
Ministry of Education and Sports UGANDA

Tags : #GovernmentOrganization

Location :
king George vi street, 7063 kampala Kampala

10 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    28 May 2018

    The International Curriculum conference shall revolve around the following sub themes ; (i)Harmonizing curriculum in the 21st century(ii)curriculum transformation in Africa (iii)Evaluation and Assessment (iv)curriculum reviews and implementation (v)curriculum and instruction (vi)curriculum and politics (vii)innovations:ICT and Technologies (viii)preparing students for success :Re-thinking ,doing,well being and learning.

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  • Anynomous
    28 May 2018

    Happening now at Imperial Golf View Hotel ,Entebbe is the International Conference on Curriculum for sustainable learning.

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  • Anynomous
    27 May 2018

    Training to improve the teaching of physical Education in secondary schools in Uganda from 27th May to10thJune,2018 at Nyakasura school in Kabarole district.

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  • Anynomous
    06 February 2018


    Management of Bridge Schools (formerly Bridge International Academies) has embarked on an aggressive public and social media campaign aimed at hoodwinking unsuspecting parents about the status of the 63 Bridge Schools in Uganda.

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  • Anynomous
    06 February 2018


    MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SPORTS Embassy House, Plot 9/11 King George VI Way,

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  • Anynomous
    05 February 2018

    The Minister of Education and Sports shall officially release the Uganda Certificate of Education results for the year 2017 to the public on Wednesday 7th February, 2018 at Office of the Prime Minister, auditorium at 11am.

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  • Anynomous
    25 July 2017

    Uganda Skills Development Project

    October 2016

    1.0 Introduction

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  • Anynomous
    21 July 2017

    Ministry of Education and Sports

    PRESS RELEASE On 14th July 2017, Old Kampala Secondary School experienced students’ unrest that culminated into its closure. The closure was necessitated by the desire to assure safety of the learners, all other members of the school community and property. Together with Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), the Ministry of Education and Sports immediately constituted a Team to establish the cause(s) of the students’ unrest and come up with... strategies for addressing these, including a roadmap for re-opening the school. The Team interacted with a number of key stakeholders including a cross section of parents, teachers, students and some members of the public and generated useful information and recommendations. A report has accordingly been finalized and presented to the Ministry of Education and Sports for consideration. While the Ministry of Education and Sports, together with KCCA, draws up a comprehensive strategy for implementing this report, consensus has been reached on the roadmap for re-opening Old Kampala Secondary School as per the programme outlined below. Students shall be expected to report back to schoolready to resume studies in the manner and dates described hereunder, with each accompanied by a parent/guardian. No student will be allowed back in school without his/her parent/guardian. Date Category of Students Wednesday 26th July 2017 All Students of S6 & S4 Thursday 27th July 2017 All Students of S5 & S3 Friday 28th July 2017 All Students of S2 & S1

    The Ministry of Education and Sports would like to thank all stakeholders and members of the General Public for the co-operation and support rendered to the team during the investigations and assures the general public that measures have been put in place to avoid a re-occurrence of any form of unrest. Accordingly, the Ministry and KCCA will maintain a presence during the entire period of re-opening and/or until normalcy and stability is guaranteed.

    Alex Kakooza Permanent Secretary

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  • Anynomous
    19 June 2017

    Please note that fields marked * are mandatory, and only fully completed loan application forms shall be processed. No. No payment shall be made to any individual for purposes of securing this student loan. STUDENTS’ LOAN APPLICATION FORM 2017/18...

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  • Anynomous
    19 June 2017

    1.0 Background The Higher Education Students Financing Board (HESFB) was established by an Act of Parliament to manage the Students’ Loan Scheme. The Board has received funds from the Government of Uganda to be used for financing Ugandan Students who are pursuing studies in Higher Education Institutions in Uganda. The objectives of the Students’ Loan Scheme are:- (1) to increase equitable access to Higher Education in Uganda; (2) to support highly qualified students...

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