Pm+Vladis, located at Vulytsia Mykoly Hoholia 1, Sharhorodska miska hromada. [read more]
Rossokha is a lodging, located at Vulytsia Maiakovskoho, Voronovytsia. They can be contacted via phone at +380 67 493 0105 for more detailed information. [read more]
Konsol Ahro, located at Vulytsia Karla Marksa 2, Ladyzhyn. [read more]
Малі Крушлинці, located at Малі Крушлинці, Mali Krushlyntsi, 21000-21499. [read more]
Вороновиця, located at Вороновиця, Voronovytsia, 23252. [read more]
Кордишівка, located at Кордишівка, Kordyshivka, 23257. [read more]
Побережне, located at Побережне, Poberezhne, 23256. [read more]
Козинці, located at Козинці, Vinnytsia Raion, Kozyntsi, Vinnytsia Oblast. [read more]
Никифорівці, located at Никифорівці, Vinnytsia Raion, Nykyforivtsi, Vinnytsia Oblast. [read more]
Щаслива, located at Щаслива, Schaslyva, 22532. [read more]
Паріївка, located at Паріївка, Pariivka, 22726. [read more]
Кобильня, located at Кобильня, Vinnytsia Raion, Kobylnia, Vinnytsia Oblast. [read more]
Байраківка, located at Байраківка, Bairakivka, 22814. [read more]
Кудлаї, located at Кудлаї, Vinnytsia Raion, Kudlai, Vinnytsia Oblast. [read more]
Лисогора, located at Лисогора, Lysohora, 23221. [read more]
Агрономічне, located at Агрономічне, Ahronomichne, 23227. [read more]
Канава, located at Канава, Vinnytsia Raion, Kanava, Vinnytsia Oblast. [read more]
Івонівці, located at Івонівці, Ivonivtsi, 23351. [read more]
Онитківці, located at Онитківці, Vinnytsia Raion, Onytkivtsi, Vinnytsia Oblast. [read more]
Мала Стадниця, located at Мала Стадниця, Mala Stadnytsia, Vinnytsia Raion. [read more]
Слобода-Дашковецька, located at Слобода-Дашковецька, Vinnytsia Raion, Sloboda-Dashkovetska, Vinnytsia Oblast. [read more]
Теплицька селищна громада, located at Teplyk Urban Hromada, Haisyn Raion. [read more]
Name:ГранівPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Дашів, located at Дашів, Dashiv, 22740. [read more]
Дяківка, located at Дяківка, Diakivka, 24444. [read more]
Кивачівка, located at Кивачівка, Р-54, Kyvachivka, 23810. [read more]
Name:ОгіївкаPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:Шура-БондурівськаPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Зятківці, located at Зятківці, О-020406, Ziatkivtsi, 23751. [read more]
Name:КрушинівкаPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Томашпіль, located at Томашпіль, Tomashpil, Tulchyn Raion. [read more]
Баланівка, located at Баланівка, Balanivka, 24413. [read more]
Шиманівка, located at Шиманівка, Shymanivka, 23822. [read more]
Йосипенки, located at Йосипенки, Yosypenky, Vinnytsia Raion. [read more]
Рубань, located at Рубань, Ruban, 22831. [read more]
Мухівці, located at Мухівці, Mukhivtsi, 22840. [read more]