutting them up and serving yourselves. It's like all the cry from voices of reason fall on deaf ears as you're all bent on driving Uganda forward to clash. Uganda is bankrupt but You keep on borrowing to pay yourselves. You as leaders should be able to work without salaries until things get better, because you've taken enough already as it is. The power and resources you're accumulating to your selves will mean nothing once you're dead, but how you serve and treat the people is what will mean something after you've died. Do you understand? Today large numbers of ugandans live next to you in abject poverty while you drive by, look at them and pretend that they don't need an upgraded life fro. m the slums they dwell in. Change your current behaviors please

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  • Anynomous
    26 November 2016

    Al-Hajj Ali Akbar Adoko Nekyon.

    He was born August 6 1931 at Akokoro in Lango to chief Jekeri #Akaki and Abisagiri #Koli. Adoko Nekyon was a cousin to former Ugandan president Milton Obote. He went to Ibule primary school, Ngora secondary school, and King's college,#Budo. He joined #Kerala university (India) for 5years and obtained a masters in Economics with political science. On his return, he took up a job of clerk- interpreter in the colonial c...ivil service where he worked for one year. He was elected and served as the first president of the Federation of Uganda Football Associations(FUFA) in 1968 after change of name from Uganda Football Associations(UFA). He founded the first Uganda National Football League in 1968. He founded the National Council of Sports (NCS) in 1964 and appointed Basil #Bataringaya as the first chairperson of NCS. Nekyon got to love football from his elder brother Erifazi #Odur. He published five(5) English literature books.It's upon this background among others that He was awarded an Honorary Ph.D by Makerere university. Adoko Nekyon served as member of parliament of the Legislative Assembly for 18years including Constituent Assembly (CA). He was the first post-independence minister of Information, Broadcasting, and Tourism in the 1960s. He also served as minister for Health and minister of Rehabilitation and Social Services between 1988 and 1990 under the Museveni government. He also served as General Manager of the defunct Uganda Airlines.

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  • Anynomous
    26 November 2016

    Eric Otema Allimadi.

    Although not very clear, in the picture is the late Eric Otema #Allimadi. Allimadi was born in 1929. He became the second prime minister of Uganda from 1980-1985 during Obote's second regime. Earlier between 1979 and 1980, he had served as Foreign minister. He died in 2001.

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  • Anynomous
    26 November 2016

    Brigadier Shaban Opolot.

    #Opolot was the first indigenous commander of the Uganda Army. Brigadier Opolot joined the military in 1945 under the then King's African Riffles(KAR). Brigadier Opolot is best remembered for taking a tough stance against #Milton Obote's intentions of abolishing kingdoms in Uganda, and then particularly for refusing to lead an attack on #Mengo establishment at the Lubiri in what came to be known as the #Kabaka crisis of 1966.


    Brigadier Opolot died in 2005 aged 86. RIP Brigadier Shaban Opolot.

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  • Anynomous
    31 October 2016

    In the photo is the late Emmanuel Kiwanuka #Cardinal Nsubuga .This man of God bambi died of cancer on April 20.1991 in Cologne-Germany. The cardinal's body was flown back home and arrived at Entebbe international airport on Friday April 26.1991 at 6:45am. I remember thousands thronging Entebbe to witness the return of the fallen hero.His body was laid to rest on Monday April 29.1991 at Bakateyamba Home of the elderly and disabled in Nalukolongo near Nateete even though Church tradition dictates that bishops are buried inside their cathedrals. It's very surprising that cardinal Nsubuga humbled himself by making a Will to be buried at the Bakateyamba Home which He himself found.. RIP Emmanuel Kiwanuka Cardinal Nsubuga.

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  • Anynomous
    29 October 2016

    A picture of the heir of the #Lutamaguzi family-Jimy Semanda, and (inset) although not very clear bambi is the late Edidian Babumba Mukiibi Lutamaguzi. Lutamaguzi was reportedly killed by the Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLA) in Luwero in 1982. He was murdered at around 4am at Kikandwa for concealing Mr.Yoweri Museveni. Lutamaguzi was killed together with other eight men. Unfortunately and most regrettably the Museveni government has totally done nothing to help Lutamaguzi's family. Lutamaguzi fathered 22 children but each child has struggled on his or her own. RIP Lutamaguzi.

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  • Anynomous
    26 October 2016

    Former President Idi Amin Dada Nyabire Oume and his wife Mariam Amin(1961.

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  • Anynomous
    06 October 2016

    The boy in the photo is Brigadier Jim Katugugu #Muhwezi. These people will die on us because of one reason, "Barugahare"

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