
Jehovah Alive for Old Age (JAFOA)not faith based Organization, was established, registered in 2016 and isfully operational not for profit Organization with a mission to inclusively workwith and for disadvantaged older persons and vulnerable children under therecare to cater for their social, spiritual and economic needs to achieve a lastingimprovement in the quality of their lives in Uganda.It is important to note that this special group of older persons are all voters, but they are faced with a number of challenges such as high occurrence of non-communicable diseases, property grabbing from young ones, poverty etc.In addition to the usual physical, mental and physiological changes associatedwith ageing also contributes to many psychosocial problems faced by olderpersons. The care and support by family and community that existed in the past is weakening because of changes in society associated with urbanization and development. Consequently, older persons face isolation, stigmatization and stereotyping.JAFOA believes that Social protection has become a major developmentintervention because it directly reduces poverty, supports excluded citizens toaccess services, provides a foundation on which to build productive livelihoods as well as enables citizens to live a life of security and dignity. It aims at empowering all citizens to participate in and benefit from the social and economic transformation in the country. In light of this, Governments priority, JAFOA is implementing various interventions that provide care and integration of older persons and orphaned and vulnerable children into society. We believe that they should actively participate in public life as much and for as long as possible and that they should be able to live on their own for as long as possible, with extra help when necessary. This interventions is in line with Uganda Vision 2040 which underscores the importance of social protection in addressing risks.

Tags : #HospitalHealthCare, #Hospital&HealthCare

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Kampala, Central Region
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